A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-9.VIII Grandeur versus Grandiosity

abstract background withe sea sunriseNovember 18, 2014

Grandeur is love which can be and is returned. Grandiosity is pride which is never returned as it is self-serving. Grandeur and grandiosity are denials of each other. As Grandeur is Truth, it is always true and does not vacillate. When Grandeur slips from our awareness, we have allowed our minds to replace it with something else we have made up and chosen to believe about ourselves. We have chosen to believe some form of littleness about who we are and thus devalued ourselves in our own minds. Grandiosity becomes a posturing that our egoic thought system uses to evaluate ourselves as less than we really are. It involves comparison and posturing. It involves mistaken judgments. Our egoic thought system deceives us into believing less of ourselves than we really are. Illusions are deceptions regardless of what they are. And deceptions never tell the truth nor come anywhere close to Grandeur. They merely keep us distracted from the reality of the Grandeur we truly are.

We may then be deceived by the egoic thought that recognizing our Grandeur is arrogant. Can accepting God’s evaluation of us be arrogant? Can accepting what is true be in any way arrogant? Surely believing that any valuation of ourselves we have made is truer than God’s valuation of us must be arrogance. Do we know better than God that we are less than God’s valuation of us? This idea must certainly be insanity! And so it is. The grandiose idea that we know better than our Source and Creator is grandiosity. Grandiosity is delusional because the egoic thought system we have aligned our minds with uses it to replace our Grandeur although what God creates cannot be replaced. God’s Grandeur is total and we cannot be missing from it.

We are altogether irreplaceable in the Mind of God. No thought or thought system can alter this truth no matter how much value we have placed in that mistaken idea. No one else can fill our part of the Mind of God. While we ae unaware of our place in the Mind of God, Spirit holds our place there, holds our extensions and creations there and waits for our return to the awareness of who we really are. The Voice for God reminds us continually of our true place in the Mind of God and the Grandeur of our true nature. We cannot in any way replace our Grandeur as we cannot replace ourselves in the Mind of God. The One who knows our value would not have it any other way. Listen to the Voice for God, Spirit, and no longer question its message. Its valuation of us is indisputable. We are who it tells us we are, the One holy Child of God, One with God our Source. Let this valuation rest in you and allow your mind to be raised to its undeniable place in the Mind of God. Let go of the littleness you have believed in for so long and be free to soar in the Realm of Heaven, our One home. Accept now the truth about your Grandeur.

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