A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: January 2022

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ACIM-W.pI.25 I do not know what anything is for.

January 25, 2022

Lesson 25 –

I do not know what anything is for.

This lesson comes out of the teaching that we have misperceived everything as we perceived through the lens of the egoic thought system. As we grow and learn, we will remind ourselves that we have developed a habit of misperceiving all that we see. We will gently learn, step by step how to undo this habit of misperceiving and relearn how to perceive correctly. Confusing? It certainly is to our egoic thought system.

Purpose is meaning. Today’s idea explains why nothing you see means anything. You do not know what it is for. Therefore, it is meaningless to you. Everything is for your own best interests. That is what it is for; that is its purpose; that is what it means. It is in recognizing this that your goals become unified. It is in recognizing this that what you see is given meaning.   W-pI.25.1:1-8

Everything we experience and encounter has a purpose. It all has a unified holy purpose designed to lead us back to the recognition of who we really are, our sinlessness and our holiness. Our egoic thought system has directed us to perceive everything otherwise. We believe everything is attacking us and separating us. Yet, it all is actually providing us opportunities to see ourselves and others joined in Oneness and connected in the One Mind. Our journey in this world is to reconnect with the awareness of our true nature, our holiness, our sinlessness, our Oneness. To begin this journey without distance we begin to change the way we perceive ourselves and the world. We begin by starting to understand that what we currently believe and perceive is mistaken. We have made a world that is based on mistaken perceptions and thus a world of illusion. We see the world, but are mistaken about what it means and what its purpose is.

Another way of describing the goals you now perceive is to say that they are all concerned with “personal” interests. Since you have no personal interests, your goals are really concerned with nothing. In cherishing them, therefore, you have no goals at all. And thus you do not know what anything is for.   W-pI.25.3:1-4

We are embarking on a journey to change our perception by first realizing and letting go of the belief that everything we think is real. We start by opening our minds to the idea that we may have perceived mistakenly and then believed those mistaken perceptions as true and factual when they are indeed open to other interpretations. Right now, it may seem incredulous that our believed ideas may have another meaning. For the time being, relax and just be a little willing to be open to another interpretation of what we now believe is truth. Be assured, Spirit is guiding us in this journey. Spirit will guide us in steps we can handle and understand. Take a step away from your thoughts and go to the lesson link above and follow the instructions for practicing this idea. Open your mind and let the lesson sink in, even if you don’t think you understand it.

ACIM W.pI.18 I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing.

January 18, 2022

Lesson 18 –

I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing.

When we began this journey with the Course, we believed that our thoughts were ours and ours alone. The thoughts we thought were in our own brain and could not possibly affect anyone else unless we acted on them. We believed we were completely separate, not joined in any way. This idea is a misperception as it is based in a mistaken thought. Certainly, our minds are One, joined in Oneness, the One Mind, yet we still hold onto at least a bit of the idea that our minds are separate. It takes time to unlearn this very prominent idea, yet we have made definite progress in understanding its error.

The idea for today is another step in learning that the thoughts which give rise to what you see are never neutral or unimportant. It also emphasizes the idea that minds are joined, which will be given increasing stress later on.   W-pI.18.1:1-2

We learn step by step. If you don’t feel like you’re there yet or even that none of this makes any sense, don’t worry. We have all the time we need to learn. And, we have help all along the way. We are never alone in this. Spirit is within us to guide us as we allow. And, we have each other to help, too. Our love for each other is one of the keys to this journey. Our minds are joined as we are all joined in the One Mind, sometimes called the Mind of God. This is our home.

Today’s idea does not refer to what you see as much as to how you see it. Therefore, the exercises for today emphasize this aspect of your perception. The three or four practice periods which are recommended should be done as follows: W-pI.18.2:1-3 Check the link above for the instructions.

The passage above reminds us that this lesson is about our perception, howe see the world. We know and have experienced how no two of us see anything that happens in the world the same way. Sometimes we wonder if another person was even at the same event as we were by how they see it. The world is colored by our perception, a lens that filters the world according to our perception of our past experiences. It’s no wonder we each see it differently. We are beginning to learn how our perception determines the world we see and how to begin to correct that perception as guided by Spirit. Let go of the way you have perceived the world for so long and open your mind to a new and different perception of the world. This is the journey the Course is taking us on. It will lead us to a state of peace and joy as we learn to love all Creation as it really is.

ACIM W.pI.11 My meaningless thoughts are showing me a meaningless world.

January 11, 2022

Lesson 11 –

My meaningless thoughts are showing me
a meaningless world.

Our thoughts, the thoughts we align with, are what determines the world we see and experience. This idea can be a difficult one, particularly when we are new to the Course. It can also be challenging at various stages of our learning. Because we have chosen to believe we are separate from any other part of creation, we see the world as a whole bunch of independent parts. We believe that one part can attack another part or that we are at the mercy of events we have no control over. Yet, there is another way we can see the world through the lens of Oneness. This lesson begins with the following passage:

This is the first idea we have had that is related to a major phase of the correction process; the reversal of the thinking of the world. It seems as if the world determines what you perceive. Today’s idea introduces the concept that your thoughts determine the world you see. Be glad indeed to practice the idea in its initial form, for in this idea is your release made sure. The key to forgiveness lies in it.   W-pI.11.1:1-5

The Course is a teaching in how our thinking determines how we perceive the world and ourselves. We have learned and been taught to see the world through the lens of separation. However, that basis of perception is a false basis. As a result we have perceived all we see in error of some level or another. The Course was given to us to help us learn correct perception as guided by the Holy Spirit within us. Yes, we have help in this endeavor. Spirit will never judge or punish us, for our error is simply a misperception, a mistake. Practicing the lessons gradually teaches us to change the way we perceive the world and ourselves, and each other.

Take a look at the lesson guidelines by going to the link for the lesson above. Or, just go to your Course and the Workbook for Students. It outlines how to practice this idea. It is worth trying.  Part of our journey is to learn to forgive. It is key to the transformation of our mind and the transformation of our perception of the world, ourselves, and each other. Reality is all about love, peace, and joy. If we are not experiencing these, we are incorrectly perceiving all we see and think. Are we happy with our lives and the world we think we see? Is it a place we want to be? Reality is all about unconditional love, peace, and joy. If we are not experiencing these, we can begin to change the way we think, change our mind, and begin to see a new vision of the world we see around us. We are in essence love. Peace and joy are our natural state of being. Perhaps by practicing the principles of the Course, we can see a better world, a state of being that recognizes our Oneness with all of Creation and the peace and joy within all of it. Give it a try. Take the chance that good will come of it.