A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

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ACIM W.pII.299 Eternal holiness abides in me.

October 26, 2021

Lesson 299 –

Eternal holiness abides in me.

We may have forgotten that we are holy. Our true nature is holiness and this holiness is eternal. It is infallible. It cannot be destroyed or compromised. The most that can happen to it is that we can deny that we are holy and block our awareness of our holiness. Think of that. Our holiness remains rooted in our being, even if we aren’t aware of its existence. It’s there beneath the surface waiting for us to be willing to reawaken to its presence. What or where is our gateway to the recognition of our holiness?

My holiness is far beyond my own ability to understand or know. Yet Source, my Creator, Who created it, acknowledges my holiness as Theirs. Our Will, together, understands it. And Our Will, together, knows that it is so.   W-pII.299.1:1-4

I think the key to understanding our holiness lies in our willingness to relinquish our belief in separation; our belief that we are separate from our Creator, Source, God, and each other. The Course teaches us that Creation’s method is extension. The act of Creation does not cut us off as we cut the umbilical cord when a child is born.  We are eternally connected with all that is.

Think of the times you may have sensed someone’s presence. Think of the times you have known who was calling you without using caller ID. Deepak Chopra calls this synchronicity. If we think about this, we may realize that we have these “premonitions” more regularly that we realize. They are simply a condition of our connectedness, our Oneness playing out in our lives. When the Course says that our holiness is “not of me”, it is referring to our egoic thought system. Our holiness is shared with each other. It is manifested in our joining, in our willingness to recognize our Oneness.

All of Creation is ours. It is embedded in our being along with all others. We need simply to awaken to its presence within us. Oneness is our natural eternal essence. There is nothing wrong with us We have done nothing more that close our eyes to the reality of who we are. We have denied our Identity. Yet we cannot destroy who we are. That remains intact, held safe by Spirit until we are willing to return to the awareness of our true Self. Are you ready to return? Following is a prayer to help us open our minds to the truth about who we are and return home. Each of us has the choice to be willing.

Creator, my holiness is not of me. It is not mine to be destroyed by sin. It is not mine to suffer from attack. Illusions can obscure it, but can not put out its radiance, nor dim its light. It stands forever perfect and untouched. In it are all things healed, for they remain as You created them. And I can know my holiness. For Holiness Itself created me, and I can know my Source because it is Your Will that You be known.   W-pII.299.2:1-8

The time is here. Step out of the illusion and into Holiness and re-find your true Identity.