A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-5.VII The Decision for God

abstract background withe sea sunriseOctober 8, 2013

The amazing thing is that we have chosen to think we are something other than what and who we really are.  What and who we really are is so great there is nothing that can top it.  But we still try.  We are created in the image of and One with the One, the Creator.  Creation is extension and so creation remains One with its Creator.  We are created to be creators and have the Divine capability of creation.  And what we create is shared by all for we are all One and share all of Creation.  This is the condition of Heaven.  This is the condition of Joy.  This is our natural state of being.  But for some reason at some time, we made a decision to try to be something other than our true Self.  We thought we could make our own world made up by our own thought system that was ours and no one else’s.


We made a decision.  Sometimes it goes well.  Sometimes it doesn’t.  We made it and we believe in it.  However, we can’t destroy our true Self.  We can block our awareness of our true nature and wholeheartedly believe in another realm of our liking or disliking.  The One understands we need to sow our wild oats.  The One understands we have to work it out of our system.  The One knows we will eventually return to the awareness of who we really are.  It’s merely a matter of decision and a little willingness on our part.  The One has placed everything we need within us and the world.  Though we may make the choice to perceive and experience lack and limitation, we have the abundance of everything we really need.  Spirit walks with us every moment gently reminding us of our true nature and who we really are.  Spirit keeps up the ancient song of joy and peace we will recognize when we stop a moment in stillness and listen.  Spirit knows that nothing real can be threatened including our true Self.  And, Spirit knows and remembers for us that nothing unreal exists.


The blissful joyous peaceful Realm of Heaven is our true home.  In fact, we are always there.  But we have built an imaginary wall around us blocking our awareness of all that abundant limitlessness that is our true nature.  Always Spirit walks with us.  One might even say that our true Self walks with us, for that is what Spirit is.  The One – Creator, brother, sister, Spirit, Higher Self, or whatever label we have for the Divine nature we really are – is always with us 24/7, never leaving us alone for that is impossible.  If we feel alone, we are not recognizing the Realm of Heaven around us.  We are not recognizing the Self that is who we really are.  Take a step back a moment and let yourself decide again.  We were able to decide wrongly, so we are certainly capable of changing our decision to a more correct one.  Ask Spirit to guide you in the decision and the choices you make.  Ask your Higher Self to guide you in those decisions and choices.  The One is ever present and all powerful, correcting all mistakes in thinking we may have made and reinterpreting and using every encounter and experience in our life for a new and Holy purpose.  Make the Decision for God – the One – and find a new world, a new Self that is anything but new, but better than any idea we could have made up.  This is who we really are, the Divine One Self we share with all of creation.  Make the decision and mean it.  Make the decision with all your being and let it be so.

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