A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: September 2013

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ACIM T-5.VI Time and Eternity

abstract background withe sea sunriseSeptember 24, 2013

Our true place is only in eternity where we were placed by the Creator.  We do not belong in time.  However, we have freely elected to be in time.  And therefore we have chosen to be bound by time.  By choosing to be in time we have lost sight of eternity and the freedom eternity gives us.  And since we (not the Creator) have freely chosen to be in time the choice is alterable.  The choice can be undone because we have chosen a consciousness that is not real.  In the Realm of Heaven, which is eternity, there is no other real option.  As we choose the illusion of time we wait for the Realm of Heaven to come for us.  Of course, if we are waiting, so all others are waiting.  Who will step forward and start the awareness of eternity rolling?


The concept of time has no purpose in the Realm of Heaven.  It has absolutely no meaning for we cannot actually be in time.  It is a mistaken idea.  It is a mistaken idea that is healed through a change in perception, a change of mind.  We simply choose another concept, the concept of eternity.  Eternity is a completely different concept than time.  We tend to think of eternity as a very very long time.  Instead, it is the ever present moment that is the Now.  It is never the past, nor is it ever the future.  Eternity is always the present moment.  This is a natural concept that makes perfect sense to the Mind of God for eternity is where the Mind of God is.  Only the mind that believes it is separate from the Mind of God can even fathom the idea of time.


The egoic mind needs our belief in the idea of time for it to maintain its hold over our mind.  The egoic mind doesn’t really hold any power over anything, but we have believed it does so we relinquish to it our power. Though we appear to exist and experience in this space time continuum, we are still firmly rooted in eternity and the Realm of Heaven.  We have simply blocked our awareness of eternity by believing the idea of time the egoic mind has presented us.  As a result of this belief, we experience guilt, suffering, attack, and division in the world we perceive.  We are perceiving our world through a distorting lens that shows us an incomplete and unreal world.  Since we have blocked the real world from our consciousness, we think this world we perceive is real.


We have another choice.  Our true Self, the Spirit that dwells within our mind, is placed there to guide our mind back to the awareness of its true essence.  This Higher Self, as we allow it, gently guides the corrections we need to make in our perception.  Each change in perception raises our awareness step by step, closer and closer to true perception where we experience the real world.  We again feel the Love, Joy, and Peace of Source welling up within us.  We begin understanding the idea of being in the present moment, the eternal moment of Oneness with all of Creation.  As we allow each change in our perception we see our perception of each other, our brothers and sisters, changing before our very eyes.  And we experience a whole new understanding that we had lost sight of in our separation.  The awareness of the Realm of Heaven engulfs us and we bask in the brilliance of its radiant Love, Joy, and Peace.  And we recognize that we are at last in the home we never left.  Let it be so.

ACIM T-5.V The Ego’s Use of Guilt

abstract background withe sea sunriseSeptember 17, 2013

Everything boils down to a choice we make.  We make this choice every minute, every second, every moment.  There are two choices, or two alternatives.  We can choose to think with the mind of Spirit or we can choose to think with the lower mind, the mind of separation, the egoic mind.  Our mind has the power to think and believe what it thinks.  Because we are created by Source, we are one with Source and have the creative power of Source.  Creation in the spiritual world is creating thought.  All else is reflection of thought.  We choose to either co-create with Source, guided by Spirit, or we choose to make apart from Source, guided by the egoic mind we made and believe in.  The world we see or perceive is a reflection of the choice we made in how we create or think.


To put this simply, what we co-create with Source guided by Spirit is real.  What we make with our separated mind is illusion.  And because we believe we have created with our egoic mind, we believe that what we made is real.  We are even amazed when another doesn’t see the same reality as we think we see.  Ah, the power of our belief.  Our belief in the choice we made obscures even the reality of Source and true creation from our eyes.  Our choice in thought systems has determined what world we see.  Most of the time we see the world through the perception we made up with our belief in the egoic thought system.  Therefore we see a world fraught with attack, guilt, blame, fear, and judgment.


Source has given us a way of moving from a horizontal path to a vertical path.  The instant we decided to choose separation, Spirit gave us a plan for returning to the awareness of who we really are.  It comes in the form of a choice.  This choice is the undoing of our original mistaken choice for separation.  All we are asked to do is choose the Atonement for ourselves.  That is, to change our allegiance from the egoic thought system to the Mind of Source as guided by Spirit.  There is no problem too great to be resolved by this choice.  But we must come to the conviction that there is only one problem: our belief in separation.  We must come to the conviction that we want our own perception healed more than we want any physical outcome.  Nothing outside our perception need change for our perception to be healed.  There are no exceptions, none whatsoever.  This involves total surrender to all our attachments to the way we think things should be.


It sounds like a tall order.  We actually lose nothing by making the choice of Atonement for ourselves.  All we have thought with our separated mind is healed as we allow Spirit to guide our choice.  What is holy and real remains.  What is false fades away, for it was never real at all.  No one else need make this choice for us to do so.  Spirit tells us that all we need do is accept the Atonement for ourselves period.  Once we remove to log from our own eyes, we will see there is nothing to remove from another’s eye.  Let go of the disordered thought system you are so attached to.  Make the choice to accept the Atonement for yourself.  And find yourself in the Realm of Heaven on earth.  Oneness is your natural state of being.  Choose it to be so.

ACIM T-5.V The Ego’s Use of Guilt

abstract background withe sea sunriseSeptember 10, 2013

The question we must ask ourselves – and answer – is, “What do I want?” What do I really want?  Do I want this life of separation I have made?  Or do I want the reality of my true nature?  It’s a simple choice between sanity and insanity.  Except, we don’t know how to tell the difference if we continue to believe our separated thought system we made.  The ego is the thought system we made up.  We may ask why we ever made it up.  The egoic thought system goes against everything we really are.  We don’t realize it does this.  We have given this false thought system control over our mind, or at least this mind we are aware of.  Our true mind and the Divine thought system we share cannot be altered.  It is ours, fully ours and is all powerful as its power is Source’s power.  But we have used our creative power to block our awareness of the true Mind we are.  All we need do is accept the Atonement for ourselves to release the guilt the egoic thought system uses to control our mind.


We are the One Holy Child of Source, Spirit.  We are completely One with that Source.  We are the love, light, joy, and peace that make up Source and eternally extend from Source.  Heaven is the state of mind that is our home.  It is a state of mind where Spirit guides our perception of the world we see and shows us the Truth about all we experience.  Sprit transforms the experiences and encounters of our everyday life and shows us a transforming reality that transcends the perception we see with our separated minds, the egoic thought system.  This transformation is the miracle of the Atonement, the joining of our minds to the One Mind we all share completely.  No made up thought system can compete with this One Mind.  It is so powerful, yet gentle that all misperception fades in the light of its knowing.  This is our home.  This is our natural state of being.  The awareness of this grace flows through us and brings us back to the ancient song of Oneness we know so well.


The egoic thought system uses whatever it can to keep or awareness of our glory blocked from our awareness.  Guilt and fear are the egoic mind’s tools.  We fear the loss of our separateness.  We fear the judgment of a wrathful god.  We feel guilt for turning our back on the truth about ourselves.  But we have allowed the egoic mind to cleverly disguise this fear ad guilt and project it on others as blame.  It is cleverly disguised, but no disguise can fool the eyes of Spirit.  Let yourself be willing to allow Spirit to guide you.  Be willing to accept the Atonement for yourself.  The miracle of a higher thought system will unfold in your mind.  What we have come to think of as sane will now be obviously insane, and we will recognize the sanity that returns to our awareness as we allow it.  Take a step away.  Take a deep breath.  And see the Divine nature that is you as you recognize the Divine in all around you.  This is Happiness.  This is Joy!  This is You!  This is what you really want!  Let yourself be so.

ACIM T-5.IV Teaching and Healing

abstract background withe sea sunriseSeptember 3, 2013

The essence of our true being has never left us.  Our Divine essence is still within us.  Who we really are can never be destroyed or changed.  We are extensions of our Source and can never be separated from that Source.  Our holiness is placed within us at our creation by our Source and can never be taken away.  Only the mistaken thought of fear and separation can remove the awareness of our true nature from our day to day consciousness.  So our egoic thought system we made up to convince ourselves we are separate from our Source has limited our awareness to a narrow slice of perception governed by the lower or split mind.  Though the fear and separation we think we feel are not real, Source provides us with a way out of fear and separation.


Spirit has been placed within us to help us reinterpret everything we perceive as fearful and separate.  Spirit also teaches us that only what is loving is true and real.  Our true reality is Heaven and Spirit is within us to teach us how we need to perceive to be in the awareness of Heaven on earth.  This is our true home.  We haven’t ever left it, but we have blocked our awareness of our true home we already live in.  It’s like having the shades drawn across a window and thinking there is no light, when all we need do is draw the shades back and let the light flood in through the window.  We have made up a picture of the world around us, framed it to make it appear important and maybe prettier, and blocked the beautiful Heaven on earth within us by focusing on the picture.  Spirit teaches us to look beyond the picture and see the peace, love, and joy beyond the perceived picture of the world.  This is the real world we are meant to be aware of.


Spirit guides us to the awareness of Heaven on earth if we will simply allow It.  We begin by being willing, even just a little bit, to perceive differently. Sprit will guide us in changing our perception.  Every encounter, every relationship, every experience is an opportunity to learn a new way of perceiving from Spirit.  Each change in perception we learn is a step in moving towards our higher mind and a higher thought system.  As we take each step in our learning we share that new perception with each other.  The sharing need not be specific or active, for another can’t help but see the transformation in us.  We may not even see the transformation I ourselves right away but it will be apparent.  Step by step we move, guided by Spirit, to a new awareness, a new understanding of our essence and the knowing of who we really are and the Divine nature of our being.


What a comfort this is.  It’s no wonder Spirit is referred to as the Comforter.   Monday’s Spiritual Espresso Prayer from Jennifer Hadley was all about gratitude and appreciation.  Being grateful for every experience and appreciating every One who we encounter on our journey places our mind in an attitude that is willing to receive guidance from Spirit.  This is the healing of the mind we are truly seeking and that we truly want.  Monday’s lesson in the Workbook for Students, #245, “Your peace is with me, Source.  I am safe.” is what we are really looking for.  And today’s lesson, “To love Source is to love myself.” emphasizes that we are all joined in Spirit.  We are all the great Oneness that is.  Let us each move toward that Oneness and feel Heaven unfold all around us.  It’s already here.  Just allow it to come into focus around us.  And so it is.