A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T.24.V The Christ in You

July 16, 2019

We are holy. We are whole. There is nothing wrong with us. And we have a tendency to  believe there is something wrong about ourselves. We are created in the holiness of the One Source many call God. And we are created One with that holy Source. There is no separation. There is no division. The Course tells us we have adopted a belief that we are separate from Source and so are less than who and what we really are. This belief does not make us less than we really are. It only blocks our awareness of who we really are. We are pure and perfect love, we are peace.

The Christ in you is very still. The Christ in you knows where you are going, and leads you there in gentleness and blessing all the way. This Love for the One replaces all the fear you thought you saw within yourself. This Holiness shows you the same Christ in the friend whose hand you hold, and whom you lead to the Christ in them. And what you see is like yourself. For what but Christ is there to see and hear and love and follow home? The Christ in you looked upon you first, but recognized that you were not complete. And so the Christ in you sought for your completion in each living thing that the Christ in you beholds and loves. And seeks it still, that each might offer you the Love of Oneness.         T-24.V.6:1-9

The Christ in you is your higher holy Self. It is the true essence of ourselves we have denied through our belief in specialness. How could any one of us be “special” if we are all One? Specialness implies that one is more or less than another and thus hides Oneness from our awareness. Though Oneness and holiness can be denied and hidden, it is impossible to destroy it. The Christ in us holds it in reverence and quietness until we allow it to rise in our awareness again. Our true essence will never be forced upon us, but waits in gentleness and quiet for us to allow it to return to our awareness.

Yet is the Christ in you quiet, for It knows that love is in you now, and safely held in you by that same hand that holds your friend’s in your own. The Christ’s hand holds all of Us in Itself. The Christ gives them vision for their sightless eyes, and sings to them of Heaven, that their ears may hear no more the sound of battle and of death. The Christ reaches through them, holding out Its hand, that everyone may bless all living things, and see their holiness. And the Christ rejoices that these sights are yours, to look upon with Oneness and share Oneness’ joy. The Christ’s perfect lack of specialness is offered you, that you may save all living things from death, receiving from each one the gift of life that your forgiveness offers to your Self. The sight of the Christ is all there is to see. The song of the Christ is all there is to hear. The hand of the Christ is all there is to hold. There is no journey but to walk with the Christ in you.   T-24.V.7:1-1

Do not be content with specialness. Do not seek wholeness and Oneness in a war with Love. And do not attempt to find wholeness alone, for the ones we encounter in this journey are truly one with us and have been brought to us to join together in rediscovering our Oneness. Do not doubt the holy purpose of each one brought into our presence showing us the path to the awareness of our real Self, One with all creation. Open your mind and heart to the holiness offered.

The Christ in you has no doubt, and from this certainty quiet comes. The Christ in you will exchange certainty for all your doubts, if you agree that the Christ in you is One with you, and that this Oneness is endless, timeless, and within your grasp because your hands are One. Onen3ss is within you, yet Oneness walks beside you and before, leading the way that Oneness must go to find Oneness complete. This quietness becomes your certainty. And where is doubt when certainty has come?   T-24.V.9:3-7

Welcome the Christ in you. Recognize it is Oneness and that this is what you really are. Welcome your holiness, completeness and limitlessness. Our journey is to return to the awareness of who we really are and to rest there in its gentle quietness. Accept this for yourself and those you journey with. And find Heaven on earth as we leave specialness behind.

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