A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-25.VII The Rock of Salvation

November 9, 2010

Our biggest confusion is between what is changeable and what is changeless.  Our habitual way of thinking believes that what is of this world of form, what is based in the belief in separation, is changeless.  The belief in the temporary, the illusion, pulls our awareness away from the awareness of who we really are.  It pulls a veil over the awareness of our Divinity and Divine nature.  We have believed in our “sinfulness” and have thus taught ourselves that is unchangeable.  In this misperception we have made our idea of ourselves as strong as God’s Will.

Yet how could anything be as strong as God’s Will and not be a part of it?  God’s Will is changeless.  Everything not of God’s Will is changeable.  There is the ability to find the Divine purpose in all we see.  Yes we believe in separation and give it power to hide the Truth from us.  But the Holy Spirit’s gift is the transformation of that mistaken perception into True perception of reality that heals our minds.

The Spirit can take anything we have brought into our life and mind and use it to heal.  We need not make the effort to change our thoughts, and search out a new thought for our mind.  We need only to be willing to let Spirit show us the new perception.  We must set aside our beliefs we have become so attached to.  Spirit will bring us the new perception.  We must let our mind be correctly changed for us.

Are we willing to place our trust in God? Our sanity is found in what we allow Spirit to show us.  What was formerly unchangeable is now changeable and we see that what we thought was changeable is really changeless.  The Will of God is a constant that never waivers.  It is the rock of salvation we place our trust in and see the world transformed before our very eyes.  No matter what situation we find ourselves in, there is a great blessing waiting to come of it.  We take the first step by being willing and Spirit takes the next, showing us the truth of who we really are.  Place your faith and belief in the unchangeable, the rock of Truth, the salvation of our insanely mistaken mind into the changeless Mind of God.

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