A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-21.VII The Last Unanswered Question

November 6, 2018

What do you actually believe about who you are? Does it support you? Does it support your happiness, your wholeness, your abundance? The Course asks this at the opening of this section: Do you not see that all your misery comes from the strange belief that you are powerless? Being helpless is the cost of sin. Helplessness is sin’s condition; the one requirement that it demands to be believed. Only the helpless could believe in it. Enormity has no appeal save to the little. And only those who first believe that they are little could see attraction there. T-21.VII.1:1-6 We are as we are created by our Creator. Our Creator created only like Itself – whole, complete, sinless and unchangeable. Yet we have chosen to believe that we are something other than our created essence. We have relinquished our power to what? Some mistaken idea that told us we are separate and incomplete and lacking, and we then believed and reinforced that mistaken idea.

The result of this mistaken belief is that we become afraid. We are afraid of power in any form. We cannot distinguish between real power – which can only be used for good – and false power -that which has no real power. Our belief that something that is powerless has power is what makes it appear powerful. I know, this statement makes no sense. Yet, we believe that this false power is powerful and are afraid to challenge or even test it.

Would we dare believe that we have no enemies and that we are not powerless?

Reason would surely bid them seek no longer what is not there to find. Yet first they must be willing to perceive a world where it is not. It is not necessary that they understand how they can see it. Nor should they try. For if they focus on what they cannot understand, they will but emphasize their helplessness, and let sin tell them that their enemy must be themselves. But let them only ask themselves these questions, which they must decide, to have it done for them:

  • Do I desire a world I rule instead of one that rules me?
  • Do I desire a world where I am powerful instead of helpless?
  • Do I desire a world in which I have no enemies and cannot sin?
  • And do I want to see what I denied because it is the truth? T-21.VII.5:5-14

We may have already answered the first three questions about the world we desire. Yet it still makes us fearful. This is what the last question is all about. Do we want to see what we denied? Do we want to see the truth we denied? This seems to be facing the fire, perhaps the enemy. Yet it is nothing like that. It is stepping into the presence of the healing power of love. This healing power rises from within us and is a surprise that it has always been there, even when we’ve been told it has always been there. It floods over us bringing such a sense of relief and rest to us. It is the balm we seek. It is the peace we desire. It is all there is and ever was. It is arriving home after a very long journey.

Forget not that the choice of sin or truth, helplessness or power, is the choice of whether to attack or heal. For healing comes of power, and attack of helplessness. Whom you attack you cannot want to heal. And whom you would have healed must be the one you chose to be protected from attack. And what is this decision but the choice whether to see another through the body’s eyes, or let them be revealed to you through vision? How this decision leads to its effects is not your problem. But what you want to see must be your choice. This is a course in cause and not effect.   T-21.VII.7:1-8

It is our choice. Reason within us will guide this right choice. Make this choice today, for there is no rational reason to delay it any longer. It’s a matter of choosing insanity or sanity. Today let’s choose sanity and return to the awareness of who we really are. Step into the power and peace that are yours eternally.

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