A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-15.VIII The Only Real Relationship

abstract background withe sea sunriseNovember 15, 2016

Many of us have felt some degree of upset during the past week.  We have allowed ourselves to forget that we are all One.  We have allowed ourselves to revert to our egoic belief in separation and the walls we believe separate us from each other.  It can be challenging, but nothing need block us from the awareness of our peace of mind unless we lose sight of our Oneness.  The Couse teaches us that everything in the world has a purpose in guiding us back to the awareness of who we really are if we will allow Spirit to guide our minds.  Relationships may have become challenging in the wake of our upset because we allowed our egoic thought system to govern our thoughts and feelings.  This happens without thinking as we wallow in the upset we feel.  Love and compassion go out the window as we sink into the upset.  Yet, there is no harm that can come to our true nature.  No one or thing can destroy the true essence of who we really are, whole complete, limitless and free in the love we truly are.  We have simply forgotten to be the love we are.  We are divine because we are One.  Listen to Jennifer Hadley’s prayer, Because we are One, posted on Sunday.

Everything in this world has a holy purpose for us in our release.  Many things may appear to make our life difficult in this world, yet Spirit can use each and every thing to teach us our release from the bonds that seem to bind us.  Our belief that we are victims of the circumstances of the world around us limits our awareness of who we really are and the freedom of our Divine nature.  The Course describes Spirit’s role in the healing of our minds and the holy instant.

The holy instant does not replace the need for learning, for the Holy Spirit must not leave you as your Teacher until the holy instant has extended far beyond time.  For a teaching assignment such as this, Spirit must use everything in this world for your release.  Spirit must side with every sign or token of your willingness to learn of Spirit what the truth must be.  Spirit is swift to utilize whatever you offer on behalf of this.  Spirit’s concern and care for you are limitless.  In the face of your fear of forgiveness, which Spirit perceives as clearly as Spirit knows forgiveness is release, Spirit will teach you to remember that forgiveness is not loss, but your salvation.  And that in complete forgiveness, in which you recognize that there is nothing to forgive, you are absolved completely.   T-15.VIII.1:1-7

As long as we remain in this temporal world, we are in learning and teaching mode.  Every encounter, every experience, every relationship is an opportunity to choose to be the love we are and extend that love to each other.  As we allow the healing of our thoughts we allow the healing of our relationships into the only real relationship we can have – holy relationships.  This is the only real relationship.  Any other is imbued with the conditions our egoic thought system has placed on it.  The relationship them becomes “special” or unhealed.  Spirit within us will guide us in releasing all limitations we have bound it with and bring its healing in our Oneness.

Spirit is our teacher in this healing.  Spirit dwells within us.  Spirit is not outside of us, so look within to the light within you that is your Spirit and welcome the truth that dwells there.

In the Holy Spirit alone lies the awareness of what God cannot know, and what you do not understand.  It is Spirit’s holy function to accept them both, and by removing every element of disagreement, to join them into one.  Spirit will do this because it is Its function.  Leave, then, what seems to you to be impossible, to the One Who knows it must be possible because it is the Will of God.  And let the One Whose teaching is only of God teach you the only meaning of relationships.  For God created the only relationship that has meaning, and that is God’s relationship with you.   T-15.VIII.6:1-6

We are all One with God in Oneness.  Every relationship we have in this world is meant to be a reflection of that One Holy Relationship.  If any relationship appears not to be so, we need simply ask Spirit to enter and transform that relationship.  If we are willing, we will see it in a different light that transcends its appearance in this temporal world.  The holy instant is just the beginning of the awareness of our One Real Relationship that joins all that is real into Oneness.  Allow Spirit to rise in your mind and guide you in the transcendence of all your relationships into the One Real Relationship – Oneness.

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