A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: May 2014

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ACIM T-7.XI The State of Grace

abstract background withe sea sunriseMay 27, 2014

Grace is the natural state of every One of us. If we are not in a state of grace, we do not function well because we are out of our natural environment – our natural state of mind. When we are in a state of grace, we move through the world with ease. We move with confidence and certainty, knowing that we are guided from that holy place of Oneness that we are. Our lives flow with ease and grace. Challenges come and go with ease for we know our higher Spirit guides us in all we do. I think of the grace of a dancer who expressively moves to the purposeful melodies of the music that guides their dance. Our higher One Spirit guides us similarly in the graceful expression of our Divinity and Love in this world.

Being in our natural state of grace takes no real effort. It is natural and flows naturally from our higher One mind. But if we think outside our natural state of grace, everything we do becomes a strain, for we are not created for this environment we have made up. We cannot adapt to this out-of-grace environment nor can we adapt it to us. It doesn’t matter how hard we try, there is no point in trying. We are happy only when we are with our Source in a state of grace, for that is where we belong. And grace is the only state of mind worthy of us, for it is the state for which we are created.

Heaven is the state of grace. Heaven is our home. There is no need to shed the body or complete some mission in this world to be who we really are. Fulfilling our mission in this world of form will have a sense of grace and ease as we move and act from a state of grace and the awareness of who we really are. Paragraph 3 asks us some simple questions about the world we see so we can judge its worth fairly. Is the world we see worthy of the Child of God? Does the world we see protect our peace and shine love on us? Does the world we see keep our heart untouched by fear and allow us to give always without any sense of loss? Does the world we see teach us this giving and sharing is our joy and that Source thanks us for our giving and sharing? The state of grace is the only real world and it is the only world in which we can be truly happy. Why would we ever deny ourselves a world where we share the Love of God with everything and everyone we see, touch and remember? Why would we ever deny ourselves Heaven, our home?

Are we ready to awaken to the state of grace that is our natural environment and our natural state of mind? Are we willing to see the Divine in everything we see and encounter? Grace, Divine, and truth are who and what we really are. We are the whole, complete and perfect Creation of our Creator. Be willing to allow Spirit to guide you to this awareness of who we really are. Be guided by Spirit into a world where happiness and love are the norm. We need not move somewhere else, to another planet or another city. This shift happens in our mind as we awaken to our One state of grace and the environment that is our home. It doesn’t matter where our mind is at or how impossible the shift appears to be. Spirit has the perfect path for us. Take a step toward grace and ease. We find ourselves miraculously home – Heaven on earth.

ACIM T-7.X The Confusion of Pain and Joy

abstract background withe sea sunriseMay 20, 2014

The Holy Spirit is our guide. Spirit guides us in resolving our confusion between joy and pain. The question is, do we trust Spirit enough to follow Its guidance? Or, are we projecting distrust of ourselves on Spirit? Trustworthiness comes from what we really believe about who we are. Our perfect wholeness is the Will of our Creator. We are created whole and One with all Creation. There is truth in the statement, “What I believe I will see.” Begin with belief. If we believe in opposing ideas, we will experience confusion. Opposing ideas cannot both be true at once. As we alternate our allegiance between two opposing ideas we have chosen to believe, confusion is inevitable. Spirit is our guide in resolving any confusion we might have.

Spirit is perfectly trustworthy, as we are. God trusts us, for we are an extension of God, and therefore our trustworthiness is beyond question. Our trustworthiness will always remain beyond question no matter how much we may question it. Our Oneness, our Divinity, our Holiness and perfection is beyond question. No idea, thought, or belief can alter this truth in any way. The whole separation error lies in the appearance of an unbelievable belief. Trust Spirit to guide your way. Trust Spirit to show you your own wisdom and strength. It may be the road less travelled, but it will be the level road. And, it will be a road filled with joy.

Peace and Joy are ours for the realizing. Peace and Joy are within us. They are our natural state of being. Miracles are in accord with joy and who we really are. Miracles are the shift in our belief in who we are. Our Creator’s Will for us is to know and be the fullness of who we really are and that is also our Will which we share with Source. All we encounter in this world is designed to correct our belief about who we really are. We may choose to look at it and perceive it differently. Instead, choose to allow Spirit to guide you in the correction of perception and teach you the lesson that you really are whole, perfect, and Divine. Miracles are lessons in what joy is. Share that miracle. Being a lesson in sharing joy is a lesson in love which is joy! All miracles are thus lessons in truth, and by sharing truth we learn the difference between pain and joy. The time is now. Allow Spirit to guide you in the awareness of the peace and joy that already you.

ACIM T-7.X The Confusion of Pain and Joy

abstract background withe sea sunriseMay 13, 2014

For each of us our state of mind and our recognition of what is in our mind depend on what we believe about our mind.  Whatever we believe about our mind, these beliefs are the premises that determine what we accept into our mind.  We ultimately determine what we accept into our mind based on what we believe about ourselves.  We are created by the Mind of God as an extension of the Mind of God.  Thus we are Mind.  The Mind is eternal and limitless, for it is real.  Though we cannot change this reality about who we really are, we can choose to believe we are something else ˗ something separate from the Mind of God.  We are still an extension of the Mind of God, but we have chosen to separate from the awareness of that knowledge and believe that separation to be real and true.  So we have chosen to live out this “dream”, a separated existence for a time in a temporary body that becomes the learning tool for us to reawaken to the awareness of who we really are.


The premises we adhere to in our mind that support our so-called separation dream – a temporary existence – are premises we have chosen to believe about ourselves.  These premises are mistaken, but we have chosen to believe them.  As these premises are mistaken they can only lead to confusion at best.  And confusion is what keeps us firmly ensconced in separation, blocking the awareness of who we really are, an extension of the Mind of God, our Source.  We muddle around thinking with our lower thought system oblivious to the power and insight of our higher thought system which is at our disposal if we will just recognize it.  We have so solidly aligned our mind with the belief in separation that we have blocked our own access to our higher thought system with nothing more than that belief.  Even though we have aligned with a lower thought system, we do amazing things with our minds.  We are still our higher Mind with a higher thought system using our gift of creation and extension in this world.  We don’t always recognize what is working in us.


Joy is a state of mind that is God given and natural for us.  It comes from the awareness of our Oneness with God and all Creation.  It is inherent in our higher thought system; that of the Mind of God of which we are an extension.  Pain is a state of mind that is associated with separation, the condition that comes from the belief that we are separate or alone and not who we really are.  The world we think we see is colored by all the beliefs, values and judgments we have made with our lower separated mind that believes we are a separate identity.  We are so attached to our belief in the idea that we are separate that we refuse to see beyond our mistaken perception and see what is really true.  Fortunately, for our healing, the Holy Spirit will direct us, if we will allow It, only to avoid pain – the resulting perception of our belief that we are separate.  As we move on our journey in this life of form believing we are separate, we may think we experience joy, but we have much to realize about the joy we experience from the awareness of our wholeness.  We may have even dulled our perception of pain in the belief we are separate just to cope with the world as we perceive it.


Now is the time to begin to release our belief that we are separate.  Allow your mind to entertain the possibility that you may have been mistaken and that you have been whole all along.  The Holy Spirit will gently guide us in this shift.  Spirit is always with us.  Spirit guides us on a path we can handle.  Every encounter, every experience, every situation is a learning experience for us to learn the truth about who we really are.  Every relationship is an opportunity to heal our mind and raise our awareness to the Mind of God, our Mind.  Believe this premise.  Ask Spirit’s guidance in everything and learn to always extend Love in whatever situation in which we find ourselves.  The pain of separation will transcend to the Joy of Oneness.  Let it be so.

ACIM T-7.IX The Extension of the Realm (Kingdom)

abstract background withe sea sunriseMay 6, 2014

Our Self-fullness is boundless, for it comes from spirit and is created in us by our Source.  What can this realization bring but peacefulness and joyfulness?  Our Self-fullness extends forever to the limitless extent of the universe and to eternity.  The belief in our wholeness and perfection – our creation – leads us to the knowledge of our wholeness and our divine essence.  This is the Realm of Heaven.    Living in Self-fullness is our place, our spiritual home.  Only the belief that we are separate from Source and each other can keep us from the awareness of who we really are.  Spirit is the bridge between our spirit and the idea of separateness that continually reminds us that we are One and beckons us back to the awareness of our Self-fullness.


Our Source-given power lies in our Self-fullness.  Nothing can deny this power.  Nothing can take it away.  And, it can be used only to result in Divine purpose.  This Divine power lies under everything we see or think we see.  This power lies even under all our misperceptions.  Allowing Spirit to guide our perception reveals the interpretation beyond the appearance of any situation or thing.  This transforms the world we think we see into the Realm of Heaven.  Peace, joy and love well up within our minds as we allow Spirit to guide us in our perception.


Where is our focus at this moment?  Where is our attention focused at this moment?  Be aware of where.  The underlying focus of our mind determines how we perceive the world around us.  If our mind’s underlying focus is based in a belief that we are separate and alone, we will perceive the world around us through this lens.  But if we shift our mind’s underlying focus to a belief in our wholeness and Self-fullness, we will perceive the world around us through a completely different lens, the lens of the Holy Spirit.  Spirit shows us the interpretation that reflects the higher holy meaning of what we see.  Our function is to learn to rely on the belief that we are whole, perfect and divine as we are created.  Understanding this from the Mind of Source is not arrogant.  It is sane.  It understands that we are all as whole, perfect, complete and divine as the next.  It also understands that any interpretation that is not guided by Spirit and Self-fullness is merely a misinterpretation and will not last.


Living our lives from the belief in and knowledge of our wholeness places our awareness in the Realm of Heaven.  This is the Will of Source for us and our will, too.  What more could we want than to be full of joy, full of love, and full of peace?  Focusing our minds on our Self-fullness raises our minds to this awareness.  We are meant to be happy, peaceful, joyful, and filled with love right now, this very moment.  Allow the awareness of who we really are to raise up in our minds.  Allow Spirit to guide our minds in this shift.  It has been said, “What we believe we will see.”  Believe in your Self-fullness rather than your separateness.  And see the Realm of Heaven within you right now extending to all others and Source and to the very ends of eternity.  We are, as One, limitless.