A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-14.In & I The Conditions of Learning

abstract background withe sea sunriseMarch 1, 2016

We are blessed. We are Holy. We are complete, whole and limitless. We are all we could possibly want to be. Yet we don’t know or believe it. So to be what we really are we must learn who and what we really are. The intro to Chapter 14 tells us this:

Yes, you are blessed indeed. Yet in this world you do not know it. But you have the means for learning it and seeing it quite clearly. The Holy Spirit uses logic as easily and as well as does the ego, except that Spirit’s conclusions are not insane. They take a direction exactly opposite, pointing as clearly to Heaven as the ego points to darkness and to death. We have followed much of the ego’s logic, and have seen its logical conclusions. And having seen them, we have realized that they cannot be seen except in illusions, for there alone their seeming clearness seems to be clearly seen. Let us now turn away from them, and follow the simple logic by which the Holy Spirit teaches the simple conclusions that speak for truth, and only truth.   T-14.in.1.1-8

The confused seemingly insane world we appear to live in is not real, for our perception of it does not reflect who we are. Stop just a moment, step into the quiet of the now, and allow yourself to begin to perceive your blessedness, your wholeness and completeness that is the peace within you.

What thoughts do we project or extend? Do we extend blessing thoughts? Do we extend thoughts of wholeness and completeness? These are the true thoughts about us and our sisters and brothers. Or have we not learned this of ourselves yet and thus project lesser untrue or mistaken thoughts about ourselves and each other? If we believe incorrectly we must learn what is correct. It may seem daunting to learn the opposite about what we believe, so we must first learn the truth about others so we may see the truth about ourselves reflected back to us. What we believe we give our power to. If we believe an untruth about us, we have given it the power to block the truth from our mind. The Holy Spirit is within us waiting for us to ask for guidance in choosing what we believe. Our misbeliefs are engrained habits in our minds and so we must allow Spirit to guide us in releasing our attachment to those mistaken beliefs and allow a new belief in what Spirit shows us is true to take shape in our minds. Spirit will never direct us toward anything unreal or untrue, but Spirit needs our cooperation for It cannot overrule our mistaken beliefs without our cooperation.

Are we willing to trust Spirit?

The Holy Spirit, therefore, must begin Its teaching by showing you what you can never learn. Spirit’s message is not indirect, but Spirit must introduce the simple truth into a thought system which has become so twisted and so complex you cannot see that it means nothing. Spirit merely looks at its foundation and dismisses it. But you who cannot undo what you have made, nor escape the heavy burden of its dullness that lies upon your mind, cannot see through it. It deceives you, because you chose to deceive yourself. Those who choose to be deceived will merely attack direct approaches, because they seem to encroach upon deception and strike at it.   T-14.I.5.1-6

Begin by letting go of all you are so attached to. What is true will never fade, but what is not true will fade away as we allow Spirit to guide our mind. It is a huge decision to let go. It goes against everything we have ever believed about ourselves. But if we will simply let go, we will find a sense of peace rising up within us from that place where Spirit always dwells. This is our comfort in the face of change. This peace will at first seem strange, yet we will recognize its familiarity as we allow it to rise up in us. It is time for us to choose to set up the conditions of learning in our mind and embark on the journey without distance to the reawakening of our minds to who we really are. That knowing rests in the peace and love within us.

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