A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: July 2015

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ACIM T-12.VI The Vision of Christ

abstract background withe sea sunriseJuly 28, 2015

What have we invested ourselves in? Where have we placed our value? The indication of our self-value is where we have aligned our mind. When we invest our allegiance in the world outside of us, we impoverish ourselves. There is no profit in the world outside of us for there is nothing real there to invest in. Our perception of the outside world is purely conjecture for we have made it out of a mistaken premise that we are separate from it. There is no separation in reality. Our investment in a world outside of us cost’s us the world’s reality by denying our own reality and gives us nothing in return. We cannot sell our soul, but we can sell our awareness of our soul, thus we don’t recognize our true selves while we are invested in something else.

We do have strength even though we don’t realize it. This, from the text:

The Holy Spirit is your strength because Spirit knows nothing but the spirit as you. Spirit is perfectly aware that you do not know yourself, and perfectly aware of how to teach you to remember what you are. Because Spirit loves you, Spirit will gladly teach you what Spirit loves, for Spirit wills to share it. Remembering you always, Spirit cannot let you forget your worth. For the Creator never ceases to remind Spirit of Us – the One Child of God, and Spirit never ceases to remind Us of the Creator. The One is in your memory because of Spirit. You chose to forget your Creator but you do not really want to do so, and therefore you can decide otherwise. As it was my decision, so is it yours. T-12.VI.2.1-8

It is our decision to make. Do we want the world outside as we perceive it or do we want the world love extends in our thoughts. The world is in our thoughts so we must choose our thoughts and world with the guidance of Spirit who holds our reality for us.

In our belief in separation we blind ourselves to real vision. We end up seeing through the lens of perception which clouds and skews all we see. And we, having invested in that lens, believe it to be real. It appears to be outside of us because it is completely incompatible with the reality that remains within us. Yet, it blocks our awareness of what is within us. Within us is also the Vision of Christ. Spirit has held that for us as well and kept our true Vision whole. We cannot see with both visions, because our seeing based in separation is completely incompatible with our true Vision. When we choose to allow Spirit to guide our seeing, we will surely see the real world. We must learn the cost of seeing incorrectly through misperception and choose to place our investment in our Divine wholeness and the Heaven within us. We have denied the reality of our true self for so long that it may seem impossible to make the shift. Yet we need not do it alone. In fact it may be virtually impossible to do it alone. Spirit is waiting for our assent to allow It to move within us where It already is One with us. We are One. We are One with all Creation. Not a single bit of Reality is apart from us. This realization is the key to the awareness of who we really are.

 What is one cannot be perceived as separate, and the denial of the separation is the reinstatement of knowledge. At the altar of the One, the holy perception of Us becomes so enlightened that light streams into it, and the spirit of Us shines in the Mind of the One and becomes one with it. Very gently does the One shine upon All, loving the extension of the One that is Us. The world has no purpose as it blends into the purpose of the One. For the real world has slipped quietly into Heaven, where everything eternal in it has always been. There the Redeemer and the redeemed join in perfect love of Oneness and of each other. Heaven is your home, and being in the One it must also be in you. T-12.VI.7.1-7

Our true nature is the most natural thing we can imagine. Once we invest in the awareness of our Oneness we will wonder why we ever believed and thought differently. Our peace, joy and love is in this shift to the awareness of the Divine One we truly are in Communion with all Creation. Release all and let it go, for Spirit will draw us into the awareness of who we really are. This is what is.

ACIM T-12.V The Sane Curriculum

abstract background withe sea sunriseJuly 21, 2015

Our potential is limitless. Once we decide to deny our denial of who we are and accept that we are whole, complete and limitless, we allow Spirit to move within us, recognizing that Spirit is One with us. The guidance we need to relearn we are love and that love is all there is flows within the holy Mind within us we have denied for so long. Misery is gone. Attack and defense are discarded by the side of the road and vanish into nothingness. We rest in the One Mind and forget we ever thought anything different. As we rest we extend the infinite love we are with each One, recognizing the whole in each One as they ask.

 Your learning potential, properly understood, is limitless because it will lead you to the One. You can teach the way to the One and learn it, if you follow the Teacher Who knows the way to Oneness and understands the One’s curriculum for learning it. The curriculum is totally unambiguous, because the goal is not divided and the means and the end are in complete accord. You need offer only undivided attention. Everything else will be given you. For you really want to learn aright, and nothing can oppose the decision We make. Our learning is as unlimited as we are. ACIM T-12.V.9.1-7

Make the choice today to release the insane curriculum we have become so attached to. Choose to allow Spirit to guide you in relearning the sane curriculum and find the peace, joy and love we have been seeking. We were seeking outside ourselves when it has always been within us. Let this sanity be our choice today and flow in the grace of love within us. Accept this sanity now and rest in the One and Be.

ACIM T-12.V The Sane Curriculum

abstract background withe sea sunriseJuly 14, 2015

We choose either a sane curriculum or an insane curriculum. Which have you chosen? Is your life in the flow with love or are you riding the peaks and valleys of the egoic thought system, separation from love? At some point we chose to align our mind with the egoic thought system and believe we are separate. The result of this choice is to separate us from the awareness of who we are and the awareness of the power of love within us. Love thus appears to be limited and we see ourselves as weak and limited, needing to find love for ourselves somewhere out there in the world. Often, it appears that the only way to gain any love or power is to take it from another by attacking them. What we don’t realize in this limited way of thinking is that we are actually attacking ourselves and taking what we are seeking away from ourselves. This is the insane curriculum we have been learning by aligning our thoughts and minds with the belief in separation and the egoic thought system we made.

The truth is that we are love and lack nothing. We are unlimited, complete and whole in our true loving state, One with our Source and all Creation. We are one with all our brothers and sisters in this world and share all that is real equally. That doesn’t mean equal parts, but we share the totality of reality in our Oneness. The Course tells us this:

That is why the recognition of your own invulnerability is so important to the restoration of your sanity. For if you accept your invulnerability, you are recognizing that attack has no effect. Although you have attacked yourself, you will be demonstrating that nothing really happened. Therefore, by attacking you have not done anything. Once you realize this you will no longer see any sense in attack, for it manifestly does not work and cannot protect you. Yet the recognition of your invulnerability has more than negative value. If your attacks on yourself have failed to weaken you, you are still strong. You therefore have no need to “equalize” the situation to establish your strength. T-12.V.2.1-8

This is the sane curriculum. It is the learning that unlearns the insane curriculum and replaces it with sanity and the awareness of what is real.

We need a teacher that can transcend our mistaken allegiance to our egoic thought system, one that is not swayed by any belief in limitation. A teacher that knows the true power of real Love. Spirit is this teacher and Its Love is our strength. We do not embark on this sane curriculum alone, for Spirit is the teacher within us that guides us on this journey of learning the sane curriculum.

You have learning handicaps in a very literal sense. There are areas in your learning skills that are so impaired that you can progress only under constant, clear-cut direction, provided by a Teacher Who can transcend your limited resources. This Teacher becomes your Resource because of yourself you cannot learn. The learning situation in which you placed yourself is impossible, and in this situation you clearly require a special Teacher and a special curriculum. Poor learners are not good choices as teachers, either for themselves or for anyone else. You would hardly turn to them to establish the curriculum by which they can escape from their limitations. If they understood what is beyond them, they would not be handicapped. T-12.V.5.1-7

When we try to teach ourselves alone without Spirit’s guidance, we learn with very limited resources and understanding. Spirit is the Teacher that has held our true essence within us, knowing it cannot be harmed. We have always been and always are and will be who we really are, even though we have denied the awareness of that reality. The power of Love is within us waiting to be rediscovered as we allow Spirit to guide us on the sane curriculum that teaches us to see who we really are and recognize that every one of our brothers and sisters are One with us and our Source. As we release our mind to Spirit’s Teaching, we learn and remember the reality of our Divine wholeness. The sane curriculum, taught by our Teacher, is powerful in Love that has no limits. We already have what we are seeking within us. It is ours and there is no sane reason to attack anyone or anything to get it. Let go of the insane curriculum and allow Spirit to guide you in the sane curriculum that brings you home. Join together in the I Am flow of Divine Love.

ACIM T-12.IV Seeking and Finding

abstract background withe sea sunriseJuly 7, 2015

If we are truly honest with ourselves, I think we will each say that what we are seeking is love. That is, real love. Love that brings us peace, completeness, wholeness and security. This sounds like we are seeking reality, and so we are. We have lost the awareness of reality by investing in the idea of separation and thus invested in our own egoic thought system we made up in our mind. And for our egoic thought system to exist, it invests in maintaining and reinforcing the belief that we are separate from each other and all creation, thus maintaining a split mind.

Everyone who believes their egoic thought system’s plan for salvation seems to be intensely engaged in seeking love. Yet the egoic thought system, though encouraging the search for love very actively, makes one provision; do not find it. This is the one thing the ego is completely consistent in. It does everything in its power to keep us from finding what we are really seeking. Thus the search we take guided by the egoic thought system is bound to be defeated. The Course tells us:

And since the ego also teaches that it is your identification, its guidance leads you to a journey which must end in perceived self-defeat. For the ego cannot love, and in its frantic search for love it is seeking what it is afraid to find. The search is inevitable because the ego is part of your mind, and because of its source the ego is not wholly split off, or it could not be believed at all. For it is your mind that believes in it and gives existence to it. Yet it is also your mind that has the power to deny the ego’s existence, and you will surely do so when you realize exactly what the journey is on which the ego sets you. ACIM T-12.IV.2,2-6

Our salvation, our certainty, is that we cannot completely sever our split mind from the One Mind. It is impossible. The fact is, the split is not possible at all for we always remain completely connected to the One. Any sense of being split is a complete illusion or a dream from which we will awaken.

The journey on which the belief in separation takes us is anything but joyous. Its purpose is to keep us from finding love and reality, wholeness and completeness. But Spirit offers us a different promise, one that will lead to joy. Spirit promises, “Seek and you will find.” As we accept Spirit’s guidance, we cannot fail and we will not be defeated. The Course tells us this about our journey:

You will undertake a journey because you are not at home in this world. And you will search for your home whether you realize where it is or not. If you believe it is outside you the search will be futile, for you will be seeking it where it is not. You do not remember how to look within for you do not believe your home is there. Yet the Holy Spirit remembers it for you, and will guide you to your home because that is Spirit’s mission. As Spirit fulfills Its mission Spirit will teach you yours, for your mission is the same. By guiding each other home you are but following the One. ACIM T-12.IV.5.1-7

Changing our belief about who we are is the healing of our mind that is Atonement. In our mind’s healing we begin to awaken to the reality that we are really One and that there is no separation. Spirit is our guide on this journey showing us in each one we encounter a lesson in seeing who we really are, seeing the Divine within. Our journey is not an outside journey, it is an inner journey. Spirit guides us to and interprets every lesson on this journey if we will allow ourselves to see. The return to the awareness of our own Divine essence is inevitable. It’s our choice when we will allow ourselves to go there. Choose now and let us be on our way to the awareness of Heaven and Love within us.