A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: June 2010

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ACIM T-24.III The Forgiveness of Specialness

June 29, 2010

We get lost in our dream of specialness.  We have completely given ourselves to the dream that we are separate and special.  We have believed the dream that we are set apart from all others, denying our Oneness.  In this dream, we believe what we have made up.  We are so deep into this dream that we are oblivious to the call of peace and love that stand within us and call to us.  It is gently calling us to wake from the dream.  It calls to us, telling us of our true Oneness, of the freedom, abundance, love, and peace that are already ours, waiting for us to remember them.

We think we are tormented.  We believe the dream we made up about ourselves, and also believe that God would take that away from us, making us less.  But nothing can compare to the goodness and wholeness God gives us.  All that is God is ours in Oneness.  We share all there is with God and each other in Oneness.  Is our dream of specialness worth the denial of what God gave us in our creation?  We are God extended.  We are never separate from God.  Yet we cling to the dream of our specialness, effectively shutting ourselves off from the awareness of our true Oneness.

We think our dream of specialness is freedom.  Yet the dream only limits us.  It cannot compare with the grandeur of God’s Will for us.  We have become slaves to our dream of specialness.  Yet we can still be free.  Be willing to open your eyes just a little.  See your brother, your sister, your Savior looking back.  See in their eyes the reflection of who you really are.  And recognize who they really are.  We are all One with God, full of the wondrous love that is God, whole, loved, and at peace.  It is our birthright.  When will we be willing to grant that birthright to ourselves and each other and let go of the dream of specialness we made up?  It is the simple act of forgiving our thoughts of specialness.

God’s Will is for us to set each other free.  Freedom is the release from the chains of our dreams of specialness.  Wake up, open your eyes, and see.  Open your ears and hear.  The grandeur of the realm of God is all around us.  It is already ours.  Reach out and take the hand of your sister, your brother, your Savior and set all of creation free.

ACIM T-24.III The Forgiveness of Specialness

June 22, 2010

Our Will and God’s Will are one, they cannot be parted, and they cannot be separated.  Yet, we try with all our minds to make ourselves special in some way.  That idea of specialness is a sword, an illusion, but a sword when we believe it that separates our awareness from the awareness of the presence of God within us.  It is a mighty sword, but mighty only because we believe it.  In truth we cannot be separated from God and all we are created as is always intact.

Our true nature is One, not separation.  When we realize we are all One we see there can be no “specialness”.  Specialness makes one different from another and that is impossible if we are all One.  Yes, we bring great diversity to the Whole from our human life, but we are still always One, never separate, no matter how special we think we are.  Specialness is neither God’s Will or Our Will, for God’s Will and Our Will are One.  Whatever will is specialness must not be of God and therefore an illusion.

All God asks is to forgive our specialness.  It is simply to say, “I believed an error and am willing to let that belief go.  I am willing to see correctly.  I am willing to recognize that we all are One.”  This is the simplicity of forgiveness.  This is the simplicity of changing our minds and seeing our Oneness.  We allow ourselves to remember who we really are.  As we let go of our mistaken beliefs that we gave power by believing them, we release ourselves from their grip and our eyes are transformed before us, showing us the peace and love that has always been within us.

Do we really enjoy living the illusion of specialness?  Perhaps once in awhile we do, but most of the time we feel we are missing something.  We lack the awareness of the peace, joy, and love that is inherent in our God-being.  We lost touch with the grace of the Divine within us.  And so we looked to specialness to replace the Divine within us.  Specialness will never be Divine as it is the denial of Divineness.  Let go of the hell of specialness and see the Divinity within all.  We are One, unchangeable.  Let us live in that awareness and experience all we really are.  We are blessed.

ACIM T-24.III The Forgiveness of Specialness

June 15, 2010

Whatever form of specialness we cling to, we thus block the awareness of who we really are from ourselves.  The full awareness of our wholeness is dependent on the full forgiveness of any thought that is a block to our awareness.  We cling to that one specialness and thus cannot see clearly because we have not released that idea specialness.  We see either Truth of illusion, but not both at once.  We really need do very little to see our wholeness.  All we need do is release our attachment to the thought of any specialness.

Is it really that simple?  Yes, as long as we are willing to let go of everything.  But we are so used to our mistaken idea of specialness that we are very resistant to the idea of letting it go.  We have clung to it all our lives.  And we know old habits are difficult to let go of.  Once we do truly let go, we experience the wholeness of our being.  We feel the peace of God deep within us.  A feeling of joy and happiness comes up deep within us, warming our soul in a peaceful way that we can embrace without fear of it ever ending.  We know that what we are and feel in that moment is limitless and everlasting.  We recognize our Self in this bliss.

Letting go of all the specialness we have been unwilling to release gives us the freedom to see ourselves and each other clearly, as we really are.  We recognize the divinity of all creation wherever we look.  We know that it is all One, that it is all inseparable.  We have seen Oneness.  We have seen God.  We have seen ourselves and each other as we really are.  It brings such joy to our hearts that we find no need for the illusion of specialness anymore. And thus we can release all our thoughts of specialness, every one of them, without exception.  And we open our mind to the truth of our holiness.  We are at peace.  We are truly One.

ACIM T-24.II The Treachery of Specialness

June 8, 2010

Specialness is division, it is separation.  It attempts to divide what cannot be divided into unequal parts.  One must be “more”, or “better”, or “higher” than another.  Thinking along this line is surely treacherous.  It blocks our awareness of Truth.  It blocks the awareness of God and Love which cannot be divided up into pieces, equal or unequal.  Once we think anything is divided, we cannot think that anything is One.  The two ideas just don’t make sense with each other.  They are not compatible.  So we continually try to rationalize our separated way of thinking.

What is whole can be nothing but whole.  There can be no part of the whole for it is impossible for wholeness to be unwhole.  God created us by extension, not by separation.  We remain as God created us.  No one of us can be who we really are without the other.  Recognizing that we are one with each other is the return to the awareness of our wholeness.  In the changing of a thought we are transformed to the awareness of our true whole One Self, One with the whole of God.  It is silly, really, to think in any other way, because separated thinking is an error, a mistake.

But change comes miraculously in the instant we allow ourselves to think with the Mind of God.  It is the simple effort of letting go of our habitual way of thinking and being willing to allow the thoughts of God to come into our mind.  What a gift we give ourselves and each other when we let our thoughts from the Mind of God come forward into our awareness.  It is peaceful, it is joyous, and it is filled with love.

Love can never be divided.  We are either aware that we are the completeness of Love, or we have attempted to divide love into pieces and have thus blocked love from our awareness.  The attempt to make specialness is the attempt to divide love which cannot be divided.  We share the totalness of love with each other.  And we will only be aware of who we really are when we do recognize all of creation as One, undivided and whole.  We are as God created us and no one of us can ever be put asunder.  Be whole and let the treachery of specialness fade into nothingness where it is nothing.

ACIM T-24.II The Treachery of Specialness

June 1, 2010

Why do we have the need to see ourselves as special?  For when we do, we defend our specialness against the truth of who we are.  The belief in our specialness comes from the desire to make ourselves something other than who we really are.  The root of this comes from what we think our specialness is.  It always elevates us, makes us better than, more right than, or even less than another.  It is in direct conflict with God’s creation of the One Child of God.  God created us whole, complete, pure, and unchangeable.  But we work really hard at being special or making someone else special.

We have studied how our beliefs make what we see ; our world.  We find it impossible to hold two conflicting beliefs.  We must choose one or the other to truly believe what we believe.  So if we believe our specialness, then we cannot believe in our Oneness, our sameness.  When we believe that some are more special than others we cannot believe in the fullness of each one in unity.  If we are as God created us, with everything we really need and want at our disposal, complete and whole, with unlimited love and power, no one can be more special than another.  Specialness is impossible; nothing but an illusion.

This is not to say that there is no diversity in God’s creation.  There is infinite diversity in God’s creation.  We do not look the same, we have varied talents and skills, and we have varied abilities.  We each have things we do well and have the opportunity to use those talents at the direction and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  God never intended for us to all be the same, cookie cutter copies of each other.  What a boring world that would be.  And that boring copycat world would never reflect the vast grandeur of all God is.

We are asked to remember who we really are, the One Child of God and set aside the belief in specialness and differing values of each other.  When we choose to see with the eyes of Spirit and hear with the ears of Spirit, we see and hear the realm of God.  We begin to hear the Voice for God singing the praises of who we all are.  We begin to realize that we are all an equally essential part of God that can never be separated from God for we are all One in God.  Accept your and another’s priceless value in Oneness.  It can never be less or more because it is maximal.  We are maximal because we are One with God and all Creation.  Specialness fades away to nothing in the light of the Truth of who we really are.  Rejoice in wholeness.