A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-25.V The State of Sinlessness

October 19, 2010

Imagine a mind free of attack thoughts and free of guilt thoughts.  This mind sees clearly.  It recognizes the holy in all it sees.  It recognizes the Oneness in all of creation and recognizes itself in all it encounters.  Peace of mind, joy, love, and serenity are the thoughts of that mind.  This state of sinlessness is surely the state of being.  Is this what we are seeking for ourselves?  If so, it already is ours.  It is there within us waiting for us to recognize it and be it.

When we look upon each other with eyes of separation, we see what appears to be “something else” and therefore fear what we think we see.  In a state of separation thinking we attack or defend against what we fear.  What we really end up doing is attacking ourselves or defending against ourselves.  On one level we see this “something else” as our enemy.  Yet we are also aware that at another level we recognize this “something else” as ourselves and the Christ within.  This dichotomy causes a conflict in us as we begin to consider our self and the Christ within our enemy.

This conflict is intolerable to us, so we reinforce the separation we think we see and deny the real Self and the Christ within we see in another.  In this way we defend the separated self we made up and make our real Self, the Christ within, and God the “enemy”.  Hence attack and guilt set us in a state of “sinfulness”, the thought that we are anything other than who we really are.  We have given power to our mistaken thoughts that we are separate, solely by believing those thoughts.  And so we have given power to that which is powerless.  We have placed our belief and trust in thoughts that are illusion.  If we really think about it, illusion or nothing cannot have power, yet we have given it power in our life.

In the state of sinlessness there is no reason to see each other, the One Child of God, as anything other than what we really are.  In the state of sinlessness, we relinquish all the thoughts that tell us we must attack, defend against, and make guilty our brother, our sister.  Once we relinquish this need, the veil we have been using to cloud our vision falls away and we see the Truth of who we really are reflected back to us in each other.  The Christ within us shines through eyes of love that look back at us, full of the knowledge of the grace of God.  This is our natural state of being, the state of sinlessness.  Are we ready to Be in it?

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