A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: August 2010

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ACIM T-25.Introduction

August 31, 2010

The Justice of God is always about Truth.  It is always about what is right, good, holy, and real.  It is never about wrong.  It is never about wrath, anger, or punishment.  It is, however, about the correction of any incorrect thinking.  It is the gentle reminder of who and what we really are and how to change our way of thinking to see correctly as God sees.

We are of God.  We are all the characteristics of God and therefore cannot be contained within a body.  Our healing is the remembering of who we really are.  It is not the body that needs healing; it is the mind that needs healing.  Our complete identification with the limitations of the body keeps us unaware of our true self.  How could we possibly cram all that God is and that we are into this little bag of flesh and bones?  The reality of who we really are is much bigger that that.

The Christ within us is very resourceful.  It shines our light brightly through our body, letting all that we really are shine through the portal of our body.  It shines to show others, our brothers and sisters, the beauty and joy of who they really are.  It shines the Truth through each and every one of us if we will simply let go of our small thinking and let our minds be healed, opening to the Oneness with the Mind of God that we are all connected with.  This is the Mind of God that is within us.

What a beautiful justice this is.  Knowing that we are within God and that God is within us is a freedom that has no end and no bounds.  There is no judgment, wrath, anger or punishment in this justice.  It is merely the healing of our minds, realizing that our minds are One with each other and God.  Our bodies then have a Divine purpose, to shine the light of Christ in this world for all to see.  In that seeing will each of us know who we really are.  It doesn’t matter what our circumstances are in this world, for every one of them is a portal for the light of the Christ within to shine brightly, bringing freedom to all who will look and see.

ACIM T-24.VII The Meeting Place

August 24, 2010

We are eternally whole and One.  There is no separation.  We are as much One with God as God is One with us and we are One with each other.  Nothing can change this.  Nothing can take away from this.  God’s creation is all-encompassing and all-encompassed.  There is no other truth.  And perception has no purpose in reality and truth.

But perception does have a purpose for each of us who have mistaken ourselves as anything other than who we really are.  And all of us who think we are a body that feels, sees, hears, and touches are using the means of perception.  We use perception every moment of every day.  Though perception has no purpose in Reality, it has a Divine purpose in our journey back to the awareness of who we really are.  Learning and understanding how we perceive is crucial to understanding how to correct our perception and see with the eyes of Spirit.

We must keep in mind that all perception is still not reality.  It is never more than a means.  But we tend to use perception to tell us that what we believe is real.  Perception is the outward picture of what we want to be true.  Understanding what perception is is the first step to returning to the awareness of who we really are.  Perception is a means by which we evaluate all we experience and see.  Once we realize we can change how we perceive, we can begin to move our perception closer to Truth and Reality.  Though it will never take us all the way to Truth, it will bring us close enough for us to reach out and grasp God who will take the last step to wholeness for us.

Perception is not bound to specialness.  Only our choice to make it so makes it appear so.  We can choose to perceive differences, or we can choose to perceive Oneness.  At any moment we can choose how we perceive.  We can choose what we will use to perceive.  Will we choose to use what the body sees, hears, and feels?  Or will we allow the Spirit to show us with Spirit eyes and ears how to perceive and see the wholeness within each other?  It’s our choice.  Understand perception and choose well the means to return to the awareness of who we really are and have always been.

ACIM T-24.VII The Meeting Place

August 17, 2010

What God creates is holy, for God creates like God’s Self.  God’s creation cannot be anything but holy, because God creates in holiness.  And since we are God’s creation, we are holy.  In a like manner, since we are holy, our creations are holy.  This is true as long as we are creating from a place, a mind, of holiness and awareness of holiness.  Anything made not from holiness is illusion, being made from separate thoughts and ideas.  We must be in a state of holiness to create like God and ourselves.

We have the choice of where we meet our brother or sister.  We can meet them at the place we made, built on illusory thoughts and ideas.  Or we can meet them in a holy place created with the thoughts of God.  The Thoughts of God are our thoughts, too, for we are co-creators with God.  When we co-create with God, we cannot miss what is real.  When we allow our mind to be one with God’s Mind, we are One.  We are in holiness, we see with the eyes of Spirit.  We see with eyes that see Truth and nothing else.  We’ve let go of the limited sight we had in separation, for it showed us what we had made with our illusory ideas and thoughts.  It’s no wonder it never served us well or lasted.  It was not made from the place of holiness where we meet the Divine in everything.

The place of holiness is right here wherever we are.  It is evident in anything we see, evident in anything we do, and evident in everyone we meet and every experience we have.  All we need do is let go of our need to see and create by ourselves.  We have the infinite, eternal resource of the Divine within and around us wherever we are.  Spirit asks us to open our Spirit eyes and see with the Mind of God and Create as God co-creates with us.  The joy of Heaven comes shining through in the blazing light of Truth.  How could we have ever thought we could make anything apart from our Creator?  It’s our natural way to create like ourselves, holy and pure, peaceful and joyous.

It is time to join the Divine that we are already One with and Create as we live in Heaven on this earth.  Let go and celebrate the Oneness we all are with all of God’s Creation.  We are nothing less than co-creators with God.  See

ACIM T-24.VII The Meeting Place

August 10, 2010

There is a place where we meet God, where we connect with the Divine that is wholly within us and all around us.  It is often in unexpected places, unexpected times, and unexpected circumstances.  Our part in recognizing these meeting places is being open to actually being aware of God’s creation in everything we see, do, and experience.  God’s Divinity is inseparable from us.  Divinity is who we are, whether or not we realize it.

Every moment of every day is an opportunity to recognize our Divinity.  The meeting place is the world.  The meeting place is each one we encounter.  For in each encounter with another we have the opportunity to see the Oneness of who we are reflected in that One, for they are also the Oneness of who we all are.  Because we are all One, the One whole creation of God, we see that Oneness in all we see when we let ourselves see reality.

Though we tend to try to see ourselves as separate and better or worse than another, we are all really the One Child of God, One with the Parent, never having ever been apart.  Each one we meet is the opportunity to see the wholeness of who they really are, the Divinity of their true nature.  When we allow ourselves to see with the eyes of Spirit, we see the truth about another and in turn see the truth about ourselves and who we truly are.  We recognize our own Divine Source in the brother or sister that has come our way in this very moment to show us who we really are.

What a beautiful sight it is.  All we need do is relax, let go of our ideas we have become so invested in and let Spirit light our way and our sight.  All that God creates is beautiful, whole, and good.  And so it is that we are beautiful and whole and good.  Be willing, and Spirit will show us the truth.

ACIM T-24.VI Salvation from Fear

August 3, 2010

We often feel unhappy that we are subject to the laws of the world.  What if we aren’t?  Wild we be glad if these laws weren’t for us?  The laws we think we exist under in this world often seem to limit us, to imprison us.  We feel stuck in our circumstances.  We yearn to be free of them, but see no other way.  So we go on and “live with it.”  And we continue to be unhappy, dissatisfied, and alone.

What we don’t realize is that we have another choice!  We don’t realize we have made up the world we see and all the “laws” we think govern it.  What we see as limiting us is made up in our minds.  It is a product of what we think about all we have experienced in our life.  As each of us forms our own opinions and perceptions, we support each other in our various perceived realities.  These are our best guesses at reality from a place where we don’t see with the clarity of Oneness, with the eyes of Spirit.  When we use our separated minds to perceive our world, we perceive illusion.  But when we allow the Vision of Spirit to show us reality, we see with all the wisdom of God.

We have pursued our specialness with vigor and determination.  We have been so determined to define the world we live in that we have blocked every entry from intrusion and shut out every ray of light that could show us the Truth about ourselves.  We are so involved in rationalizing our self-created idea of ourselves that we left no room for anyone else.  We are so caught up in the maintaining of this illusion that we completely miss the beauty of ourselves that is already within us.  We miss what God has created and continuously sees within us, the beauty and holiness of who we really are.

If we just relaxed and pursued another goal, another way of understanding ourselves, we would find it takes much less effort to see ourselves as God sees us.  We spend so much effort disguising what we see in each other as something other than reality, we miss the reality of who we really arte shining back at us in each other.  Isaiah said “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  The way of God is filled with ease and grace.  Each of us is a manifestation of God, complete in our Oneness and unity.  It is Truth as God created us.  We can be nothing other than God’s perfect creation.  But the way we perceive ourselves and each other can obliterate our true nature from our awareness, leaving us to make up our own world.  Let go of the way you see the world yourself and let Spirit show you the truth of who you really are.  And if you can’t see it in yourself, see it in another, for another is joined with you in Oneness and will shine your true self back to you in all its holy glory.  Just make the choice to see differently today.