A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: March 2014

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ACIM T-7.VI From Vigilance to Peace – 3

March 25, 2abstract background withe sea sunrise014

We have divided our allegiance between two realms, or more correctly, thought systems.  And therefore, we are totally committed to neither.  Is it any wonder we are conflicted and confused?  One of those realms is the Realm of God, or the Mind of God, and that is never in question except by us when we are thinking insanely.  What we are is not established by our perception and cannot be influenced by perception at all.  We are the Holy Creation of God, extending from the Mind of God and One with God.  We are Divine co-creators with God, One with God and all Creation.  This is who we really are.  Our perceived problems in the identification of who we think we are at any level are not problems of fact.  They are problems of understanding and the belief that we are something less than who and what we really are.  There are no problems outside our mind.  The root of any problem we perceive in this world is a problem in the thought system we have chosen allegiance to.


If we are totally committed to our higher thought system, the Mind of God, we are in full awareness of who we really are and dwell in peace, love, and joy, sharing and extending that which we are to all.  But when we choose to align our thoughts with the lower thought system, we separate our mind from the awareness of who we really are, for we cannot be committed to both at once.  This causes conflict in our world and so blocks the awareness of who we really are from us.  The root of all problems we perceive in our lives is simply what thought system we are allegiant to at the moment.  Who and what we believe we are at any given moment determines the thought system we are committed to at that moment. And we are capable of swinging widely from one to another at any moment.  Spirit asks us to be vigilant for where our belief of who we are stands at any moment.  Are we feeling conflicted?  Are we feeling peace, love, or joy?  The answer tells us where our allegiance lies at that moment.  Our feelings tell us when we need to stop a moment and ask Spirit to help us see differently, and ask Spirit to remind us of our Divine nature.


God’s will for us is happiness.  God’s will is for us to extend peace, love, and joy.  This is our natural state of being.  Nothing can take this away from us except us when we lose sight of who we really are.  Returning to that awareness is a simple choice to let go of our allegiance to misperception about who we are and allowing Spirit to guide our thoughts back to the Mind of God, where we are at home.  There is much joy to be felt when we join in the awareness of our Divinity.  We take the world we perceive in separation much too seriously. The Realm of God is filled with love.  It is filled with joy.  And it is filled with infinite peace.  After all, it is our real home.  Are we treading with heavy feet?  It’s a sign to stop and turn to Spirit.  See the block to the awareness of who we really are fade to nothing, for it was never really there except in our mind.  Rejoice as Spirit raises the awareness of the truth about who we really are in our minds and brings joy to our hearts and minds. This is who we really are.  Believe it and know it!

ACIM T-7.VI From Vigilance to Peace – 2

March 18, 2014abstract background withe sea sunrise

We have given up the awareness of our power.  We are created with the power of our Source; God if that is how you identify Source.  We are One with that Source.  And we somehow have decided to not believe that about ourselves.  The Mind of God, of Source is the only real thought system.  However, we have used the power of our mind to make up another thought system we have chosen to believe.  This thought system is based on the premise that we are not One with Source, that we are a separate entity that lacks what it needs to exist and therefore must take what it needs from others.  The simple belief in this idea of lack and separation gives it power in our mind to make us unaware if our true power and Oneness in unity.  The two ideas cannot coexist and when we try to make them coexist they make conflict in our mind.


Peace and Love are the natural condition of our true and real thought system.  Conflict cannot exist in the presence of peace and love.  If we choose to believe the idea of separation and therefore lack, we will experience conflict, for lack and separation are not consistent with who we really are.  Thus we will not be fully aware of peace and love.  There is no room for conflict in peace and love.  The egoic mind, the separated mind, feeds on this conflict and uses it to preoccupy our mind to keep us distracted from that within us that knows who we really are.  The Holy Spirit, the Higher Holy Self, is ever present within our True mind gently reminding us of who we really are, while knowing that we cannot be anything other than our true essence and cannot possibly hurt who we really are.  Our Higher Holy Spirit Self doesn’t fight with that which is merely an illusion and a mistaken belief that has no real power.  Any conflict we experience is simply made up in our made up thought system.  Spirit recognizes that we have chosen to mistakenly believe there is conflict in our life and therefore holds our true nature for us, waiting for us to relinquish our attachment to conflict we made and choose to be guided to see differently.


We need not search and find the reality of who we are by ourselves, but merely ask for guidance from Spirit in reawakening to this reality.  We are still who we really are.  This essence is always within us.  We never lose the peace and love that is the core of our being.  We simply allow Spirit to guide us to the awareness of who we really are.  We simply relinquish our attachment to this made up thought system and reawaken to our real essence.  Peace will be our foundation and love will flow from within us in an ever flowing stream.  And this flow will fill us with the joy of our Source within and around us.  So where do we begin?  Spirit asks us to be vigilant for any conflict we experience and use that as a reminder to look to Spirit for guidance in changing our perception which will result in bringing us to the awareness of peace within us.  We need not be vigilant for peace, for we already have peace.  We simply need to recognize and let go of the blocks to our awareness of peace that keep us believing in a mistaken thought system.  Choose now to follow Spirit’s guidance and open to the joy of the awareness of who we really are.  Peace tells us we are there.  And we know we are One with Source and all of creation.  This is where our true power lies.

ACIM T-7.VI From Vigilance to Peace

March 11, 2014abstract background withe sea sunrise

We have denied ourselves the awareness of who we really are.  We have denied ourselves the awareness of our true power.  And, we have denied ourselves the awareness of the presence of Love in our lives and our being.  All this denying is our choice, though we may not even be aware that we made that choice.  But even with all that denying we cannot destroy any of what we are created with.  It’s just impossible.  We can lose our awareness of who we really are, but we cannot change the who we really are that Source created.  The essence of our being is eternal and it is so powerful we cannot even come close to destroying who and what we are.


What we have done is make up another identity for ourselves that seems to be independent from anything else we perceive in this world and our lives.  We use the power of our Source given minds to make up this identity and then we believe it is who we are.  However, the thought system we believe is who we are very carefully convinces us we are this separate identity and that any thought that we are One with Source and each other threatens our identity.  This thought system, called the ego, is bent on making sure we are not aware of our true identity to preserve our belief in our separate identity.  And this keeps us in a state of some form of fear that our existence is threatened.  Nothing could be further from the truth.


As we embark on this journey to reawaken to the awareness of who we really are, we have a guide in Spirit to show us the way.  The journey is a journey in retraining our mind to think with the Mind of God, our true and higher mind.  This higher Mind is a collective mind, One with Source and all of creation.  When we allow Spirit to guide our Mind, we perceive the world we live in differently.  Spirit asks us to allow ourselves to be guided in our perception and our thoughts by being vigilant for Spirit as we go about our daily lives.  Being vigilant for how we feel about every thought and every experience, knowing there is a correct and incorrect perception for everything we experience and everyone we encounter shows us where our mind is at.  Do we experience fear or peace?  Once we begin to realize that nothing real can be threatened, we become increasingly assured that we are never truly in any danger.  We begin to understand that while our body can be threatened in this space time continuum, we are not this body we have identified as us.  Our true essence is Spirit, and that can’t be threatened.


Each step we take on this journey guided by Spirit moves us into the experience of deep inner peace.  We realize that we are filled with Love beyond measure.  And we find that love is so powerful within us we transcend this world of form, walking with our feet in this world, but our Mind in Heaven.  Heaven on earth is the natural state of being we are meant to be in.  And, it is ours for the asking.  Spirit asks us only to be willing to let It guide our minds.  Whatever else is needed will follow.  The Miracle Workers’ Prayer tells us we do not need to worry about what to say or what to do, for the One who sent us will direct us.  Isn’t it time to let go of all we are so attached to and let Spirit guide us?  Truth and Love will never fail us.  Let go today, and begin the journey back to the awareness of who we really are.  Be vigilant for Spirit and Peace will fill us with Love.

ACIM T-7.V Healing and the Changelessness of Mind

March 4, 2014abstract background withe sea sunrise

True healing is of the mind.  Healing is the Holy Spirit’s form of communication in this world, and the only form of communication Spirit accepts.  In our attempt to identify ourselves as separate, we have cut ourselves off from the awareness of our wholeness and our higher mind.  Thus we have severed our awareness of communication within the Mind of God; our higher mind.  Our world now seems to consist of ever changing ideas and values, few which bring us any sense of happiness, peace or love.  Most of what we experience seems to bring us some sort of conflict or confusion.  It certainly doesn’t bring about consistency and lasting wholeness.


When we begin to allow Spirit to guide us in our thoughts and thus in our lives, we begin the healing process.  Healing brings our mind back in touch with our true mind, the higher mind, the Mind of God.  We have never left that mind, but we have severed ourselves from the awareness of our true mind by thinking we are separate.  Healing brings us back in touch with the awareness of who we really are.  Healing moves us from identifying with the body and our lower mind as our identity to the awareness of our Oneness with God and Creation and the One Mind of God.  We ate complete as we are.  We are whole as we are.  We lack nothing as we are.  We are limitless as we are.  But unless we allow or beliefs about who we are shift to the ideas of wholeness, peace, ad abundance, we will continue to believe that we are less than we really are.  Healing is the shift in our awareness to the Truth about who we are.  Spirit teaches us who we really are.  And as we learn what Spirit is teaching us, we teach who we really are to each other. Shifting our beliefs and awareness about who we are is what healing is all about.


As we thoughtfully and diligently embark on this journey with Spirit, our perception of the world changes and we see the world in a different light.  The light of wholeness that shines from within us changes how we see and perceive in this world.  We come to a deeper understanding of the world and ourselves and each other.  Peace, Love, and Joy become evident in our lives.  Our mind is at peace.  Life now flows on in grace, and joy flows from deep within our being. Spirit has been given us to guide us on our journey back to the awareness of who we really are.  This journey is the healing of the mind.  We realize we are and have always been whole.  And this awareness shines as a light in the world to, in turn, guide others to their own awareness of who they really are.  Peace, love, and joy are reflected everywhere.  Even where we perceived darkness before, we will see light there again.  Turn to Spirit and allow its guiding thoughts to bring healing to all our minds.  Our true mind is changeless.  Only our awareness of our true mind can be changed or healed.  Be healed, restore your awareness of communication, for we already are.