A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-24.III The Forgiveness of Specialness

June 29, 2010

We get lost in our dream of specialness.  We have completely given ourselves to the dream that we are separate and special.  We have believed the dream that we are set apart from all others, denying our Oneness.  In this dream, we believe what we have made up.  We are so deep into this dream that we are oblivious to the call of peace and love that stand within us and call to us.  It is gently calling us to wake from the dream.  It calls to us, telling us of our true Oneness, of the freedom, abundance, love, and peace that are already ours, waiting for us to remember them.

We think we are tormented.  We believe the dream we made up about ourselves, and also believe that God would take that away from us, making us less.  But nothing can compare to the goodness and wholeness God gives us.  All that is God is ours in Oneness.  We share all there is with God and each other in Oneness.  Is our dream of specialness worth the denial of what God gave us in our creation?  We are God extended.  We are never separate from God.  Yet we cling to the dream of our specialness, effectively shutting ourselves off from the awareness of our true Oneness.

We think our dream of specialness is freedom.  Yet the dream only limits us.  It cannot compare with the grandeur of God’s Will for us.  We have become slaves to our dream of specialness.  Yet we can still be free.  Be willing to open your eyes just a little.  See your brother, your sister, your Savior looking back.  See in their eyes the reflection of who you really are.  And recognize who they really are.  We are all One with God, full of the wondrous love that is God, whole, loved, and at peace.  It is our birthright.  When will we be willing to grant that birthright to ourselves and each other and let go of the dream of specialness we made up?  It is the simple act of forgiving our thoughts of specialness.

God’s Will is for us to set each other free.  Freedom is the release from the chains of our dreams of specialness.  Wake up, open your eyes, and see.  Open your ears and hear.  The grandeur of the realm of God is all around us.  It is already ours.  Reach out and take the hand of your sister, your brother, your Savior and set all of creation free.

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