A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T.23.I The Irreconcilable Beliefs

March 26, 2019

A quiet mind, a peaceful mind, is the state of mind that supports our awareness of reality and the true essence of who we really are. To be in this state of mind we have released our attachment to our past and all the busyness of conflicting thoughts with which our egoic thought system tries to distract us. I find that when I realize I am anxious or upset, I can take a step away from the appearance of conflict in my life and mind and reattune to the peace and love within me. The upset and anxiety immediately lessens and allows me to reconnect with my higher reality in Oneness. I know that the idea that I am separate from others and my Source can block my awareness of the Oneness I am. I will always return to this happiness when I look within to the Higher Spirit I share with all creation. Peace is there in that presence. Love is there in that presence. The troubles of the world lose their hold on me when I step into that presence. There may still be things I need to do in the world, but from that presence of mind I will be guided to more correct and helpful responses. The impact of the conflict I felt will be gone and I will walk in Oneness with holiness.

When we forget to attune with our inner wisdom and get caught up in the world, we end up in a war with ourselves. This war’s effect on us is quite devastating for it distracts us from the awareness of who we are. We get all caught up in the conflict we feel. Conflict is impossible in reality for it is made up by our egoic thought system which is trying to prove that separation is how we win. Winning over Oneness is impossible. Peace and Love are truth and cannot be defeated, yet we still try when we have denied our Oneness and Unity. Letting go of our attachment to the mistaken ideas we have learned over a lifetime frees us from those limitations and opens us to a power and strength we share with each other in Oneness that can never be conquered.

Child, the war against yourself is almost over. The journey’s end is at the place of peace. Would you not now accept the peace offered you here? This “enemy” you fought as an intruder on your peace is here transformed, before your sight, into the giver of your peace. Your “enemy” was the One to Whom all conflict, triumph and attack of any kind are all unknown. This One loves you perfectly, completely and eternally. The One Child at war with their Creator is a condition as ridiculous as nature roaring at the wind in anger, proclaiming it is part of itself no more. Could nature possibly establish this, and make it true? Nor is it up to you to say what shall be part of you and what is kept apart.   T-23.I.4:7-9

This war we have waged against ourselves is nothing more that the denial of our true Self. We are holy. We are whole, complete and limitless. We have everything within us in abundance we could ever need. We contain the wisdom of the One and share it in Oneness with all. This truth can never be forgotten by itself, and we have not forgotten what we are. Only a strange illusion of ourselves, a wish to triumph over what we are, forgets. We can choose to remember whenever we choose to remember.

The war against yourself is but the battle of two illusions, struggling to make them different from each other, in the belief the one that conquers will be true. There is no conflict between them and the truth. Nor are they different from each other. Both are not true. And so it matters not what form they take. What made them is insane, and they remain part of what made them. Madness holds out no menace to reality, and has no influence upon it. Illusions cannot triumph over truth, nor can they threaten it in any way. And the reality that they deny is not a part of them.   T-23.I.6:1-9

Release yourself from the war with yourself. Both sides of that war are simply temporal ideas of who you think you are separate from Oneness. Allow the truth of who you really are to wash over you, filling you with the awareness of peace and love within you. We them bring this peace and love to all we encounter on our journey sharing peace and love with all and bringing a state of Heaven to this earth we walk on for a time. Let the light within you shine, for it cannot long stay hidden. Others will awaken to this light and join their light with yours, for it is the One Eternal Light of Reality we all share. Be the blessing you are. We are the Light of the world.

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