A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T.24.VII The Meeting Place

August 13, 2019

There are many tests the Course suggests for things we encounter in life. They all give us the opportunity to see something differently. They all give us the opportunity to allow Spirit to reinterpret our perception to see things more clearly. And it will never be more than we can handle at the moment. It may stretch our unwillingness to accept change, but never more than we can handle. The ones we encounter on this journey we call life are our own creations They may appear to be out of our control, but we control our perception of them. Our perception is our creation. The test at this point is, “What is this for?” Be perfectly honest with yourself in answering this question. They are in our lives to teach us something. The root lesson is to forgive them and see their holiness, and recognize our own holiness reflected back to us in them. To recognize we are truly One in Oneness.

A co-creator with the Creator must have a Creation. Yet must this Creation have been created like its Creator. A perfect being, all-encompassing and all-encompassed, nothing to add and nothing taken from; not born of size nor place nor time, nor held to limits or uncertainties of any kind. Here do the means and end unite as one, nor does this one have any end at all. All this is true, and yet it has no meaning to anyone who still retains one unlearned lesson in their memory, one thought with purpose still uncertain, or one wish with a divided aim.   T-24.VII.7:1-5

The lessons of the Course are learnable and teachable. In fact, they are not difficult if we are willing to see clearly. It is essential we keep in mind that all perception is upside down until its purpose has been understood. Perception does not seem to be a means. And it is this that makes it hard to grasp the whole extent to which perception must depend on what we see it for. Perception seems to teach us what we see. Yet perception witnesses to what we teach. It is the outward picture of a wish; an image that we want to be true, whether or not it is true. Perception can be used to see separation or see Oneness. Perception is means rather than end. Only when we understand this can we begin to see differently and see reality beyond the appearance of the world we think we see.

A dualistic world is made of the way we perceive through separation. We appear to be separate from each other as we walk this world. We seem to exist here without a meeting place and no encounter. We never join in this world. We dance around each other. We blame and accuse, even attack, but maintain that one is inherently inferior to the other. The purpose we have given our creation is to compare ourselves to and see ourselves “better” than. What if we choose a different purpose?

Yet can perception serve another goal. It is not bound to specialness but by your choice. And it is given you to make a different choice, and use perception for a different purpose. And what you see will serve that purpose well, and prove its own reality to you.   T-24.VII.11:10-13

Have you grown tired of the world you seem to see? Are you ready to make another choice? The reality of Heaven is already within you for it has never left you.  In fact, you have never left Heaven. You are as complete, whole and holy as when you were created. We simply denied the reality of who we are by choosing separation instead of Oneness. We can change our mind now as easily as we changed it before. There is no penalty or price to pay. It is a simple matter of letting go of the separation we believed in and rejoining the Oneness we are. This is the journey we are on back t the awareness of who we really are. When will you make that choice?

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