A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T.24.III The Forgiveness of Specialness

June 25, 2019

We have been discussing specialness for the past few weeks and how our attachment to the idea keeps us focused on illusion, blocking our minds from the awareness of the reality of peace and love. Our true nature has no need for specialness. Specialness is the opposite of wholeness and holiness. Delving into specialness is a sure-fire way to keep ourselves in denial of who we really are. It’s tempting to make someone or something “special” and give it the power to dominate our thinking, but it always results in the denial of our true being. The idea of specialness implies degrees of “special”, good, or holy. Reality has no order of any kind. All reality is holy, period. Anything else is not real. How do we relinquish specialness?

Forgiveness is the end of specialness. Only illusions can be forgiven, and then they disappear. Forgiveness is release from all illusions, and that is why it is impossible but partly to forgive. No one who clings to one illusion can see themselves as sinless, for they hold one error to themselves as lovely still. And so they call it “unforgivable,” and make it sin. How can they then give their forgiveness wholly, when they would not receive it for themselves? For it is sure they would receive it wholly the instant that they gave it so. And thus their secret guilt would disappear, forgiven by themselves.   T-24.III.1:1-8

Forgiveness is not stoic. It is really very simple, a matter of releasing our attachment and our judgement. There is no effort involved. Forgiveness is a matter of looking beyond how someone or something appears in our perception. When something upsets us, the Course teaches us we can see it differently by allowing the wisdom of Spirit within us to guide our mind. We can, at any time, choose to refocus our mind on love and peace rather than differences. Perhaps some situations or people seem more difficult to forgive than others. There is no need to beat yourself up over that. Just be a little willing to allow Spirit within you to guide you in forgiveness. Our holiness cannot be denied, only blocked from our awareness temporarily. Rather than getting ourselves upset over our differences, rest in the peace of Spirit within you and allow forgiveness to enter.

Truth is our foundation. Truth is stable. Truth cannot be disturbed. Illusions leave it perfectly unmoved and undisturbed. But specialness is not the truth in us. Specialness can be thrown off balance by anything. What rests on nothing can never be stable. However large and overblown it seems to be, it still must rock and turn and whirl about with every breeze. Yet it cannot ruffle Truth in any way.

Oneness asks for your forgiveness. Oneness would have no separation, like an alien will, rise between what Oneness wills for you and what you will. They are the same, for neither One wills specialness. How could They will the death of love itself? Yet They are powerless to make attack upon illusions. They are not bodies; as one Mind They wait for all illusions to be brought to Them, and left behind. Salvation challenges not even death. And Oneness, Who knows that death is not your will, must say, “Thy will be done” because you think it is.   T-24.III.5:1-8

There is no need to fight illusions. Fighting them will only keep us focused on them when they are not even real. Turn toward the Presence of Spirit within you and within your friend. This is where peace is revealed. This is where love is shared. Relinquish your hold on specialness and it is forgiven. See each other as you truly are in Oneness. Peace and love abide within both of you in abundance. Let yourself rest in the peace and love you find within each other.

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