A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM W.pII.232 – Be in my mind, my Father, through the day.

August 18, 2020

Lesson 232 –

Be in my mind, my Creator, through the day.

Each day, each moment, remembering who we really are is a practice that will benefit our state of mind. We want peace, then we focus on the source of peace within us. We have learned that we are One with our Creator and each other. There is no separation. We all share all with all. When we forget our natural state of being, we can simply turn within to the truth that dwells within us that is connected with Oneness, and remember who we really are. We are whole, complete, holy and free. Nothing can take that away from us. Only our denial of our truth makes it appear that it is not so. As we rise in the morning, remember we are Oneness. Anytime during the day – even often – remember and step into the awareness of our Oneness. This lesson gives us this instruction:

This is as every day should be. Today, practice the end of fear. Have faith in the One Who is your Creator. Trust all things to Oneness. Let Oneness reveal all things to you, and be you undismayed because you are the One Child.   W-pII.232.2:1-5

The purpose of the Couse is to heal our mind, to heal our thinking. We awaken to the realization and awareness of who we really are. This may look a bit different to each one of us, but in essence, it is all the same. We can step into the recognition that we are complete, whole and limitless; that we are essentially love. As we begin to allow our consciousness to shift, we begin to see and understand the world and its goings-on differently. We begin to see beyond the appearance of the world to the reality that lies beyond illusion. Our part is to relax and allow the true identity of our being to rise in our mind and set our thoughts free. Just allow your mind to settle down. Busy thinking doesn’t help us, it distracts us. Allow the peace within to rise to awareness. It’s always been there deep within waiting to be recognized. Be still an instant and experience the holy instant of recognition that reveals who and what we have always been. Connected and holy in Oneness.

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