A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-13.VII The Attainment of the Real World

abstract background withe sea sunriseDecember 8, 2015

The egoic thought system will always tempt us to take useless journeys away from light. Why is this so? It keeps our thoughts focused on the darkness that is not there rather than the light that is always within us. Do we choose to align our thoughts with the dark thoughts of separation? Or are we willing to trust Spirit to guide us toward the light as Spirit will always do. What we have forgotten is that the egoic thought system is not real and has no power except the power we give it. And even then, it cannot actually change our wholeness and completeness. It can only hide it from our awareness simply by redirecting our attention. It is of our own making, yet we seem to be powerless in its thought. Our willingness to allow Spirit to guide our thoughts toward light rather than darkness is all we really need to lt our attraction to it go.

Then follow Spirit in joy, with faith that Spirit will lead you safely through all dangers to your peace of mind this world may set before you. Kneel not before the altars to sacrifice, and seek not what you will surely lose. Content yourself with what you will as surely keep, and be not restless, for you undertake a quiet journey to the peace of the One, where the One would have you be in quietness. T-13.VII.15.1-3

We find our true Self in quietness, not in the business of the world we seem to see. The Course instructs us to rest in the One. There is nothing about trying harder or expending more effort. It’s all about allowing Spirit to guide our thoughts. We will still walk together in this world as it unfolds before us and play our role in each others’ healing. Yet we will understand it through Spirit’s eyes and ears and mind. Our perception of the same events others see and experience yet see them differently. We will see them through the eyes of peace and love. Let us turn toward the light and allow the darkness to vanish into the light.

Allow Spirit to teach you to awaken unto Oneness and to yourself. This is the only real need we have in time. And it will be fulfilled. We choose when to allow it and this when we return to peace. Jesus said, My peace I give to you.” Accept the gift of peace in exchange for the misery of the world that is not real. Together we will spread it like a veil of light across the world. Light up each other in the quietness that emanated from Spirit within and all around us. It is our true purpose. As we join our voices together in the ancient song of Oneness, we bless each other with the peace and love we are and light up their faces in the blessing of our joined completion. We do not dwell here, but in eternity. And eternity is now – no other time than now. We travel in dreams of useless journeys, while safe at home. Awaken to your real home. This is the attainment of the real world. And you will rest in the peace that is already within you, there but forgotten. Remember again!

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