A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: March 2010

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ACIM T-23.II The Laws of Chaos

March 30, 2010

We have chosen to live by the “laws of chaos” in this world.  We certainly don’t believe we chose them because we have believed that they are real.  A lifetime of learning and rationale has gone into the development of these laws.  All that our parents, teachers, and religious leaders have taught us went into supporting and strengthening our belief in these laws.  We have explained all of our life experiences with these laws, doing our best to explain each experience using these laws, even when they don’t quite fit.

To believe in these laws and explain our life experiences by them, we have had to look away from the truth about us and God.  To try to fit the Oneness of Creation and the unconditional love of God into the laws of chaos is impossible.  So we have made up ideas about God that reinforce what we have learned and made up.  We made up the idea of a wrathful God.  We made up the idea that we could fall short of God’s plan for us.  We made up the idea that there is such a thing as hate, attack, and separation.  The whole premise we built the laws of chaos on is untrue, an illusion.  And so it is chaotic.  It always seems to be a mess. That is because we never think to look to God, to Spirit, to Truth when we are looking for any kind of explanation.

We forget that we carry within the depths of our being God’s Divine nature, that we are created and sustained by God’s love.  Divine order is within us.  We can look at all we experience differently.  We can let go of our belief in the laws of chaos.  We can release our need to control and let Spirit show us the laws of Love and Truth.  What a different picture we see when we see with the eyes of Spirit.  We see the mistaken ideas that keep us locked in the unawareness of who we really are.  We understand that all that is real is holy and all that is not falls away when we begin to let go of our belief in it, our attachment to the idea.

God always sees our true essence.  God always sees us One in Spirit.  God always sees our holiness and our innocence.  God always showers us with love and blessing.  It is our choice to live from the awareness of God’s plan, or from a belief in the laws of chaos.  What choice do you make today?  Will you live in the Love of God or the laws of chaos?  It is your choice.  Choose Love today, and every day thereafter.

ACIM T-23.II The Laws of Chaos

March 23, 2010

We have talked about the first three laws of chaos:  1. The belief that each of us has our own truth and they are different.  2. The belief that each of us must sin, and therefore is deserving of attack and death.  3. The belief that if God cannot be mistaken, God must accept Our belief in what we are, and hate ourselves for it.  This week we look at the fourth law of chaos which, if the others are accepted, must be true; the belief you have what you have taken.  By this, we believe another’s loss becomes our gain, and thus it fails to recognize that we can never take away save from ourselves.  We believe that we and God are limited.

This fourth belief, built on the previous three beliefs, is the belief that colors all our thinking.  It is a way of thinking we have grown attached to, have made habitual by forcing all our thoughts about our experiences into its form, and has caused us to see ourselves as lacking, limited, and little.  It keeps us distracted from our awareness of who we really are, bubbling under the surface of our consciousness, waiting for us to let it spring up within us.  So what we believe we lack, someone else must have.  And because we believe there is a limited amount of what we lack and want, we must take it from someone or somewhere else.  And if we believe someone else is keeping it from us, it must be worth having, so we must find a way to take all or part of it away from them.  Oh how this belief perpetuates and reinforces itself, strengthening our attachment to it.

For thousands of years, humankind has built and refined these seeming laws; our way of thinking.  We take them for granted and believe them wholeheartedly, yet blindly.  God’s abundance has always been ours, freely given to all unconditionally by God.  The only lack we could possibly encounter is a mistaken idea made up in the mind that forgot about God’s abundance.  What could we want that we think is so lacking?  Have we taken a good look at what we are looking for?  Will we ever find what we are looking for anywhere outside ourselves?

We miss God’s abundance when we look outside ourselves.  We look at others and say “I want what they have, how can I get it from them?”  Yet, all the while, we have all we are looking for within us.  A well of plenty supplied by God is there deep within us.  It is flowing with all the peace, love, and joy we could ever want with enough left over to supply all of Creation, too.  It is true.  God created us with that wellspring.  And God never will cap it or dry it up.  We are the Presence of God in this world.  We are the hands of God in this world.  God has provided all we need and could ever want.  And we let the Light of God shine by letting go of all our thoughts that keep it hidden.  Let the shower of blessing flow.  It will wash all over you and you will feel its abundance.

ACIM T-23.II The Laws of Chaos

March 16, 2009

We have talked about the first two laws of chaos; the belief that each of us has our own truth and they are different; and the belief that each of us must sin, and therefore is deserving of attack and death.  This week we look at the third law of chaos, the preposterous belief that seems to make chaos eternal; the belief that if God cannot be mistaken, God must accept Our belief in what we are, and hate ourselves for it.  And so we have instilled ourselves with the mistaken idea that we must fear God.

We have projected our mistaken beliefs about ourselves on God and so it has become impossible for us to be as God sees us.  How preposterous is the idea that our little idea of ourselves be different from God’s knowledge of who we really are!  We refuse to see any idea other than our own little separated ideas as true and so wallow in our misery always seeing ourselves at odds with God and, as a result, ourselves and each other.  There is no release and no escape from our self imposed purgatory because we think God is so displeased with us.

Nothing could be further from the truth.  The illusory thoughts of the ego, the separated mind, keep us distracted form the knowledge of who we really are that is deep within our own being.  God has given us the Holy Spirit, many times in the form of each other, to remind us of our true Self.  In letting go of our attachment to our mistaken ideas, we allow our true nature to be revealed to us.  We see the Light of God within us shine from within.  We feel the presence of our brothers and sisters joining with us as the One Child of God.

And so we begin to see our innocence.  We begin to see our Divine Nature come forward and guide us with certainty and confidence.  We see the pillar of God before us, guiding our every thought and step.  What a joy it is to feel the Love of God wash over us.  What a comfort it is to feel the peace of God well up within us and surround us.  We recognize who we really are and so recognize who each of us really is and always has been.  Let go.  Let everything go.  And be who you really are, One with God.

ACIM T-23.II The Laws of Chaos

March 9, 2010

Last week we talked about the first law of chaos; the belief that each of us has our own truth and they are different.  Now we look at the second law of chaos; the belief that each of us must sin, and therefore is deserving of attack and death.  Can this really be so?  If we take a good look within our thoughts we will find something like this.  We may even be willing to forgive those around us, but we often are the most unforgiving toward ourselves.  We believe that we fall hopelessly short of God’s will for us.  We also believe we can never get close to making it up to God or ourselves.

What we don’t see or believe is what God sees and knows; we are perfect just as we are and no mistake can ever change us from the holy One we are with God.  When we believe the mistaken ideas we have about ourselves and continue to reinforce those ideas in our minds, we create and strengthen the illusion that we are separate from God and our true Oneness with God.  We don’t believe it could be possible for God to love us as we “see” ourselves.  Think what this mistaken belief seems to do to our relationship with God!

So now we fear God and each other, an idea made sensible by our mistaken beliefs.  So sensible that it appears real to us.  We now project our own irrational thoughts on God, thinking God must see us as we have mistakenly believed ourselves.  What a winding path this way of thinking takes us down.  So chaotic is this path that we fail to see God’s presence dwelling deep within us.  We fail to see God’s light and love radiating from our true being, somthing that can never be lost or changed.

God never fails to see our true essence.  Our innocence, purity, light, and love is what God sees and celebrates each moment.  God has given us the tools and the assistance of the Holy Spirit to help us see differently, to help us see the truth about ourselves and each other.  We are asked simply to let go of our thoughts, whatever they may be, and let Spirit teach us.  Let Spirit show us the light that wells up from within us and shines brightly for all to see.  As we let ourselves see and feel that light within us we find the truth of who we really are, One with God, each other, and all of Creation.  Celebrate with God and know who you really are.

ACIM T-23.II The Laws of Chaos

March 2, 2010

The laws of chaos are anything buts laws.  Laws come from and create order.  But chaos is anything but order.  We have mistakenly thought that chaos is reality.  So in an effort to understand the chaos we take for reality, we make up laws to try and make sense of it all.  However, no matter how hard we try to understand the way chaos works; the only consistency is that there is no consistency in the laws of chaos.

The first law of chaos is that each of us has our own truth and they are different.  This thought that is essential in this idea is that we are all separate.  We think we have complete control over our life and everything about it.  The essential belief in this idea is that one thought us better than another, or one person’s way of thinking is more correct than another’s.  So someone has to be more right in any situation.  In thinking this way and believing it, we think we must attack the one who has the “less right” way of thinking and prove that our way is right.  Is it obvious that this creates chaos?

This way of establishing degrees of truth is directly opposite of the first principle of the Course which states there are no degrees of difficulty in miracles.  Miracles are the correction of mistaken thoughts.  And there is no thought more difficult to correct than another.  So how could one thought be more correct than another?  If we understand that all untrue thoughts are equally untrue, we begin to understand that all chaotic thoughts are easily changed if we let go of our attachment to them.

Any thought resulting from an idea of separation can be brought to light.  We needn’t understand it, for it cannot be understood.  But bringing it calmly into the light of truth lets the reason of God shine on it.  What is true will remain, and what is illusion or chaos will fade away and disappear into the gentleness of God’s radiant light and love.  We recognize God within us and feel the peace and joy of God flow through us and extend to each an every one of us who are all One in God.  Be at peace and let the laws of chaos we cling to fall away into nothingness, leaving only peace in our heart.