A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-14.VII Sharing Perception With the Holy Spirit

abstract background withe sea sunriseMay 24, 2016

What do we really want for our experience in this world? Do we really want the experience we have now? We content ourselves with limitation and fear. We content ourselves with darkness or at least shadows lurking in dark corners around the existence we have made for ourselves. We believe this is our lot and we are doomed to live that lot waiting for the next difficulty to fall on us. We are oblivious to the light, peace, and knowledge that are within us. We have hidden our wholeness, completeness and limitlessness behind the fear we hold of the darkness we believe we are in. Yet, by hiding our essence behind our fear, we block our divine identity from our awareness. Fear is the only thing that deters us from bringing the darkness we think we see to the light; the ignorance we think we feel to knowledge and truth. These opposites cannot be kept apart. They must be brought together.   Their separation is only in our minds and they are reconciled by union, as are we. Let the darkness come into the light and ignorance into knowledge. Darkness and ignorance simply fade away as they cannot exist in light and truth.

The search for truth is but the honest searching out of everything that interferes with truth. Truth is. It can neither be lost nor sought nor found. It is there, wherever you are, being within you. Yet it can be recognized or unrecognized, real or false to you. If you hide it, it becomes unreal to you because you hid it and surrounded it with fear. Under each cornerstone of fear on which you have erected your insane system of belief, the truth lies hidden. Yet you cannot know this, for by hiding truth in fear, you see no reason to believe that the more you look at fear the less you see it, and the clearer what it conceals becomes.   T-14.VII.2.1- 8

It is not possible to convince those who believe they are separate that they are whole and need not fear. They have spent a lifetime convincing themselves that what they believe about themselves is true. Bringing darkness and light together can be challenging. They cannot exist together. However, if we can release our attachment to darkness – our need to believe we are in darkness – the light within us shines darkness away. It is very difficult to accomplish this in separation for we are convinced of our separation. So, Spirit is within us waiting for us to allow It to guide a change in our perception. Beginning to allow ourselves to consider that we may actually be as we truly are – whole, complete and divine – is the change in perception Spirit is offering us. It is the opening Spirit needs to bring to our awareness the truth about who we really are – our divine identity in Oneness. Will we be willing to allow?

Spirit asks of us just this; bring to Spirit every secret you have locked away. Open every door to Spirit, and bid Spirit enter the darkness and lighten it away. At your request Spirit enters gladly and brings the light to darkness if you make the darkness open to Spirit. We must choose to be open to Spirit’s guidance. Spirit will never force anything upon us, for we are created with free will. If we choose to be in darkness, there is not anything Spirit can do but wait for us to be open to our own healing. Once we allow Spirit within us to guide our minds, we will then rise in our awareness of who we really are and experience the divine nature of our true being.

Joining with Spirit in seeing is the way in which you learn to share with Spirit the interpretation of perception that leads to knowledge. You cannot see alone. Sharing perception with Spirit Whom Source has given you teaches you how to recognize what you see. It is the recognition that nothing you see means anything alone. Seeing with Spirit will show you that all meaning, including yours, comes not from double vision, but from the gentle fusing of everything into one meaning, one emotion and one purpose. Source has one purpose which Source shares with you. The single vision which Spirit offers you will bring this oneness to your mind with clarity and brightness so intense you could not wish, for all the world, not to accept what Source would have you have. Behold your will, accepting it as Source’s, with all Source’s Love as yours.     T-14.VII.7.1-8

Choose now to let go of any attachment to any darkness, ignorance or fear you may be holding. Allow Spirit to guide your perception of who you are. Be happy to share perception with Spirit and see the world clearly through the Divine Eyes of your Divine Essence within. Spirit is in that divine essence within us. Let it rise in your mind and darkness will vanish to light and ignorance to truth. Let it be so.

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