A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T.24.II The Treachery of Specialness

June 11, 2019

The act of comparison is our downfall into specialness. It’s really tempting to compare and compare and compare. This is better than that, that is worse than this, etc., etc. It’s easy to fall into this habit. The Course teaches us we are all the same. We are all created equal. In Oneness we have and are all there is and it is all good. Only our belief in littleness, lack and deprivation keeps us stuck in the illusion of comparison. Specialness is the idea that I am better than you. Perhaps I believe I have sinned less than you, so I am better. Believing this I can justify believing I am better than you. On the other hand, I can believe that I am more abused than you. I can believe I’ve had more troubles than you, so I am more deserving of pity or help. Since we all have all of everything, it makes no sense to believe in lack of any kind. There is no order of difficulty and no hierarchy. Anything unequal or lacking is merely a misperception.

Pursuing specialness robs us of our awareness of peace and love, those holy traits that are always within us. How can we possibly recognize our mutual strong support and omnipresent power when we believe each other and ourselves to be less than we actually are? We are created like our Creator, no less and no more. We are full partners in Creation and life. We cannot be less, period. Yet we believe ourselves to be less in varying degrees, conjuring up the ideas of limitedness and lack. We believe ourselves unable to live up to our potential.

You are not special. If you think you are, and would defend your specialness against the truth of what you really are, how can you know the truth? What answer that the Holy Spirit gives can reach you, when it is your specialness to which you listen, and which asks and answers? Its tiny answer, soundless in the melody that pours from God to you eternally in loving praise of what you are, is all you listen to. And that vast song of honor and of love for what you are seems silent and unheard before its “mightiness.” You strain your ears to hear its soundless voice, and yet the Call of God is soundless to you.   T-24.II.4:1-6

When we focus on specialness, our seeming differences, our seeming degrees of littleness and lack, that is what we see. We miss the abundance of our true nature because we have turned away from it. We hear what we choose to hear. We see what we choose to see. What have you chosen to see and hear? That choice is the only thing that keeps us separated from our reality. It is the only thing that keeps us from the awareness of who we really are. Would you really voluntarily deny the peace, love and limitlessness of your whole being?

What would they see instead? The shining radiance of the One Child of God, so like their Creator that the memory of the One springs instantly to mind. And with this memory, the One Child remembers their own creations, as like to them as they are to their Creator. And all the world they made, and all their specialness, and all the sins they held in its defense against themselves, will vanish as their mind accepts the truth about themselves, as it returns to take their place. This is the only “cost” of truth: You will no longer see what never was, nor hear what makes no sound. Is it a sacrifice to give up nothing, and to receive the Love of God forever?   T-24.II.6:1-6

Allow the truth about yourself and who you really are to arise in your awareness. Deny your holiness no longer and forget about any sense of “specialness.” You do not need this illusion. All we encounter in this world are holy and One with us. See beyond their appearance to the Oneness they all are beyond that illusion. This is where peace dwells. This is Heaven on earth wrapped up in Oneness.

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