A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-14.II The Happy Learner

abstract background withe sea sunriseMarch 15, 2016

We have been discussing the conditions of learning. This section begins by telling us that Spirit needs a happy learner so Spirit’s mission can be happily accomplished. Spirit’s mission is to guide our minds to the awareness of who we really are, to the awareness of our wholeness, completeness and our Oneness with our Source and all of Creation. This is the state of truth where we are truly happy. Yet, in our devotion to our egoic thought system – separation – we have become devoted to the misery of separation and thus confused misery and happiness. It is important to begin by recognizing that we are miserable and not happy. What we have done is valued the ideas and beliefs that distract us from the truth about ourselves. As long as we believe the limiting untrue ideas we hold about ourselves, we will not value the truth about ourselves. We must decide we are willing to allow Spirit to show us the changes in our mind to guide us to the condition of a happy learner.

Spirit’s lesson for us is in simplicity. Our efforts to figure our life and the world out in separation has resulted in anything but simplicity. As we try ever harder to find peace and happiness through our egoic thought system we make it all so very complicated and conflicting. Every time we find ourselves in a new learning situation, we find the solutions we had made don’t quite fit. They may even seem contradictory. The mental gymnastics we have pursued have resulted in a twisted mind at times. And simplicity is very difficult for a twisted mind. We have become so attached to the ideas of a twisted mind that simple truth seems so alien to us. Truth and the truth about our true nature is just so simple. We are peace. We are love. We are whole and complete in Oneness with each other and our Source. Yet, we do not see it….yet. All this complicatedness is really nothing. It is not real. The simple truth is real.

For those of us who have become wrapped up in the complicated illusions of nothingness, Spirit says to us in quietness:

The truth is true. Nothing else matters, nothing else is real, and everything beside it is not there. Let Me make the one distinction for you that you cannot make, but need to learn. Your faith in nothing is deceiving you. Offer your faith to Me, and I will place it gently in the holy place where it belongs. You will find no deception there, but only the simple truth. And you will love it because you will understand it.   T-14.II.3. 3-9

Understanding simple truth begins by placing our faith in Spirit to guide us. Spirit will guide our faith in It to the holy place where we belong. And here we find ourselves happy learners open to the happy teaching of Spirit.

We are transformed out of the darkness of nothingness and illusion to the light of truth. How could this be anything but happy? The light of truth shines upon us, emanates from us and shines on others, revealing the light of truth to both.

Like you, the Holy Spirit did not make truth. Like God, Spirit knows it to be true. Spirit brings the light of truth into the darkness, and lets it shine on you. And as it shines your brothers and sisters see it, and realizing that this light is not what you have made, they see in you more than you see. They will be happy learners of the lesson this light brings to them, because it teaches them release from nothing and from all the works of nothing. The heavy chains that seem to bind them to despair they do not see as nothing, until you bring the light to them. And then they see the chains have disappeared, and so they must have been nothing. And you will see it with them. Because you taught them gladness and release, they will become your teachers in release and gladness.   T-14.II.4.1-9

We are freed from the chains of the misery we have believed in. Misery has no more power than we give it. Letting go of our belief that all the illusions we have made of nothing are real frees us to the awareness of the simple truth of our wholeness that we have always been. Let go of all your attachment and beliefs. Allow Spirit to guide and direct your mind to what is true and real. Anything you release that is real you will not lose for it remains with you always. Only that which is false and rooted in nothingness will fall away. What is real cannot be taken away. Allow yourself to be transformed into the happy learner and awaken to the awareness of who you really are.

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