A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: September 2010

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ACIM T-25.III Perception and Choice

September 28, 2010

We are responsible for the world we see.  This may seem preposterous, but is inherently true.  The fundamental law of perception is that we see what we believe is there, and we be believe it is there because we want it to be there.  The world is formed by all of our perceptions of our experiences and interactions.  It is comprised of the collection of thoughts, conclusions, and judgments we have made about everything, everyone, and every experience we have had in our life.  Is it any wonder no two of us see the same world?

We choose to perceive something a certain way because we have made choices about what we believe to be true.  We may have arrived at this conclusion in what seems to be a very rational way.  But it is often only rational to us and those close to us who have agreed on certain perceptions.  We often look at a situation and see it from our habitual way of thinking about life and so miss the larger picture.  We perceive only from a narrow perspective, often ignoring the eyes of Spirit we carry within our own being.  We are perceiving from a perspective of separateness, choosing to ignore the presence of Spirit within us.

Every thought, every perception is a choice.  We choose either to perceive through the narrow, veiled sight of separation, or the vast resource of Spirit’s vision.  God has given us the vision of Spirit s\o secure that it can never be lost, but we must choose to use that gift rather than our limited separated perception.  In this world, both are perception, but the perception guided by the Holy Spirit perceives with the limitless resources and knowledge of God.  We are an extension of God, inseparable from God, and so always have the resources of Spirit available to us if we will just use them.

The misperceptions we have made are nothing in God’s eyes.  The path to correcting our perception begins in a willingness to let go of our perceptions and beliefs we have made up over time.  God created us in Love, creating like God’s Self.  Our true essence is God, is Love, and Love can create nothing except itself.  If what we have made is not Love, it is therefore not real.  Letting go of misperceptions and misbeliefs allows Spirit to show us Truth, to shift our perception to the clarity of God’s Love and power.  We are freed from the prison of our misthoughts and find the glory of a world fills with inner peace and love.  Make the choice today.

ACIM T-25.II The Savior From the Dark

September 21, 2010

Recognize God’s masterpiece.  See it in all its true grandeur.  Look within to see it in each other and ourselves.  We are so used to looking at the outside, the form that we have given as we look with the body’s eyes.  And so we miss the truth of all we look at, seeing only an image we have made of our attempts to understand on our own.  The image we have made is so much less than reality and is propped up only by the frame we have made from our attempts to understand our perception based in separation.

Look beyond the appearance we think we see.  All of God’s holiness is right in front of us.  All of God’s blessing is right there with it.  The creation of God is waiting for us to recognize it for who and what it really is.  Let the Holy Spirit guide our sight.  It will show us the eyes of Vision we are blessed with from our own creation.  When we allow Spirit to open our Spirit eyes we begin to see what God has made and see the light and love and peace that shine with such an intensity we are mystified how we ever could not have seen it.

As we accept the Divinity of each experience and relationship we encounter we are shown reality.  Each of us is God’s masterpiece.  We are the essence and the reflection of God’s grandeur.  What a blessing to finally recognize our true essence in the reflection we see in each other.  Let the light of God shine not only within ourselves, but from within each other.  We are this light, full of peace and love that radiate wherever we allow it to radiate.  This is our home.  Heaven is our home because we have joined with the Mind of God in Oneness.  We have recognized our One Self there in the masterpiece of God we have allowed ourselves to see.  Be that masterpiece.

ACIM T-25.II The Savior From the Dark

September 14, 2010

So consistently do we place our hope and faith in that which has always failed us.  Yet we keep trying the same thing again and again, hoping that this time it will somehow be different.  The world we are accustomed to living in is a world built on fear and lack, not love and abundance.  We perceive what we encounter as we choose to see It., through the eyes of fear and separateness or the eyes of Vision and faith.  It is a faith in what we know to be true, yet are still afraid to trust.

How often do we do the same thing over and over, hoping that this time the outcome will be different?  We aren’t even willing to change one little thing about the way we do it, and then are disappointed that the outcome doesn’t change.  Perhaps we might be willing to just look at it differently, change something about the way we do it, or change our fixed idea of what the outcome should look like.  Life has so much to offer us, but we are so busy with one little aspect of it that we miss so much that is whizzing by us.

What will it take to get us to make the change that will result in what we really want?  If we let go of just a little of our preconceived ways of thinking, we make room for a little light to shine in and show us something new.  We could let just a little love in to comfort us and relax us.  The strength and power of God and Spirit are there within us waiting for us to give it just a little opening to shine through so we can see it ourselves.  Others can see it, but we so often refuse to even acknowledge its existence.

We are the essence of God.  We are the love of God.  We are the power of God.  There is nothing more we could possibly want or need.  But we often refuse to even look in the direction we might see it because we are so afraid of who we really are and what we might actually be.  And we are still afraid of the image we have made up about ourselves.  All we need do is relax into the arms of Spirit and let God show us the reality of who we really are.  It is so simple, and yet we needlessly make it so difficult.  Take a moment and relax into the loving arms of God and let God show you who you really are.  In that light and love will be all that you were seeking, that seemed so elusive.  Relax and celebrate the truth of who you really are.

ACIM T-25.I The Link To Truth

September 7, 2010

God is manifest in us.  For we are the Creation of God the Creator.  Every aspect of God, holiness, perfect purity and celestial love is framed in our true being solely for the holy purpose of looking upon itself and seeing what is and always has been.  God’s radiance and light shine through each and every one of us, shining past our perceived separateness to the radiant light that we already are.  In gentleness the veil is lifted by the light and the face of the Christ within shines brightly within us.  It radiates just as brightly through and from us, joining all in its Oneness.

What a beautiful sight this is that waits quietly and calmly for us to allow ourselves to see it.  Heaven is presented to us as separate so we might perceive it, also, in truth.  The Creator and the Christ have never left us, for we cannot be separated from what we really are.  But there is a link to Truth that we can understand that is given us for the tiny part of our mind that thought us separate.  We can understand Heaven and we can understand the Holy Spirit as they bridge our mind from separateness to Oneness.

The Holy Spirit helps us correct the mistaken idea of specialness in our mind, the only place it can truly be corrected.  The correction is possible because it is part of the Will of God.  God Wills that we are One and so the correction is in line with God’s Will and our Will.  The Holy Spirit’s function is to teach us how this oneness is experienced, what we need to do to experience it, and where to go to experience it.

The helper is right there within us, already holding our hand, ready to guide us where we will let it guide us.  Spirit will never guide us astray or away from truth and light.  But, we must be willing to let the Spirit guide us, releasing our attachment to our own habitual thoughts that are not in line with Heaven.  What do we really want?  Do we want to continue down the path of separateness and specialness unaware of the love and light of God within us?  Or are we even just a little willing to take the hand of Spirit and let it show us our true reality?  It’s our choice and no matter where we are in our journey, that choice is always right in front of us when we become willing to see it.  Now is the moment to make your choice to see who we really are.