A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-5.in Introduction

abstract background withe sea sunriseJuly 16, 2013

To heal is to make happy.  Healing is to change our thoughts about ourselves from separation to the recognition of who we really are, whole, divine, and happy.  To change our thoughts is to gladden.  Whether we change our thoughts about ourselves or another we are still moving our minds to happiness.  This isn’t a fleeting happiness, a happiness that is spurred by some experience or event outside of ourselves.  This is a happiness that comes from deep with our being.   It comes from tapping the true state of being that is who we are.  It taps the divine Oneness that is within us, that never goes away, that is always our true Self living in wholeness whether or not we are aware of it.  Pure joy is at the core of our being.  We are wholly joyful at all times for eternity.  If we don’t feel wholly joyous we must be blocking our awareness of our natural joy.


Feeling wholly joyous, we cannot help being wholehearted.  Total healing requires wholeheartedness.  We know that fear and love cannot coexist.  Love is real.  Fear is not real.  However, if there is nothing but fear there is nothing at all since fear does not exist!  Therefore there can be only love if we exist at all.  As long as we allow our minds to recognize fear we deny our wholeheartedness, for the mind is divided and therefore we cannot be aware of our wholly joyous nature.  It takes a lot of effort to keep up the pretense of a split mind and thus deny ourselves the awareness of our whole divine nature.  Hence we deny many opportunities to gladden ourselves and thus our brothers and sisters, too.


The joy of offering healing and happiness to ourselves or another is that it brings Oneness with it.  Healing the mind, which is the only real healing, makes us One.  It opens the awareness of our true Divine Oneness.  We are unified, we are in Unity, and we are One.  This awareness is our ultimate healing.  This is our wholehearted joyous state of being.  As we extend healing and forgiveness we extend the Love of wholeness with all of Creation.  We remember who we really are.  We re-member the unity of all the Source’s creations.  We bless each other and in turn are blessed by each other and Spirit.  How could we feel anything but gratitude; to each other and to the Creator?  The light of love and joy radiates from us as we allow the awareness of our wholeness rise in our mind.  We cannot help but love another as we love ourselves.  This love is dynamic and cannot help but be shared.


So say this prayer today with each thought and encounter.  Affirm this truth in anyone you encounter.  Let healing, happiness, and wholeness fill the world in which you place your trust.


“Let me know this one as I know myself.”

(ACIM T-5.in.3.8)


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