A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-22.II My Sister’s/Brother’s Sinlessness

December 29, 2009

I extend to you a Christmas wish, a wish of the season, if you will.  I extend to you a will that this moment, we will all take a moment to be still, and let the spirit of Oneness, the Christ Spirit well up within us and spill forth, bringing us the awareness of our true Self.  We experience the knowing, in this quiet moment that we are One with God and that we are One with each other.  There is no separation.  This moment is irrefutable evidence that this is true.  In this moment there is no doubt.

So we enjoy this moment for a time, and return to our usual way of thinking about things.  What if we changed this way of thinking.  What if we kept our awareness we have allowed ourselves to be in this now moment and carry it with us into our daily living?  What if we approached all our interactions and relationships with the knowledge of our Oneness in our thoughts?  Might we see everything differently?  Might we learn valuable lessons from each other?  Might we be at peace with whatever comes our way?

What a great light shines in this way of being.  All we see will be bathed in the radiant light of God’s presence.  We will see holiness shine from all we encounter if only we let ourselves see with the vision of the Christ Spirit.  This vision is given us by God to light our way and all we encounter.  The trying relationships become less trying and so loving in this moment of light.  We are willing to see and this present moment is the time to see what we are willing to see.

Let the Will we share with God be in our mind today.  Beyond the body that we interpose between ourselves and each other, and shining in the golden light that reaches us from the bright, endless circle that extends forever, is our holy relationship, beloved of God.  How still we rest, in time and yet beyond, immortal yet in our human experience.  How great the power that lies in our choice.  Time waits upon our will, and our experience will be as our will would have it be.  Choose the Will we share with God this very moment.  For it is already ours.  Only the time we choose it is our choice.

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