A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: August 2020

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ACIM W.pII.239 – The glory of my Creator is my own.

August 25, 2020

Lesson 239 –

The glory of my Creator is my own.

This lesson, as was last week’s, is in a section of lessons addressing the question, “ What is Salvation?” I realize that for some, salvation is a difficult idea. But let’s look at it differently. The Course teaches us how to heal our mind. And the healing of our mind brings us into the awareness of our Oneness with our Creator and all Creation. Salvation is the return to the awareness of who we really are. It is a return to love and peace. It is a return to the awareness of our wholeness, our completeness, our limitlessness, and our holiness. Today’s lesson infers a return to the awareness of our glory shared with our Creator and all Creation. Stepping into this awareness takes a little willingness to release our need to micro-control the world around us. We begin by releasing it, letting it go. How many times have you heard that phrase? It’s even in Broadway musicals!

This lesson gives us this truth:

Let not the truth about ourselves today be hidden by a false humility. Let us instead be thankful for the gifts our Creator gave us. Can we see in those with whom our Creator shares Its glory any trace of sin and guilt? And can it be that we are not among them, when our Creator loves Us, the One Child, forever and with perfect constancy, knowing they are as Oneness created them?   W-pII.239.1:1-4

Oneness, for me, expresses the connectedness of everything – us with our Creator and each other. It takes a little willingness to begin being open to this mind shift. And, it takes time to adopt this way of thinking as our natural and habitual way of thinking. It is very possible and, with a little vigilance and forgiveness, rewarding. If we are willing to let go of our habitual ways of thinking, we will be led by that which is holy within us to the lessons we need to learn that will change our way of thinking.

We have a light that shines within us. That light always shines, even when we are unaware of it. The Course has taught us we are the light of the world. It is always accessible as our guide in whatever we encounter if we are willing to recognize it. Feel challenged? Take a moment to reflect and look within. Perhaps ask Spirit to guide your thoughts. Be willing to look beyond the appearance of anything the world seems to place in front of us. There is another way. There is a loving way. There is a peaceful way. The Course suggests a prayer to help us see:

We thank You, Creator, for the light that shines forever in us. And we honor it, because You share it with us. We are one, united in this light and one with You, at peace with all creation and ourselves.   W-pII.239.2:1-3

Oneness is our truth and our reality. Unity of purpose is our natural state. It is time to bring that unity, that Oneness, into our awareness and release the illusion of separation. This is where we find peace, love, and happiness. It’s already within us, but by recognizing it we can actually live it in this world and thus make a difference. Our strength is in Oneness. Let’s set our eyes on the light within us – Oneness.

ACIM W.pII.232 – Be in my mind, my Father, through the day.

August 18, 2020

Lesson 232 –

Be in my mind, my Creator, through the day.

Each day, each moment, remembering who we really are is a practice that will benefit our state of mind. We want peace, then we focus on the source of peace within us. We have learned that we are One with our Creator and each other. There is no separation. We all share all with all. When we forget our natural state of being, we can simply turn within to the truth that dwells within us that is connected with Oneness, and remember who we really are. We are whole, complete, holy and free. Nothing can take that away from us. Only our denial of our truth makes it appear that it is not so. As we rise in the morning, remember we are Oneness. Anytime during the day – even often – remember and step into the awareness of our Oneness. This lesson gives us this instruction:

This is as every day should be. Today, practice the end of fear. Have faith in the One Who is your Creator. Trust all things to Oneness. Let Oneness reveal all things to you, and be you undismayed because you are the One Child.   W-pII.232.2:1-5

The purpose of the Couse is to heal our mind, to heal our thinking. We awaken to the realization and awareness of who we really are. This may look a bit different to each one of us, but in essence, it is all the same. We can step into the recognition that we are complete, whole and limitless; that we are essentially love. As we begin to allow our consciousness to shift, we begin to see and understand the world and its goings-on differently. We begin to see beyond the appearance of the world to the reality that lies beyond illusion. Our part is to relax and allow the true identity of our being to rise in our mind and set our thoughts free. Just allow your mind to settle down. Busy thinking doesn’t help us, it distracts us. Allow the peace within to rise to awareness. It’s always been there deep within waiting to be recognized. Be still an instant and experience the holy instant of recognition that reveals who and what we have always been. Connected and holy in Oneness.

ACIM W.pII.225 – God is my Creator, and We, the One Child, love our Creator.

August 11, 2020

Lesson 225 –

God is my Creator, and We, the One Child, love our Creator.

We must return our Creator’s love for us, for giving and receiving are the same and we have been given all. All is shared so we also give all freely. How could we not do this? For in full awareness we want this, blazing in our mind and keeping it within its kindly light, inviolate, beloved, with fear securely behind us and only peace ahead. How still is the way we are led along to the awareness of our Oneness! This is our destiny and our inheritance.  Of this does the ancient song sing. Take a step away from the chaos of the world and rest in this stillness a moment.

Friend, we find that stillness now. The way is open. Now we follow it in peace together. You have reached your hand to me, and I will never leave you. We are one, and it is but this oneness that we seek, as we accomplish these few final steps which end a journey that was not begun.   W-pII.225.2:1-5

Love is our natural condition. The giving and receiving of perfect pure love is our calling. Once we step into the realization that we are love, limitless love at that, we find it is impossible not to love. In this condition, peace rests at our core. Nothing at all is able to ruffle or threaten our peace. We can rest in the security that the real love and peace within us cannot be threatened. We are One with our Creator and thus, One with each other. When we feel threatened by conditions and situations in the world, we have a choice. We can get caught up in the appearance of the threatening world. Or, we can look within ourselves to the peace and love we share with all and our Creator that is our strength. This is our rock. This is the strength with which we can look beyond the appearance of the world to reality and Oneness.

When the going gets tough, when the challenges seem too big, take a step away from whatever seems so challenging and look to the stillness within us. It’s always there. It never hides. We simply acknowledge it and it is there, strong, present and quiet. Once we allow ourselves to be in stillness, our higher inspiration and guidance is there for us. If we ignore or deny it, it will be there the next time we are willing to allow it to rise within us. We are reminded; we are the light of the world, and all darkness fades away in the light of truth. Be the stillness. Be the light. Be peace. Be who you really are. Oneness.

ACIM W.pI.218 – Review of Lesson 198 Only my condemnation injures me.

August 4, 2020

Lesson 218 – Review of Lesson 198

I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.

(198) Only my condemnation injures me. My condemnation keeps my vision dark, and through my sightless eyes I cannot see the vision of my glory. Yet today I can behold this glory and be glad.

I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.   W-pI.218.1:1-6

There is nothing that keeps us unaware of our wholeness and holiness other than our own conflicting thoughts. This is not to blame ourselves. Nor is it to make us feel worse about ourselves. This lesson is meant to show us we have another choice. We have a choice to see ourselves, each other and the world differently. Our real, natural world is one of peace and joy. Yet, our mistaken thoughts and beliefs can keep the real world from our eyes. We have the choice to simply change our mind and see differently, and thus find our world transformed. I am reminded of the prayer response, “ What I believe I will see.”

Injury is impossible. And yet illusion makes illusion. If you can condemn, you can be injured. For you have believed that you can injure, and the right you have established for yourself can be now used against you, till you lay it down as valueless, unwanted and unreal. Then does illusion cease to have effects, and those it seemed to have will be undone. Then are you free, for freedom is your gift, and you can now receive the gift you gave.   W-pI.198.1:1-6

Forgiveness is the key to changing our thoughts. Forgiveness is truly a change of mind, a changing of our thoughts we believe to more correct thoughts. We are meant to see ourselves as we really are, whole, complete and holy. We re also meant to see each other whole, complete and holy, for that is our real Self in Oneness. All the seeming hurtful conditions we think we see are mistaken dreams our egoic thought system has made up to reinforce the belief we hold that we are fragmented and incomplete and somehow unclean. Nothing could be further from the truth. Take a step back and be still for a moment.

The stillness of your Self remains unmoved, untouched by thoughts like these, and unaware of any condemnation which could need forgiveness. Dreams of any kind are strange and alien to the truth. And what but truth could have a Thought which builds a bridge to it that brings illusions to the other side?   W-pI.198.8:1-3

This bridge is ours to take any time we wish. We can cross it many times. We can see it in many ways, many forms. It is revealed to us in a perfect way whenever we need it and when we allow ourselves to see it. The other side is our home, our Heaven on earth and in this world. Our forgiveness, even just our willingness to welcome forgiveness, reveals this bridge and the truth of our value and worth beyond it. Willingly step onto this bridge and the peace, love and joy we’ve been seeking with rise  within us in healing memory.

Now is there silence all around the world. Now is there stillness where before there was a frantic rush of thoughts that made no sense. Now is there tranquil light across the face of earth, made quiet in a dreamless sleep.   W-pI.198.11:1-3

All that remains upon the world we see is the truth of what is real. Only that quiet stillness can be perceived an instant longer. Now symbols are done, and everything we ever thought we made completely vanishes from the mind that our Creator knows forever to be Us. We no longer have any need of thoughts of condemnation or injury. They are meaningless in this world of perfect love and peace. And now the joy of freedom to be who we really are blesses us with the infinite peace and love we truly are. Step on that bridge and cross over now. Happiness is waiting just over this bridge.