A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-10.V The Denial of God

abstract background withe sea sunriseJanuary 27, 2015

Heaven is our true home. Heaven is the dwelling place created by the One for all the children of the One. And there is no other place. We may not see Heaven around us, but that is only because we have chosen not to see the reality of where we are. We have chosen to see separation and division rather than unity and Oneness. The veil of the idea of separation has clouded our vision and thus obstructed our awareness of Heaven. We have spent a lifetime building and reinforcing our belief in the temporal world we think we see. We have invested in it and we have given it value in our minds. Yet, the world we perceive is temporal. It will not last. It will wear down, it will collapse, and it will eventually decay. It is anything but eternal. Heaven is eternal. All that is real is eternal. And nothing can threaten anything that is eternal.

We, at home in Heaven – which we are – are eternal. The One created us eternal. Our home is eternal. Our Oneness is eternal. We are One with each other in this eternalness. Nothing can break us apart. Yet we have chosen to see ourselves broken apart from each other. We have chosen to perceive ourselves in separate worlds and gather as much around us as we can and thus keep it from each other. How do we perceive ourselves and each other? If we see ourselves or another as sinful, in pain and suffering, or less than joyful, we have chosen to see something other than reality, other than truth, and other than Heaven. We have chosen to deny ourselves and the reality of who we are. We have chosen to deny our divine nature. Yet we cannot remove ourselves or another from our divine nature. We can only block our awareness of our true nature. And it takes effort to maintain that denial.

Are we not ready to release ourselves from the self-imposed bonds of denial? Are we all not ready for the freedom of joy that is our natural state? We are created to be One. We are created to soar free and unlimited. We are created to love. We are created to create like ourselves and like the One, for we are created like the One. In Heaven we are all we are created to be. We can be nothing less. And though we have perceived ourselves and each other far less than we really are, we can just as easily change the way we perceive ourselves and each other. Instead of looking outward to nothing, look within to the Spirit within us that is always there. Spirit holds the truth about who we are out to us, inviting us to reconnect with our true Identity and see that It has never left us. As we allow the awareness of who we really are to rise within us, we feel peace and calm and joy well up within our minds. We look around us in love and see the beauty of all Creation around us. We are still in this temporal world, but it transforms before our very mind into Heaven.

This is the miracle of healing. This is the healing of the mind. This is where separation and division transform into Oneness and Love. This is what we have been seeking through our efforts to be separate and divided. We have been in the midst of what we were seeking all along, yet couldn’t see it because we were so busy denying our true and real selves. Let go of your denial now. Begin to allow Spirit to rise up in your mind and guide you to seemingly new levels of awareness. And find Heaven, your real home, unfolding all around you. Accept only what is timeless as real and you will begin to understand eternity and make it yours.

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