A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

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ACIM W.pII.364 This holy instant would I give to You. Be You in charge.For I would follow You, Certain that Your direction gives me peace.

December 29, 2020

Lesson 364 –

This holy instant would I give to You.
Be You in charge. For I would follow You,
Certain that Your direction gives me peace.

We have come to the final lessons. We have followed the lessons in this year learning who we really are and how to change our minds about what and how we think. We have been willing to recognize that we are as we are created; whole, complete, and holy. We have learned that we are Love and Peace. We have learned that the world seen through our human eyes is an illusion and that the real world is seen just beyond the world’s appearance. We have learned to let go of our predetermined beliefs and attachments. We have chosen to be willing to see differently as guided by Spirit. Our holy instant is waiting for us now.

We are ready to place our trust in Spirit, our Guide. This is the Higher Holy Spirit that is within every one of us. This Spirit is the Voice for God – Oneness. We’ve seen glimpses of Heaven in the holy instants we have experienced over this year of lessons. Great Wisdom has been revealed to us and the ancient songs of Oneness have echoed in our ears as we opened ourselves to a new and different path.

And if I need a word to help me, Spirit will give it to me. If I need a thought, that will Spirit also give. And if I need but stillness and a tranquil, open mind, these are the gifts I will receive of Spirit. Spirit is in charge by my request. And Spirit will hear and answer me, because Spirit speaks for God my Creator and the One Holy Child – Me.   W-pII.364.1:1-5

We can now be home. We can now see that we have come to the end of our journey that has no distance, for we have returned to the awareness of who we really are. We never left our home. But, like the prodigal child, we are welcomed home with great joy qne rejoicing. We now are aware that we actually are home and our leaving was nothing more than a dream. Awake, my friend, for we are complete and whole and home in the Oneness of our being. Let it be so now.

ACIM W.pII.357 Truth answers every call we make to God, Responding first with miracles, and then Returning unto us to be itself.

December 22, 2020

Lesson 257 –

Truth answers every call we make to God,
Responding first with miracles, and then
Returning unto us to be itself.

It is our time. It is the time to let go of all our preconceived ideas and recognize the Truth within us. Until now, we have made it very complicated. Surrender the complication. Allow the Spirit within to speak and show the way. We can stop fighting it even now.

Forgiveness, truth’s reflection, tells me how to offer miracles, and thus escape the prison house in which I think I live. Your holy Child is pointed out to me, first in my friend; then in me. Your Voice instructs me patiently to hear Your Word, and give as I receive. And as I look upon Your Child today, I hear Your Voice instructing me to find the way to You, as You appointed that the way shall be:

“Behold their sinlessness, and be you healed.”   W-pII.357.1:1-5

Let me forgive myself  and my friend for nothing more than a miss-thought. This is all that is needed to start the transformation of the world we think we see. Let it be and allow yourself to see differently. Heaven is waiting to be revealed in what we already have.

ACIM W.pII.351 My sinless friend is my guide to peace. My sinful friend is my guide to pain. And which I choose to see I will behold.

December 15, 2020

Lesson 351 –

My sinless friend is my guide to peace.
My sinful friend is my guide to pain.
And which I choose to see I will behold.

What do I choose to see in those around me? This may seem backwards to some. We may not even realize we have a choice in how we see others. This choice is a revelation. My choice to see another as either sinful or sinless determines how I see the world. Just think about this for a minute. We each have the power to see each other and the world as we choose. Will we choose sinlessness or sinfulness? The real world is sinless. That is how it is created and how it remains. Yet, we often choose to see it as sinful. What if we were willing to see the world differently? Perhaps we can gather enough courage and curiosity to entertain the possibility that this may be true.

The truth is we are each a creation of Source, God, or Oneness. We are that Oneness. We are holy, we are complete, and we are whole. Nothing can change or corrupt that about us. Our Higher Holy Spirit, forever within us, holds the remembrance of that sinlessness for us. We may have chosen another path for a time, but our wholeness is never lost. Even when we stray rom the awareness of who we really are, our sinlessness is held within us for when we choose to change our mind about who we are and reconnect with our true being. Reconnecting with our Holy Self is Salvation as the Couse teaches it. It is a matter of shifting our mind to a remembered existence that taps that holy power within us. And it starts with our willingness. This lesson explains it in this affirmation or prayer:

Who is my friend but Your holy Child? And if I see them sinful I proclaim myself a sinner, not a Child of God; alone and friendless in a fearful world. Yet this perception is a choice I make, and can relinquish. I can also see my friend sinless, as Your holy Child. And with this choice I see my sinlessness, my everlasting Comforter and Friend beside me, and my way secure and clear. Choose, then, for me, my Creator, through Your Voice. For Your Voice [Spirit] alone gives judgment in Your Name.   W-pII.351.1:1-7

We are always just a thought away from the awareness of our sinlessness. We have focused on and believed so convincingly in the idea we are sinful that we lost sight of our true being. At any moment we can make another choice. A choice that will transform the world we see around us. Seeing the world through the eyes of Oneness rather than the lens of separation and division give us a new perspective. We can choose – and we really want to choose – this new-to-us perception, yet a return to the real world and reality we had abandoned. We do not need to change anything except our belief in sinfulness to transcend this world. Change your thoughts and change your world. And thus, step into the joy and peace of eternal and infinite love. This is the freedom we have been seeking.

ACIM W.pII.344 Today I learn the law of love; that what I give another is my gift to me.

December 8, 2020

Lesson 344 –

Today I learn the law of love; that what
I give another is my gift to me.

This lesson is about learning the law of love. Since the Course teaches us that love is all there is, this is at the heart of the Course. We are love and nothing else. God, Source, or Oneness is love. The Ones we travel with in this world are also love. And as love we are all One. We are all connected, inseparable no matter how hard we try to be or believe we are separate. No thought is independent. Each thought we think affects our perception of the world and who we see ourselves and others to be. There is incredible power in these thoughts, for they determine how we perceive ourselves and each other. Even though the Course teaches us that love is all there is, we can block the awareness of love in our consciousness by which thoughts we believe to be true. This lesson describes the law of love as follows:

This is Your law, my Creator, not my own. I have not understood what giving means, and thought to save what I desired for myself alone. And as I looked upon the treasure that I thought I had, I found an empty place where nothing ever was or is or will be. Who can share a dream? And what can an illusion offer me? Yet the one whom I forgive will give me gifts beyond the worth of anything on earth. Let my forgiven companions fill my store with Heaven’s treasures, which alone are real. Thus is the law of love fulfilled. And thus Your One Child arises and returns to You.   W-pII.344.1:1-9

The law of love teaches us what giving really means. We have learned that giving and receiving are the same. There is no difference whatsoever. All that is real – love – is completely shared. It cannot be divined. In fact, love can only be increased. What we give to another is also received. If we give attack to another, we attack ourselves, as we reinforce the idea we are not One with each other. This serves only to separate us in our own mind. No one else need see this way for us to see ourselves separate. We can choose to deny the awareness of the love offered us, but we cannot destroy the love we are. We do no more than block our awareness of the love we receive. Who in their right mind would ever do this? The solution is to allow our mind to accept the law of love and step into the awareness of who we really are. We are so near to the awareness of our true being. It is no more than a thought away when we allow Spirit within us to guide our thoughts. And when we do, we will recognize this Spirit as our real Self.

How near we are to one another, as we go to Oneness. How near is Oneness to us. How close the ending of the dream of sin, and the redemption of the One Holy Child of Oneness.   W-pII.344.2:1-3

This mind shift is so near. We can taste it as it resonates in the ancient song we hear in our mind. Rest in this ancient song. Allow it to rise and fill our being with the beautiful melodies of Oneness. This is the Song of Heaven that fills and surrounds us. May we allow our minds to dwell in this place of peace and love where we live by the law of love in everything we think and do. This is our destiny, This is home.

ACIM W.pII.337 My sinlessness protects me from all harm.

December 1, 2020

Lesson 337 –

My sinlessness protects me from all harm.

Our true essence, our true being cannot be harmed. That is, our holy whole Self cannot be harmed. The real world does not know harm, for harm doesn’t exist. Harm is an illusion. Yet, it certainly appears that harm exists in the world we seem to live in. We have set up the idea of a body – which the Course tells us is an illusion – and identified ourselves as this body. The ruth is we are not this body we seem to inhabit. We made it up to reinforce the idea of separation. Thus, we identify different than our Creator even though we are really One. We made up the idea that we are “sinful” to support the idea that we seem to be less than. In this world it appears that all sorts of harm can befall us and we are beyond any control over it. What if we are really sinless? What if we are beyond all harm? For a time, we have chosen to believe we are separate, that we are a body, and we are susceptible to the world’s forces.

The Course has taught us that we are still as we are created – holy, whole, and complete. Our sins are nothing more than mistakes that can easily be corrected in our minds. Allowing the awareness of our sinlessness to rise in our minds brings a different perspective and understanding of the world. We see beyond all the petty stuff to a reality beyond where peace of mind abounds. Seeing the world and all its troubles from a place where we are experiencing inner peace gives us a new perspective. It shows us what is real and what is illusion. No longer will we feel threatened.

My sinlessness ensures me perfect peace, eternal safety, everlasting love, freedom forever from all thought of loss; complete deliverance from suffering. And only happiness can be my state, for only happiness is given me. What must I do to know all this is mine? I must accept Atonement for myself, and nothing more. Our Creator has already done all things that need be done. And I must learn I need do nothing of myself, for I need but accept my Self, my sinlessness, created for me, now already mine, to feel Our Creator’s Love protecting me from harm, to understand my Creator loves Their One Child; to know I am the Child my Creator loves.   W-pII.337.1:1-6

We are Oneness. We are holiness. We are complete, whole, and just as we are created. No belief in any illusion can change that fact. Heaven is our home while we still walk this earth. We are here to recognize who we really are and let the perfect light and love we are heal the world. The light and love we share are the miracles we share as our function here. A shift of thought is the journey to the awareness of who we really are. In this shift we share each other’s holiness and wholeness with the world. May this prayer be our guidance to the opening of our mind to the truth of who we really are.

You Who created me in sinlessness are not mistaken about what I am. I was mistaken when I thought I sinned, but I accept Atonement for myself. Creator, my dream is ended now. Amen.   W-pII.337.2:1-4

Allow yourself to be freed from the bonds of your split mind, for we are limited only by our thoughts and beliefs. Let yourself be open to the perfect peace and love of our creation. We are Oneness; all there is and all there ever has been or will be. Be the light of the world you are as you accept this truth about all creation. We have come home to Oneness.