A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: January 2019

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ACIM T-22.III Reason and the Forms of Error

January 29, 2019

We have discussed reason in the previous chapter and earlier in this chapter. Reason is an incorruptible tool that is already within us and is protected from the egoic thought system we made up to support the idea of separation. Reason will guide our mind to correct thinking if we will turn our attention away from our egoic thought system to the Vision within us, for reason and the egoic thought system cannot coexist in our awareness. Reason’s goal is to make plain, and therefore obvious. We can see reason. This is not a play on words, for here is the beginning of vision that has meaning. Vision is literally sense. For it is plain, and what is obvious is not ambiguous. Vision, as Reason, can be understood. And here do reason and the ego separate, to go their separate ways.

The ego’s whole continuance depends on its belief you cannot learn this course. Share this belief, and reason will be unable to see your errors and make way for their correction. For reason sees through errors, telling you what you thought was real is not. Reason can see the difference between sin and mistakes, because it wants correction. Therefore, it tells you what you thought was uncorrectable can be corrected, and thus it must have been an error. The ego’s opposition to correction leads to its fixed belief in sin and disregard of errors. It looks on nothing that can be corrected. Thus does the ego damn, and reason save.   T-22.III.2:1-7

Reason understands that sin is not real except that it can serve as a block to the awareness of the peace that surrounds us always. Reason makes way for peace and brings us to a state of mind in which healing can be given to us. Our belief in sin is a block, set like a heavy locked gate across the road to peace. No one who looks on it without the help of reason would dare try to pass it. The body’s eyes perceive it as solid granite, so thick it would be madness to attempt to pass it. Yet reason sees through it easily, because it is an error. The form this blockade takes cannot conceal its emptiness from reason’s eyes. Reason, when we choose to see it, always looks beyond the appearance of whatever stands in the way to our own awareness of peace in our lives.

Our egoic thought system is attracted only to the form of error. It does not recognize meaning or see whether or not meaning is even there. Everything we see with the body’s eyes is a mistake, an error in perception, a distorted fragment of the whole without the meaning that the whole would give. Yet mistakes, regardless of their form, can be corrected. Our egoic thought system is invested in keeping those mistakes seeming real to reinforce the blocks to peace it has placed in our minds.

Reason will tell you that the form of error is not what makes it a mistake. If what the form conceals is a mistake, the form cannot prevent correction. The body’s eyes see only form. They cannot see beyond what they were made to see. And they were made to look on error and not see past it. Theirs is indeed a strange perception, for they can see only illusions, unable to look beyond the granite block of sin, and stopping at the outside form of nothing. To this distorted form of vision the outside of everything, the wall that stands between you and the truth, is wholly true. Yet how can sight that stops at nothingness, as if it were a solid wall, see truly?   T-22.III.5:1-8

Take a moment. Stop and consider this. The body’s eyes are part of the world of form. Reason will show us vision – a way of seeing beyond the appearance of the world of form. The world is temporary. It will change, it will erode, it will always change its appearance. Mo two of us will ever perceive the world the same. Vision shows us what is permanent and unchangeable beyond what the body’s eyes see. Take a moment and ask your Higher Holy Spirit, your Higher Power within you, for guidance in seeing with your Vision to see beyond the appearance of what you currently see. This is the divine guidance – the divine Vision we seek. This is where the truth about who and what we really are lies. Open your mind to this shift in perception and step into the peace and love that is your natural state of being.

ACIM T-22.II Your Brother’s/Sister’s Sinlesness

January 22, 2019

What is our perception of ourselves, each other and the world we see? What we see reveals what we think about ourselves and each other. Our view of ourselves, each other ad the world reveals whether we are “seeing” through the lens of separation or the vision of Oneness. The lens of separation shows us the misery, judgement and unhappiness we have projected on the world. The vision of Oneness reveals the love and peace that is the realty condition of all that is real. Releasing the need to be separate from each other opens our minds to the reality and fullness of love and peace present in Oneness.

Look closer at the world you think you see and that you believe is real. This world appears to have power. Yet it appears to have any power only because we have placed our faith and belief in the idea of separation and the thoughts supported by that belief. This belief takes us captive. This belief limits our freedom, our limitlessness and our wholeness. No longer need we hold these beliefs to be true. Our inherent wholeness in our Oneness shines with the light of the Great Rays of Love and Peace. These Great Rays cannot be extinguished. They are the truth of love and peace dwelling within our true nature. All limitation and unworthiness fades away in this great light within us. And we need simply accept that which is already ours.

Only our thoughts in separation have been impossible. Freedom from these limiting thoughts cannot be impossible. It is impossible to look upon each other as enemies and recognize them for who they really are. Yet it is possible to recognize them for what they are in Oneness. What Oneness has given to our holy relationship is recognized there. We receive from others what Oneness has given them for us just as they receive the same from us. No more does the “special relationship” made in separation have any reality for us at all.

Beyond the body that you interposed between you and another, and shining in the golden light that reaches it from the bright, endless circle that extends forever, is your holy relationship, beloved of Oneness. How still it rests, in time and yet beyond, immortal yet on earth. How great the power that lies in it. Time waits upon its will, and earth will be as it would have it be. Here is no separate will, nor the desire that anything be separate. Its will has no exceptions, and what it wills is true. Every illusion brought to its forgiveness is gently overlooked and disappears. For at its center Oneness has been reborn, to light Its home with vision that overlooks the world. Would you not have this holy home be yours as well? No misery is here, but only joy.   T-22.II.12:1-10

All you need do to dwell in quiet here in Oneness is share this holy vision. Quickly and gladly is this holy vision given anyone who is but willing to see another sinless. And no one can remain beyond this willingness, if you would be released entirely from all effects of sin. Would you have partial forgiveness for yourself? Can you reach Heaven while a single sin still tempts you to remain in misery? Heaven is the home of perfect purity, and Oneness created it for you. Look on your holy friend, sinless as yourself, and let them lead you there.   T-22.II.13:1-7

Accept your home in Heaven on earth as you allow your relationships to be healed and recognized holy. Every moment, every situation, every encounter, is an opportunity to recognize each other’s sinlessness and offer the miracle of healing and receive it yourself. As each relationship is transformed to holiness, we step into the awareness of who we really are.

ACIM T-22.II Your Brother’s/Sister’s Sinlesness

January 15, 2019

What are we willing to choose, misery or joy? This is a choice between ourselves and an illusion of ourselves. What is our true desire? Sure, we all want joy, and no one wants misery. Yet we tend to be unwilling to completely let go of the familiar misery to step into joy. Joy and misery cannot co-exist. If we don’t know what to let go of, let go of everything.  What is real will remain. What is misery will fade into nothingness. When we truly let go of everything, joy will rise in the place misery was. Attaining joy, love and peace is possible.

This is a crucial period in this course, for here the separation of you and the ego must be made complete. For if you have the means to let the Holy Spirit’s purpose be accomplished, they can be used. And through their use will you gain faith in them. Yet to the ego this must be impossible, and no one undertakes to do what holds no hope of ever being done. You know what your Creator wills is possible, but what you made believes it is not so. Now must you choose between yourself and an illusion of yourself. Not both, but one. There is no point in trying to avoid this one decision. It must be made. Faith and belief can fall to either side, but reason tells you misery lies only on one side and joy upon the other.   T-22.II.6:1-10

When you make this choice, do not forget that you are also making this choice for your brother, your sister, your friend. We are all One and so we cannot leave each other behind. Joy is not just for the few, but for all and cannot be realized or recognized in separation. It is recognized in joining. It is recognized in Oneness. True joy is shared by all of creation. True joy is meaningless unless we recognize it in all. Offer each other joy. Joy is limitless and permeates everything – all reality. The deepness of joy is unfathomable. It is either wholly true or wholly false and thus is either experienced wholly or not at all. We have been waiting to choose between the joy of Heaven and the misery of hell. Until we choose Heaven, we are in hell and misery.

There is no part of Heaven you can take and weave into illusions. Nor is there one illusion you can enter Heaven with. A savior cannot be a judge, nor mercy condemnation. And vision cannot damn, but only bless. Whose function is to save, will save. How Spirit will do it is beyond your understanding, but when must be your choice. For time you made, and time you can command. You are no more a slave to time than to the world you made.   T-22.II.8:1-8

It is your choice and no one else’s. It is not another’s choice that you reluctantly go along with. It must be your free choice. Your friends are waiting for you to make that choice and begin to see their holiness along with your own. Release the blocks to the flow of love in all your relationships, allowing healing, and transforming all to holy relationships. Here we enter the gates of Heaven. Here we leave behind even the concept of hell. Joy is our holy destiny. Make the choice to let go of every barrier to the flow of that joy now.