A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM W.pII.281 – I can be hurt by nothing but my thoughts.

October 6, 2020

Lesson 281 –

I can be hurt by nothing but my thoughts.

This may seem preposterous on the surface. Yet, we might ask, “How can my thoughts hurt me?” This is in no way about our bodies, for our bodies are not real. Even our thoughts can’t hurt us unless they block our awareness of who we are. Our true nature is wholeness, completeness, holiness, and that can’t be undone. But when we decide to align our minds with the idea of separation we block our awareness of who we really are and believe we can be hurt. And this belief is as easily undone when we turn back to the awareness of who we really are. Our thoughts are where truth and reality lie when we perceive them correctly through the Mind of Oneness.

I will not hurt myself today. For I am far beyond all pain. My Creator placed me safe in Heaven, watching over me. And I would not attack the One Child my Creator loves, for what my Creator loves is also mine to love.   W-pII.281.21-4

The truth is we are One with our Creator and therefore there is no separation, no distance, no less or more than. We all think with one thought system, one reality and it is all good and infinite. There is nothing but love and peace simply because nothing else was created. We think we see something less because we blocked our awareness of peace and love and unity and dreamed up separation. Even though separation is no more than illusion, it seems very real to us because we deny our Unity and connectedness. This lesson offers us this prayer for those times we feel inadequate and feel we are hurting.

Source, Your Child is perfect. When I think that I am hurt in any way, it is because I have forgotten who I am, and that I am as You created me. Your Thoughts can only bring me happiness. If ever I am sad or hurt or ill, I have forgotten what You think, and put my little meaningless ideas in place of where Your Thoughts belong, and where they are. I can be hurt by nothing but my thoughts. The Thoughts I think with You can only bless. The Thoughts I think with You alone are true.   W-pII.281.1:1-7

Our wholeness is established in our creation as is our divine nature and holiness. If we feel hurt in any way, we have let the idea that we can be hurt into our minds by denying our true Identity. The world around us may seem in utter chaos. Yet, we know that chaos is merely a myriad of separation thoughts swirling in minds that believe they are not unified. Rest in the knowledge that all minds are joined in peace and love. Rest in the reality of Oneness, for we are all One. No longer need we dwell on the hurt we think we feel, for it is not real. Step into the peace and love within all of us and rise above the battleground of chaos. Our joined mind will see clearly and understand the chaos of the world as mistaken thought, transcending all of it and melting into the peace of Oneness. Let Heaven rise in you today as you are willing.

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