A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-24.II The Treachery of Specialness

June 1, 2010

Why do we have the need to see ourselves as special?  For when we do, we defend our specialness against the truth of who we are.  The belief in our specialness comes from the desire to make ourselves something other than who we really are.  The root of this comes from what we think our specialness is.  It always elevates us, makes us better than, more right than, or even less than another.  It is in direct conflict with God’s creation of the One Child of God.  God created us whole, complete, pure, and unchangeable.  But we work really hard at being special or making someone else special.

We have studied how our beliefs make what we see ; our world.  We find it impossible to hold two conflicting beliefs.  We must choose one or the other to truly believe what we believe.  So if we believe our specialness, then we cannot believe in our Oneness, our sameness.  When we believe that some are more special than others we cannot believe in the fullness of each one in unity.  If we are as God created us, with everything we really need and want at our disposal, complete and whole, with unlimited love and power, no one can be more special than another.  Specialness is impossible; nothing but an illusion.

This is not to say that there is no diversity in God’s creation.  There is infinite diversity in God’s creation.  We do not look the same, we have varied talents and skills, and we have varied abilities.  We each have things we do well and have the opportunity to use those talents at the direction and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  God never intended for us to all be the same, cookie cutter copies of each other.  What a boring world that would be.  And that boring copycat world would never reflect the vast grandeur of all God is.

We are asked to remember who we really are, the One Child of God and set aside the belief in specialness and differing values of each other.  When we choose to see with the eyes of Spirit and hear with the ears of Spirit, we see and hear the realm of God.  We begin to hear the Voice for God singing the praises of who we all are.  We begin to realize that we are all an equally essential part of God that can never be separated from God for we are all One in God.  Accept your and another’s priceless value in Oneness.  It can never be less or more because it is maximal.  We are maximal because we are One with God and all Creation.  Specialness fades away to nothing in the light of the Truth of who we really are.  Rejoice in wholeness.

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