A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-25.II The Savior From the Dark

September 14, 2010

So consistently do we place our hope and faith in that which has always failed us.  Yet we keep trying the same thing again and again, hoping that this time it will somehow be different.  The world we are accustomed to living in is a world built on fear and lack, not love and abundance.  We perceive what we encounter as we choose to see It., through the eyes of fear and separateness or the eyes of Vision and faith.  It is a faith in what we know to be true, yet are still afraid to trust.

How often do we do the same thing over and over, hoping that this time the outcome will be different?  We aren’t even willing to change one little thing about the way we do it, and then are disappointed that the outcome doesn’t change.  Perhaps we might be willing to just look at it differently, change something about the way we do it, or change our fixed idea of what the outcome should look like.  Life has so much to offer us, but we are so busy with one little aspect of it that we miss so much that is whizzing by us.

What will it take to get us to make the change that will result in what we really want?  If we let go of just a little of our preconceived ways of thinking, we make room for a little light to shine in and show us something new.  We could let just a little love in to comfort us and relax us.  The strength and power of God and Spirit are there within us waiting for us to give it just a little opening to shine through so we can see it ourselves.  Others can see it, but we so often refuse to even acknowledge its existence.

We are the essence of God.  We are the love of God.  We are the power of God.  There is nothing more we could possibly want or need.  But we often refuse to even look in the direction we might see it because we are so afraid of who we really are and what we might actually be.  And we are still afraid of the image we have made up about ourselves.  All we need do is relax into the arms of Spirit and let God show us the reality of who we really are.  It is so simple, and yet we needlessly make it so difficult.  Take a moment and relax into the loving arms of God and let God show you who you really are.  In that light and love will be all that you were seeking, that seemed so elusive.  Relax and celebrate the truth of who you really are.

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