A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: July 2011

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ACIM T-27.V The Healing Example

July 26, 2011

Our own healing is all that is required that the world may be healed. And it is even simpler that that; for our consent to be healed is all that is needed. Once we consent, once we are willing to accept healing, we are healed. In this healing, the healing of our mind, our thoughts, all our problems are solved. We may not recognize it at first. But Spirit, knowing there is only one problem needing solving, works at the root of our healing. In the holy instant our one lesson is learned and that healing is extended to another and thus all the world in that instant. It is truly a miracle.

And when we forget that lesson, forget that healing, the whole world will remind us gently of what we already know and have experienced. We are gently lifted up in the limitless love of God, reminding us of the peace within each and all of us. It reminds us that we are One, never separate, never divided. We are reminded of our true identity and our healing as we see the face of Christ shining back at us from within another and recognize that reflection of our Self.

As we experience our healing, we may see it in specific circumstances. For we perceive each circumstance as unique and individual, separate. But the One who grants us healing knows that it reaches far beyond the specific circumstances. The healing reaches to the root problem of our misperception, the way we think. And so the healing is of the mind, where the need for healing lies. As our mind accepts healing, all our perceived individual problems are brought to this healing, and all are solved as one. We still may not see all our problems as one problem, but we have experienced the healing of our mind in this instant and remember it forever. Each one we encounter in this world reminds us of our healing. As we remind each one of their own healing.

Imagine a world where we see the face of Christ shining from each one and seeing our own holiness reflected back to us. We need not imagine it! We need only to allow ourselves, our mind to accept the healing Spirit offers us and in that instant know we are healed and whole and thus all the world is healed and whole. Say yes to Spirit, say yes to healing. And you will be healed and whole and transcended into the awareness of the peace already within you.

ACIM T-27.V The Healing Example

July 19, 2011

Healing begins in us. It begins in each of us. Healing occurs when we allow ourselves to be in a state of mind that allows the miracle of healing to occur. The shift is instantaneous and complete. It is the holy instant. In that instant of our own healing, healing is extended to all creation. We need do nothing for healing to extend, for it is its nature to extend. The healing is of the mind, for a healed mind has only thoughts of love and no thoughts of anything that is not love. The healed mind has no attack thoughts, no hate thoughts, no fear thoughts, and no thoughts of lack or limitation.

We are whole in this moment. We are One in this moment. No thing and no one is separate in this moment. We recognize our true Self in this moment of healing. And the knowing of this reality remains in our mind even when we go back to our usual way of thinking, the world, a moment later. The healing that occurs in the holy instant is complete. The Course says, “When I am healed, I am not healed alone, and I would share my healing with the world.”

Do not be afraid of healing. The fear of healing is just the thought that keeps us from experiencing the blessing of all that comes in the holy instant. The Voice for God, the voice of the Spirit, speaks to us when we let go of our fears. The blessing of peace, love, and joy come washing over us when we let go of our fear. In that holy instant, we experience the transcending awareness of the Oneness of creation. For just that moment we are transcending our perception of the world and are aware of the completeness we truly are. The world will never be the same for our experience of the miracle of our healing in this instant. The world has been changed by our willingness. It’s that simple.

We see the light of Spirit shining from each face. We feel the unconditional love of God, and so of all of us, radiating from every one. Come to the holy instant and be healed. Let Spirit light your eyes and see the world differently, with love, compassion, and joy. See the peace that dwells within all of us. What we see with healed eyes, the world also sees because we have allowed ourselves to see.

ACIM T-27.IV The Quiet Answer

July 12, 2011

The answer we are looking for is already there for us. It has always been there for us. But we have been too busy and distracted with our own version of the “answer” to notice it. We have kept our mind so busy with the things and problems of the world that we just don’t notice the real answer waiting for us to take notice of it. The answer is true, strong and powerful. It has no doubts and knows exactly who we really are and exactly what we need.

Stillness is the real place of quiet. It is a state of mind. We experience it in many ways, and at many times. It comes to us suddenly when we allow ourselves to be open to it. It comes when we let go of the chattering of our minds. The quiet of Spirit and God is always within us, but we maintain a level of distraction by paying constant attention to the chatter of our thoughts. The chatter of our thoughts has really very little to say, but it’s loud enough to keep us distracted.

Deep within us are the thoughts we share with God and Spirit. They are always there within our mind speaking quietly to us. Nothing distracts them. Nothing can change their meaning from Truth. As we turn away from the chatter in our minds toward the stillness within, the chatter fades into the background and then is gone. What comes to us in this moment is the Voice for God. Spirit is sharing with us the answer to any problem we may think we have. We recognize it at once and know we are One with our Creator and each other. This is the holy instant.

Let this moment fill you with peace, love, and joy. It speaks of who you really are. It speaks of each one you encounter and who they really are. This is the moment of light shining from deep within all of us, for we are all the Creation of God and we can be nothing less that the One Creation of God that we are. We are still living in this world of illusion, but the remembrance of that holy instant will allow us to again become still and hear the answer again we are looking for. God placed the answer in each of us. And God reminds us of that answer every moment of every day. It is our choice whether we choose to be still and hear the quiet answer within us. Let it be so.

ACIM T-27.III Beyond the Symbols

July 5, 2011

As we go along in life we make each one we encounter a symbol of some idea. That symbol reflects what the condition of our relationship is with each of them. Most often that symbol is some idea that doesn’t make any sense. The symbols we make can only stand for nothingness for they are not based in reality. They are not based in the reality of who we really are, so they are meaningless and therefore nothing.

Because these symbols are nothing, they also cause no interference in the changing of our mind, in the opening of our awareness of Truth. The thoughts and perceptions we have made up and defined each other as is therefore easily changed if we are willing to let go of our attachment to these mistaken ideas and thoughts. We have given these thoughts and ideas power that is not real by believing in them and therefore renders them powerless. This is “powerless power”. How’s that for an insane idea? But at any moment we always have the choice of what we believe whether true or illusion.

Spirit asks us to take a moment and let our mind entertain the idea that what we have thought to be true and real just might not be so. If we allow Spirit to shine its light on all our thoughts and ideas what is true and real will remain. And what is not will quickly fade away into nothingness. What is real, what is true about each other will fill the void left by the emptiness of our mistaken thoughts and symbols. There is no trick to this. There are no hoops to jump through. All we need is just a simple willingness to let Spirit show us the truth about each other. We simply surrender our need for everything to be as we alone think it should be.

The joy of our awareness of our Oneness with each other is a blessed gift that asks us simply and only to be who we really are. A simple shift in our thinking is the key to the opening of the realm of God within us and the awareness that we all are the One Child of God, forever One with each other and all of Creation. In this state of awareness and being will we find the everlasting peace, love and joy of Heaven. Let it be so.