A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-6.V The Lessons of the Holy Spirit C. Be Vigilant Only for God and God’s Realm

abstract background withe sea sunriseJanuary 21, 2014

The third lesson Spirit teaches is Vigilance.  Spirit asks us to be vigilant only for God and God’s Realm; Heaven.  This is not a vigilance in the outside world.  This is a vigilance regarding every thought we allow into our mind.  We are not asked to judge others.  We are asked to judge every thought that enters our mind.  And, the only appropriate judgment to be made is whether the present thought holds up in the light of what God put in our mind.  Spirit guides us in this judgment if we allow It.  Whatever thoughts hold up in the light of Spirit are retained.  When a thought is in partial accord with our true Mind, Spirit retains and purifies or corrects it.  If a thought is not in accord with our true mind, Spirit discards it.  Our vigilance involves us desiring to shift our minds into the awareness of who we really are and then allowing Sprit to guide us.  This cannot be accomplished in a thought system rooted in separation.  We must be open to the idea that we are of One Mind; One with God and each other.  We must recognize that we are all One in Spirit, our true state of being.


We are created to be whole.  We are created to be of One Mind, the Mind of God.  This is our true nature; our natural state of being.  We start with a desire to be who we really are and a willingness to allow Spirit to guide us there.  We begin by recognizing we must give all to have all.  Then we recognize that we believe what we learn and in turn teach what we learn because we have believed it.  So we allow Spirit to guide our learning so we can teach correctly what is true.  Next, we remain vigilant for God in every thought that enters our mind, allowing Spirit to guide us in judging whether it is in accord with Truth or if it is in error, retaining and discarding as appropriate.  Aligning our thoughts with the Mind of God places our consciousness in the Realm of Heaven, our natural state of being.  What permeates our being then is the only mood possible within the One Mind, our true Mind; Joy.  As we rely on Spirit to guide us, every guidance Spirit gives fosters joy.  In that joy we experience the peace of Mind we are seeking.  We realize that what we seek is already within us and is not found outside of us in the world.


As we continue on thus journey without distance, we will at first need to put our effort towards being vigilant for God or Source.  What we will find, however, is that being vigilant for God takes much less effort than maintaining the idea and belief in separation.  As we align our thoughts with the One Mind, the effort needed lessens as we find the truth that we are abundant in Spirit.  Remaining attached to the idea that we are separate is a constant fight to maintain a thought and belief system that is contrary to anything real.  We are essentially maintaining a constant fight against the awareness of who we really are.  So now turn your effort toward being the reality of who you really are.  The infinite resources of Spirit are there to assist you.  The only possible outcome is the infinite Joy of being who you really are.  Perfect Peace, Joy, and Happiness are yours.  Let it be so.

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