A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

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ACIM T-1.I Principles of Miracles

abstract background withe sea sunriseJuly 31, 2012

This week we continue to discuss the Principles of Miracles. As we discussed last week, miracles are always about correcting our perception and correcting the way we think. We have spent a lifetime learning to think the way we think. We have also spent that lifetime becoming attached to what we think about everything we believe about everything we have experienced, observed, and learned. All those thoughts and deductions have formed the self identity we hold about ourselves. But we forgot one very important thing about ourselves.

We have forgotten, put aside, or denied our Divinity, our Oneness with God and all creation. We got so busy “doing it all ourselves” that we forgot to look within to who we really are and ask ourselves if our learned identity has any resemblance to our Divinity, our natural state of being. We are created Divine, unchangeable, and incorruptible. We may have forgotten who we really are, but God hasn’t. And so God has sent us Spirit to connect the thoughts between who we think we are and who we really are. Principle 36 says miracles are examples of right thinking realigning our perception with Truth. Principle 37 says miracles are correction introduced into false thinking. Principle 34 tells us miracles restore the mind to its fullness. Principle 32 tells us miracles intercede for our holiness and make our perceptions holy. Miracles place us beyond the physical world and place us into the celestial sphere of order, our natural order, the order in which we see our perfection and the illusions we were so engrained in fade and drop away. This is the world we are meant to see.

Miracles, as stated in the first principle, have no order of difficulty. One is no greater or lesser than another. All miracles are maximal, for they each correct our perception. Every shift in our perception, our thinking, is an expression of love. And since love is an expression of who we really are we immediately, without effort, extend that love to another, sharing our miracle with them, and opening up the opportunity for that another to experience their own miracle. Since we are all connected at the level of Oneness, miracles are all around us and run through us all the time. Let your attachment to your learned ideas, beliefs and perception loosen and look to Spirit to guide in forming your perceptions. Deep inside we know who we really are. That Truth never leaves us. Decide to remember this Truth and expect a miracle! Come join us tonight and continue on this journey.

ACIM T-1.I Principles of Miracles

abstract background withe sea sunriseJuly 24, 2012

Last week we discussed the section in the Preface that tells us what the Course says. Our discussion involved the idea that the Course transforms our inner life or our inner experience of life in this world. For our life is not so much about what happens to us, but how we experience and think about all we see and experience. Are we experiencing and thinking about our lives through the lens of our egoic or split mind? Or, are we experiencing and thinking about our lives through the lens of our Divine Mind, our Divine wholeness? The answer can be seen fairly clearly by our sense of happiness or our sense of peace within.

In reality we are in a constant state of miracles. The Principles tell us miracles are expressions of love, they are love, they are natural, they take no effort, and they occur naturally. The first few principles of miracles tell us there is no order of difficultly in miracles and they are all maximal. Most of us see miracles very differently and believe they are very special and infrequent occurrences that originate from outside ourselves. Just the opposite is true. If we are not experiencing miracles all the time, something is amiss. And what is amiss is that we don’t recognize the miracles in our lives because we don’t understand what they are and what their purpose is.

The Principles also tell us that miracles are habits and involuntary. They just occur in Divine consciousness. And, miracles involve no effort. If a miracle does seem to involve effort, it is suspect and must be false. A miracle is not physical in nature. A miracle always occurs in Thought, for reality and truth are within the One Mind, the Mind of God, not in illusion. Miracles are the shifts in our thought, shifts in the way we think about ourselves, each other and all we experience in this life.   These shifts are guided by the One who God has given us to guide us, the Holy Spirit. If we will allow Spirit to guide us in our decisions we will experience and recognize the miracles occurring in and around us. We will begin to feel the sense of inner peace that rises from deep within us, having always been there but unrecognized.

Take a moment and look at the 50 principles of miracles contained in the first section of Chapter 1 in the Course. Let Spirit guide you in your new understanding of miracles so that you recognize the work of Spirit and the Divinity within you. And so you will recognize that Divinity as it extends outward form you. Though the world may be an illusion, it has a purpose in God’s Divine plan for each of us. Each experience, each encounter, each relationship is a naturally occurring miracle that is waiting to be recognized. Each miracle may or may not have an outward result in this world of form. But each miracle will be transformational within each of us as we allow Spirit to show its meaning to us. All the Course asks is that we be just a little willing. And so it is.

ACIM T-Preface

abstract background withe sea sunriseJuly 17, 2012

This week the group has requested we discuss the Preface, particularly the sections “What it is,” and What it says.” We request that you read the Preface before the class tonight, if you can. It is only six pages long.

The Course is a teaching device. Its purpose is to give us the tools we need to change our perception, our thinking, and see and think in line with Spirit. It will not tell us what to think or what we see and perceive. It will teach us the tools we can use, if we choose, to access Divine vision and thinking which we already have access to within our own being. We have just lost contact with that Divine within. The Course teaches us how to let Spirit guide us on our journey to the resource already within each of us. It teaches us the tools we can use to rediscover our True Self and our connection with the One who created us ad still sees us as we were created and as we still are.

We need not understand every little thing in the Course. Some tools and techniques and tools will resonate within us while others may be difficult and perplexing. One of the deepest lessons we can learn from the Course is that we are never alone. We need never deal with anything facing us without assistance and guidance. All we ever need do is ask for guidance no matter what the appearance of any situation in which we find ourselves. The lessons and tools of the Course, when applied, will lead us out of confusion and loneliness into peace, love, joy, and happiness. Isn’t that what we are really seeking?

The Text, the first book of the Course, is the theory and the explanation of the changes we need to make. The Workbook for Students, the second book, is comprised of 365 lessons designed to be done one each day for a year, though one need not keep that schedule. This is the practical application of the Course concepts and Principles. The lessons teach us how, step by step, to deconstruct the way we have learned to think and perceive, and learn new ways to think and perceive from the Divine within us we have lost touch with. It teaches us how to rely on the teacher within us for the guidance we need. The Manual for Teachers, the third book, looks at the same lessons and principles from another perspective in a Q&A format ad clarifies some of the terms used in the Course.

All together the Course offers a life changing experience if we are willing to do what it asks. We may find the going tough at times. We may find some of the tools too far fetched for us. The Course doesn’t ask us to swallow everything. It asks us to be open to

ACIM T-1.I Principles of Miracles

abstract background withe sea sunriseJuly 10, 2012

Last week we finished reading the Text of the Course. What a beautiful passage it is. Every moment, every encounter, every experience, every relationship, and even every thought is an opportunity to reconnect with the awareness of who we really are, our Divine Self. We remain who we have always been, we just remember who we have always been and always will be. What a comfort and joy this is. We need never be out of awareness unless we forget to remember who we really are. And the appearance of the world is transformed by our awareness. It is amazing how the same happening, occurrence, or event can be perceived so many different ways depending on our state of being, our awareness.

As we go back to the beginning of the text, the Course tells us it is all about love, recognizing love, experiencing love, sharing and extending love, and realizing there is nothing except love. Our lessons in this life are about removing our own blocks to the awareness of Love in our lives. We all have love. Love is at the core of our being, it is our natural state of mind. And since love is all-encompassing, it can have no opposite, cannot be taken away, and cannot be destroyed. Love is real and all that is not love is not real.

The Course puts it this way:

“Nothing real (Love) can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.”

We will begin reflecting on the principles of miracles as put forward in the Course. All miracles are founded in Love, for they each lead to the awareness of Love within us. Peace of mind is the result of the awareness of Love within. All miracles, whatever form they may take, lead to the awareness of love. We need only let go of our blocks and barriers of thought and allow Sprit to show us the miracles around us every moment of every day. Come join us on Tuesday evenings to join in this discovery. Bring a friend and embark on this journey without distance. You will experience the Love that you really are and encounter the peace of God within you.

ACIM T-31.VIII Choose Once Again

abstract background withe sea sunriseJuly 3, 2012

We are reading and discussing the final paragraphs of the text this week. This final section has reminded us again of all that is offered us. We are always offered a choice, and when we choose incorrectly we always have an opportunity to choose again. There is no scolding, no punishment, no penalty, no guilt, and no penance. There is just the opportunity to choose again. Spirit walks with us whether or not we recognize it. Spirit calls to us gently waiting for us to recognize that call from within us that beckons to us, the ancient song of wholeness within that is always within. This is the truth of who we really are.

We can be glad we have the world to walk in and experience so deeply. For every situation, every thing that happens, and every one we encounter is an opportunity to perceive each situation anew where God’s gift can be recognized as ours! There is always a way to see any situation differently. And Spirit is there within us waiting to help us see correctly with the eyes of Spirit if we will just be willing to choose to see again differently. No matter how we see the world at this moment there is always another higher way to perceive the world again. The real world is all around us waiting to be seen through the eyes of Spirit within. The lawns of Heaven are spread out before us in all their luxurious glory waiting to be seen.

Reach out and take the hand of the holy one you have encountered today. As they see their holiness in your eyes you will see your holiness reflected in their eyes. It is always our choice how we see. What we see is neutral and is neither right nor wrong. But how we see what we see makes all the difference in the world that we could ever imagine. And how we see is our choice. Look for the Divine in all you see. Consciously make the choice to look for the Divine in all you see. And ask for guidance from the Divine when you have trouble seeing the Divine in all you see this world. The world is given us to guide us back to the awareness of the Divine Oneness we really are.

Come join us this week as we celebrate our Oneness. Consciously be in the presence of our Divines Source. We have chosen to walk this journey that may appear to be long ad winding, but is really without any distance whatsoever. For, we never left home. We simply chose not to recognize home. Come be with us. And be the Divine whoness you really are.