A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: July 2016

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ACIM T-15.I The Two Uses of Time

abstract background withe sea sunriseJuly 26, 2016

Can you imagine what it is like to be in perfect peace? What would perfect bliss be like? Can we imagine being without a care in the world? Imagine no urgency, no anxiety, no angst. This Chapter begins with this thought:

Can you imagine what it means to have no cares, no worries, no anxieties, but merely to be perfectly calm and quiet all the time? Yet that is what time is for; to learn just that and nothing more. God’s Teacher cannot be satisfied with their teaching until it constitutes all your learning. God’s Teacher has not fulfilled their teaching function until you have become such a consistent learner that you learn only of your Teacher. When this has happened, you will no longer need a teacher or time in which to learn.   T-15.I.1.1-5

Time, though an illusion in eternity, has purpose in this world. Time is not real, for reality has no time, but it has purpose. That purpose is learning. Time can be used to learn separation, or it can be used to learn unity and joining.

Learning is our function in time. Time provides the framework that enables us to learn. We can use it to learn correctly or incorrectly. We have used time thus far to learn separation. We have used it in partnership with our egoic thought system to learn and reinforce the idea that we are separate from God and each other. We have used this method to convince ourselves that we have an identity that is completely independent from all the universe and all creation. We have learned this so well that we believe we are autonomous and control our own destiny, yet also believe we are victims in this world.

There is an alternative to this destiny. We can also learn to recognize who we really are. We can learn to recognize that we are One with God and all creation. We can learn that God’s Teacher can guide us to an awareness of a different reality – a reality that is real – that is peace and calm, that is free of cares, worries and anxieties. This is the reality we seek but do not know that It is already within us but hidden by our belief that we are separate – not as we really are. We expend great effort maintaining our egoic learning, for we are attached to that learning by our commitment to it. Yet I know each of us has had moments of bliss, of complete peace and calm where there seemed not to be a care in the world. Essentially our egoic thought system keeps us attached to the past and its outcomes. They are predictable. They are familiar even though they are not happy. Wouldn’t you rather have those moments of bliss and peace? Wouldn’t you rather have peace and calm and bliss be the constant state of your experience in this life?

Turn toward the Teacher God has placed within you. This Teacher is an integral part of you. It will guide you in unlearning the lessons you need to unlearn and will teach you the perfect lessons you need to learn in the form that you will learn best from. And if we don’t learn from the first lesson, another will be offered and even another until we learn the lesson we need to learn. Open your inner eyes. Allow this Teacher to guide you in your learning. What is holy and good will remain while what is not real or true will fade from your mind as you allow. Come, join with us in the holy instant. Peace and love are always with all of us. Allow the holy instant to arise in your mind. This is what you’ve been seeking.

ACIM T-14.XI The Test of Truth

abstract background withe sea sunriseJuly 19, 2016

We are always One. We are indivisible. We are One with our Creator, God, the One, and we are One with each other. Nothing can ever change this. If we don’t know this about ourselves, we have simply blocked our awareness of our Oneness with a belief that we are separate. This mistaken belief cannot harm us, but it can make our life in this world seem miserable. This mistaken belief also blocks our awareness of the deep peace and understanding within us. The Course tells us:

We – our true Self – will always be indivisible. As we are held as one in Oneness, so do we learn as one in our Creator. The One’s Teacher is as like to the Creator as is the One Child – Us, and through the Teacher does the One proclaim the Teacher’s Oneness and Ours. Listen in silence, and do not raise your voice against the Teacher’s. For the Teacher teaches the miracle of oneness, and before the Teacher’s lesson division disappears. Teach like the Teacher here, and you will remember that you have always created like your Creator. The miracle of creation has never ceased, having the holy stamp of immortality upon it. This is the Will of the One for all creation, and all creation joins in willing this.   T-14.XI.11.1-8

Those who remember always that they know nothing in separation, and have become willing to learn everything, will learn everything. But those that remain believing in separation will not learn. We have convinced ourselves, believing we are separate, that we know through our past perceptions rooted in separation. Release your mind from your past and come with an open receptive mind to Spirit, the Teacher, until you pass the test of perfect peace, for peace and understanding go together and can never be found alone. Recall the test of peace from paragraph 5 of this section:

If you are wholly free of fear of any kind, and if all those who meet or even think of you share in your perfect peace, then you can be sure that you have learned the One’s lesson, and not your own.

Let go of fear. What fear? Any and all fear. Release all you hold as true so that the Teacher may undo all that is mistaken and leave remaining all that we have created that is of Oneness. We needn’t fear we will lose anything for what is real and true and holy will remain while what is mistaken will fade from our mind as the illusion it is. In this perfect peace will we find that our creations are much more in our right healed mind than they ever seemed in our separated mind. Allow the Teacher – Spirit – to undo our misperceptions and see perfect peace and understanding rise in our One Mind.

If you want peace you must abandon the teacher of attack. The Teacher of peace will never abandon you. You can desert the Teacher of peace but that Teacher will never reciprocate, for your Teacher’s faith in you is your Teacher’s understanding. It is as firm as is your Teacher’s faith in the Creator, and your Teacher knows that faith in the Creator must encompass faith in all creation. In this consistency lies the Teacher’s Holiness which the Teacher cannot abandon, for it is not the Teacher’s Will to do so. 6 With your perfection ever in your Teacher’s sight, your Teacher gives the gift of peace to everyone who perceives the need for peace, and who would have it. Make way for peace, and it will come. For understanding is in you, and from it peace must come.   T-14.XI.14.1-8

The power of our Oneness is within us. It remains hidden as long as we harbor any hidden thoughts of separation. Each miracle of forgiveness lets go of another block to our awareness of who we really are. Release all the attachments held so dear about our past experiences and what we think they mean. Do not fear the miracle of freedom each transcendence brings. Leave room for your Teacher, and you will find yourself so filled with power that nothing will prevail against your peace. And this will be the test by which you recognize that you have understood. Release yourself from the limitations of separation and find perfect peace and understanding right where it’s always been – within you. Peace be unto you.

ACIM T-14.XI The Test of Truth

abstract background withe sea sunriseJuly 12, 2016

Last week we discussed the test of Truth:

You have one test, as sure as the One, by which to recognize if what you learned is true. If you are wholly free of fear of any kind, and if all those who meet or even think of you share in your perfect peace, then you can be sure that you have learned the One’s lesson, and not your own.   T-14.XI.5.1-2

Freedom from fear and freedom from the perception of fear. Sharing in perfect peace. These are the indications of our awareness of our Oneness – who we really are. It is possible while we remain in this world. However, we don’t do it alone. It is shared will all of Oneness we all are. Our willingness to release our attachment to all past experiences is the key to our transcendence. Our problem that needs solving is that we rely on the lessons we learned in separation to join in Oneness. Separation has no role in Oneness for it is contradictory to Oneness.

When our peace seems threatened, the Course offers us a prayer to help us turn our minds from its attachment to the lessons we have taught ourselves from our past experiences.

I do not know what anything, including this, means. And so I do not know how to respond to it. And I will not use my own past learning as the light to guide me now.   T-14.XI.6.7-9

We must look to the Guide within us – our Higher Holy Spirit Self – that knows our true Self and the truth about who we really are. We have never lost who we are, just ignored our true Self within us as we tried to make sense of our past experiences on our own without benefit of true Vision. Thus have we separated ourselves from the awareness of our perfect peace also within us.

We have a Teacher within us waiting for us to allow ourselves to be taught and guided. This Teacher, whether we call it Teacher, Spirit or our Higher Self, is within our Divine Self. It is Oneness. It is the Unity of all that is. It is eternal where all else is temporary and illusion. As we allow this Divine essence within us to guide us, our eyes are opened to the reality of who we are and our perception of the world is reinterpreted for us. We begin to understand that peace lies within us. We begin to understand that love and compassion are within the core of our being. All else fades away in the light of the truth within us. This is our salvation. This is the remembrance of who we really are and our return to the awareness of who we really are.

The Guide Who has freed you from the past would teach you are free of it. The Guide would but have you accept Its accomplishments as yours, because It did them for you. And because It did, they are yours. The Guide has made you free of what you made. 5 You can deny Him, but you cannot call on Him in vain. Thank the One that this Guide is there and works through you. And all Its works are yours. This Guide offers you a miracle with every one you let be done through you.  T-14.XI.10.1-5, 8-10

Release your mind from the lessons you have made. Freedom lies in the awareness of who you really are. Perfect peace and love are within you waiting to rise to your awareness. Step aside and allow the Divine essence within you to rise and overflow. There is a never-ending supply that will reach all of creation as we allow our self-taught lessons to be undone. The One transcends the seeming limitations of our self-taught lessons and teaches us Truth. Let it be done.

ACIM T-14.XI The Test of Truth

abstract background withe sea sunriseJuly 5, 2016

The truth is that we are powerful. Yet because we have tried to keep power for ourselves we have “lost” it. We have denied the truth about who we really are and thus limited everything about ourselves. We interposed so much between our power and our awareness of it that we cannot use it. All that we have taught ourselves through our egouc thought system – the belief we are separate – have caused who we really are to become more and more obscure to us. We have made a semblance of power and a show of strength so pitiful that it can only fail us. Yet, all that stands between us and the power of the One within us is our learning the false and our attempts to undo what is true about us.

Be willing, then, for all of it to be undone, and be glad that you are not bound to it forever. For you have taught yourself how to imprison the One Self, a lesson so unthinkable that only the insane, in deepest sleep, could even dream of it. Can the One learn how not to be the One? And can You, given all power by the One, learn to be powerless? What have you taught yourself that you can possibly prefer to keep, in place of what you have and what you are?   T-14.XI.2.1-5

Surrender all, then, to Spirit who will strip away the false notions we have attached our minds to and correct our seeing – our perception – opening our minds to the awareness of who we really are and the truth within us. At-One-ment teaches us everything we need to escape forever from the limitation of everything we have ever learned in the past by showing us only what we truly are now. The past disappears in the light of truth whenever we allow our eyes to be opened. Let everything go. Do not even try to attempt to choose or judge what is true or false. Release it all to the light of Spirit. Truth is revealed in light and all that is false fades to nothing. But be sure to bring it all to the light. What we hide from the light will continue to limit us. Complete release of darkness is necessary to the disappearance of all darkness. This lesson shines with the One’s glory, for in it lies true power which the One gladly shares with us.

You have one test, as sure as the One, by which to recognize if what you learned is true. If you are wholly free of fear of any kind, and if all those who meet or even think of you share in your perfect peace, then you can be sure that you have learned the One’s lesson, and not your own. Unless all this is true, there are dark lessons in your mind that hurt and hinder you, and everyone around you. The absence of perfect peace means but one thing: You think you do not will for each other what their Creator wills for them. Every dark lesson teaches this, in one form or another. And each bright lesson with which the Holy Spirit will replace the dark ones you do not accept, teaches you that you will with the One and Oneness.   T-14.XI.5.1-6

Release all to Spirit so all darkness may vanish from your minds. Leave no dark corner of your mind hidden for there is no darkness at all. Allow perfect peace to fill your mind. Allow it to banish any false ideas from you mind. Be wholly free of fear and know you have recognized the truth about who you really are. Step into this awareness and remember your true One Self.