A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-I9.IV The Obstacles To Peace

April 3, 2018

Dedication is the telltale sign of where our mind is focused and what we believe about ourselves. I am dedicated to love. Are you? I am dedicated to life and freedom. Are you? I am dedicated to seeing the holy in each one I encounter in this world. Are you? I am dedicated to allowing Spirit to enter my relationships and transform them into holy relationships, granting the miracle of healing to both of us. Are you? Consider making this choice. You need not do all the work but offer just a little willingness for Spirit to enter and do the heavy lifting. Would you deny communication or accept communication?

You who are dedicated to the incorruptible have been given through your acceptance, the power to release from corruption. What better way to teach the first and fundamental principle in a course on miracles than by showing you the one that seems to be the hardest can be accomplished first? The body can but serve your purpose. As you look on it, so will it seem to be. Death, were it true, would be the final and complete disruption of communication, which is the ego’s goal.   T-19.IV.C.6:1-5

Fear has no place in our lives. In the real world, the eternal world of love and grace, there is nothing to fear. In fact, there is no fear at all in the real world. We are One with Source – the One – who is Us as we are the One. The adage, “There is nothing to fear but fear itself.” has a ring of truth. As we allow ourselves to remain in communication with the Divine in each other we begin to recognize our Divine Oneness in eternity. What can eternity be but peace? The fear of death will retreat from our awareness as its appeal is yielded to love’s attraction. The end of separation, which nestles quietly in the safety of our relationship, protected by our union with each other, and ready to grow into a mighty force for Truth and Peace is very near. The infancy of the miracle of healing is carefully guarded by love, preserved from every thought that would attack it, and quietly made ready to fulfill the mighty task for which it was given us. Our newborn purpose is nursed by angels, cherished by Spirit and protected by Oneness. It does not need our protection; it is ours. It is deathless, and within it lies the end of death and separation.

When anything seems to you to be a source of fear, when any situation strikes you with terror and makes your body tremble and the cold sweat of fear comes over it, remember it is always for one reason; the ego has perceived it as a symbol of fear, a sign of sin and death. Remember, then, that neither sign nor symbol should be confused with source, for they must stand for something other than themselves. Their meaning cannot lie in them but must be sought in what they represent. And they may thus mean everything or nothing, according to the truth or falsity of the idea which they reflect. Confronted with such seeming uncertainty of meaning, judge it not. Remember the holy Presence of the One given to you to be the Source of judgment. Give it to the One to judge for you, and say:

Take this from me and look upon it, judging it for me.

Let me not see it as a sign of sin and death, nor use it for destruction.

Teach me how not to make of it an obstacle to peace, but let You use it for me, to facilitate its coming.   T-19.IV.C.11:1-10

Begin this process today. Allow the miracle of healing to enter your heart and mind as you invite Spirit into your relationships. Eternity will flow across the obstacles to peace you have place between your mistaken thoughts and who you really are. Now is the time to rest in Peace.

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