A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-22.IV The Branching of the Road

February 12, 2019

We may wonder how many branches in the road we must encounter on our journey. And how many times we must make that decision about which road to take. Perhaps we are coming again and again to the same branching in the road. Perhaps we have made the same choice time and again to take the road of separation and come back to the same branching, even though it may seem to be a different branching. The whole purpose of coming this far is to decide which branching we will take now. The way we came no longer matters, for it can no longer serve us. When we reach this far, we can no longer make the wrong decision, although we can delay. There is no part of our journey that seems more hopeless and futile than standing where the road branches, and not deciding on which way to go.

The first few steps along the correct way we chose may seem hard. And we may think we can still go back and make the other choice. This is not so. A choice made with the power of Heaven to uphold it cannot be undone. Our way is decided. There will be no part of Heaven and Truth withheld from us if we acknowledge this.

We stand with each other, here in this holy place, before the veil of separation that hangs between us and Truth. Let the veil be lifted! Raise it together, for it is nothing but a veil that stands between us. One of us alone will see it as a solid block, and not realize how thin the veil is that separates us. It is almost over in our awareness, and peace has reached us even here, before the veil. Think what will happen after the veil is lifted. The Love of Truth will light our faces, and shine into a darkened world that needs the light. And from this holy place Truth will return with us.  We will become Truth’s messenger, returning Truth to Itself.

Think of the loveliness that you will see, who walk with Truth! And think how beautiful will you and another look to the other! How happy you will be to be together, after such a long and lonely journey where you walked alone. The gates of Heaven, open now for you, will you now open to the sorrowful. And none who looks upon the Truth in you but will rejoice. How beautiful the sight you saw beyond the veil, which you will bring to light the tired eyes of those as weary now as once you were. How thankful will they be to see you come among them, offering Christ’s forgiveness to dispel their faith in sin.   T-22.IV.4:1-7

As we journey together, we will each gently see each other’s mistakes corrected for each other. For in another’s sight our loveliness is their salvation, which they would protect from harm. We will be each other’s strong protector from everything that seems to rise between us. We shall walk the world with Truth, whose message has not yet been given everyone. We are here to let this message be received. The offer is still open and it waits acceptance. It is received from those who have accepted it. Into our joined hands is it safely given, for those of us who share it are its willing guardian and protector. The awareness of Grace is given all of us who share this Love. We realize it is ours forever. All barriers, obstacles and veils that seem to block our awareness of Truth and Love fade in the sharing of this Love. We need simply to let it shine from within us for it to make its message of hope, freedom and release from suffering apparent to everyone who needs this miracle to free them.

How easy is it to offer this miracle to everyone! No one who has received it for themselves could find it difficult. For by receiving it, they learned it was not given them alone. Such is the function of a holy relationship; to receive together and give as you received. Standing before the veil, it still seems difficult. But hold out your hand, joined with another’s, and touch this heavy-seeming block, and you will learn how easily your fingers slip through its nothingness. It is no solid wall. And only an illusion stands between you and another, and the holy Self you share together.   T-22.IV.7:1-8

Look within to your relationships and accept their holiness, offering the miracle of freedom and hope to all the world. Take the hand of another and step on the correct road to the awareness of your wholeness in Light and Love.

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