A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-15.V The Holy Instant and Special Relationships

abstract background withe sea sunriseOctober 4, 2016

Our relationships reflect where we have placed our allegiance.  Have we placed our allegiance with Love?  Or have we placed our allegiance with our desire to judge?  Take a look at the quality and characteristics of your relationships.  Take a step away from each relationship as you do so.  Notice if there is fear, guilt or judgement there.  Each relationship has a purpose as we journey back to the awareness of who we really are.  We ae one with each one we encounter on this journey.  The eternal essence of each of our relationships is love, for that is what we are in Oneness.  The Holy Instant is when that Oneness joins us with each of the ones we are in relationship with in the now.  All perception rooted in the past falls away in that instant and we find eternity in the expression of love as we join together in love.

As long as we adhere to our egoic thought system, we will use our relationships to divide us.  We will use them to justify every one of our misperceptions of lack, un-wholeness and incompleteness.  Each time we judge another, we make that relationship “special”.  We make it unholy.  And thus remove our minds from the awareness of our holiness.  Yet each relationship is between two holy expressions of holiness and love.  Our egoic thought systems picks and chooses limited aspects of each relationship, focusing on our perceptive mistakes rather than the whole of what is real about us.  We allow our egoic thought system to focus on our personal needs that we lack rather than the abundance of our true One nature.  Spirit is waiting for us to allow It to enter our relationships and show us the whole of each other.  Spirit focuses our minds in the holy instant on the true essence of each One, allowing all fear and judgement to fall away and allowing forgiveness and love to rise in its place.

Everyone on earth has formed special relationships, and although this is not so in Heaven, the Holy Spirit knows how to bring a touch of Heaven to them here.  In the holy instant no one is special, for your personal needs intrude on no one to make your sisters and brothers seem different.  Without the values from the past, you would see them all the same and like yourself.  Nor would you see any separation between yourself and them.  In the holy instant, you see in each relationship what it will be when you perceive only the present.   T-15.V.8.1-5

All our relationships are blessed in the holy instant for our blessing is unlimited.  In the holy instant we step into eternity where there is no lack, where we are complete and whole, and where we are joined in Oneness.  In eternity we cannot be separate.  We cannot come apart, for we are joined in Spirit.  Love knows no bounds.  Open your mind to the Love in which the One created all of us.  Love knows no parts or degrees.  Love knows no specialness.  Allow Spirit to bring each one to you who needs the gift of love and the healing from specialness.  Allow each one you encounter to enter with you into the Holy Instant and thus the infinite blessing of the holy relationship.  Nowhere else will you find the peace, love and joy of eternity.  Every relationship has, at its core, the miracle of healing from a special relationship to a holy relationship.  Enter the awareness of holiness in each holy instant Spirit guides us to.

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