A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

Monthly Archives: December 2013

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acim bookWelcome to A Course In Miracles San Jose!  This site serves the Tuesday Evening Study Group that meets every Tuesday in downtown San Jose.  Information about the group, meeting place and time is found on the Tuesday Eve Study Group tab along with a link to subscribe to a weekly reflection on the text we are reading.  The weekly reflections will also appear below on this blog page.  We will also post other information of interest to the larger ACIM community as it becomes available. We are happy you found us here.  Enjoy your journey and know you are whole, complete, and loved just as you are.

ACIM T-6.V The Lessons of the Holy Spirit A. To Have, Give All to All

abstract background withe sea sunriseDecember 10, 2013

The Holy Spirit is our teacher.  Spirit provides all the lessons we need.  Spirit teaches our lessons through whatever experience or encounter we are engaged in at any moment.  Each lesson is exactly what we need at that moment.  If we don’t learn our lesson in one encounter, then it will be taught again through another experience.  Spirit is the bridge that connects our lower mind to our higher Spirit mind and Oneness.  Spirit holds the memory of who we really are for us and reminds us quietly and continuously of that truth.  We carry within our higher mind the reality of who we are and that never leaves us.  This week’s ACIM Thought is, “There is an ancient peace you carry in your heart and have not lost.” (WB-164:4:2)  Know that our true nature has never left us.  We can return to that awareness any time we choose.


Our body is an idea we made up to reinforce our mistaken idea of separation.  But the body is also a learning device Spirit uses to teach us the lessons we need to return to the awareness of who we really are.  The lessons take many forms, yet each one is used by Spirit to point us in the direction we need to turn.  We are moving from an upside down world that appears right side up to us from an upside down thought system to a right side up thought systems that perceives a right side up world.  It’s no wonder the world seems confusing to us when we are left to our own devices.  Spirit is the great corrector that rights our perception as we move through this journey returning to the awareness of who we really are.


We begin this journey with a first lesson:  “To have all, give all to all.”  “All” is contained within the Mind of God, the Mind we are all One with.  It is not physical.  It is not tangible to our lower thought system.  “All” can only be shared.  It is the free communication of the Mind of God.  It is the web of extension from all of Creation to all of Creation.  There is no limitation in the Realm of God.  And we can experience this Divine abundance while we still walk this journey in perception.  Spirit walks with us to guide us on this journey through perception.  Living in the awareness of who we really are does not require the body to die or disappear.  It requires only our willingness to shift our perception and change our minds and allow Spirit to guide us in our thoughts.  Nothing more, nothing less.  It is our choice in the present moment.  We either choose to allow Spirit to guide us, or we don’t.  We then choose again the next moment.  What is your heart’s desire?  Is it peace, joy, and love?  Or is it something other than that?  It’s your choice.  Choose Spirit’s way and let it be so.

ACIM T-6.IV The Only Answer

abstract background withe sea sunriseDecember 3, 2013

We teach what we are.  More accurately stated; We teach what we believe we are.  The most convincing teaching is teaching by example.  This teaching happens continuously and without any real effort.  We learn this way whether we realize it or not.  Most of what we learn through our life we learn as we observe the world around us and apply what we see to our own lives.  The clearer our perception, the more correct our learning is.  So, if we are perceiving with the eyes of Spirit and using our Divine vision, we will learn the correct perception of what we see.  If we perceive with the eyes of separation, separation is what we will learn and thus teach.


Source does not teach for Source created perfect and whole.  Source sees all as it really is, without any separation, and knows that it is whole and good.  We are created in Source’s image and are One with Source and all of Creation.  It is our own mistaken perception that has made us believe we are separate form Source and each other.  We have mistakenly identified as a body and have limited our perception of ourselves as a result.  What we believe about ourselves we make seem real about ourselves even if it is not true.  It’s really very simple.  If we believe we are separate from Source, limited and not whole, that is what we will seem to be.  But if we believe we are whole and created One with God, then that is what we will seem to be in this world.


We can easily return to the awareness of who we really are.  Source has not left finding the answer to our limited perception of who we are.  That shift in perception would be impossible to our separated thought system.  Source has provided us with Spirit to guide us and direct the changes in thinking and perception we need.  We are already whole.  We always have been and always will be whole.  When we begin to believe we are whole and recognize that wholeness within us, we will teach just that.  Each lesson we learn about our wholeness and our Divine essence becomes the lesson we will teach each other just by being who we really are.  There is no convincing.  There is no debate.  There is simply the extending of the Love we are by recognizing it in ourselves and sharing it with each other.  An immense shift happens in our consciousness.  We remember the Divine Spirit being we really are and we see the Divine Spirit being we all are in each other.  Limits fall away.  The world we see is transformed.  We will understand and perceive the world with a new understanding that sees the correct lesson to be taught and learned in each encounter.  We have become the Realm of Heaven on this earth.  And all is good.  And so what we believe we see.