A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-2.II The Atonement as Defense

abstract background withe sea sunriseNovember 13, 2012

We have the ability and power to do whatever Spirit asks of us.  We are God’s creations and thus are One with God.  All God is we are.  The miracles we are asked to perform are natural to God’s creations.  So what’s the hitch?  Why do we doubt?  Why are we afraid?  We are all God created us to be!  But we do doubt who we are and we fear to even try to be what God created us to be.  We have spent a lifetime building the idea and belief that we are separate from God and denying the reality of our Divine Self, who we really are.  What went wrong along the way?  We simply made a mistake.  We simply thought incorrectly.  No worry, there’s a fix.  There’s a way back.


Being in the midst and awareness of miracle mindedness takes a commitment of our belief in our true nature.  We must believe that we are One with God.  We must believe that we are One with each other, that we are all as we are created.  It’s a tall order as we embark on this journey back to the awareness of who we really are.  This journey without distance we have set our mind on.  The journey doesn’t even require we totally believe before we begin.  Spirit asks we be just a little willing to believe we are who we really are.  This will get us started.  Be willing to learn the lessons Spirit places in our path.  Each lesson has a core of love in it.  Each lesson has good in it if we will just let Spirit reveal it to us.


We tend to want to defend ourselves from many things and from many ideas that we think can harm us.  In reality we cannot be harmed.  Nothing harmful can befall us.  What appears to be harmful is merely an illusion, a mistaken thought.  However, while we are in this mindset of separation for this temporary time on our journey, we have the one useful defense thought at our disposal.  This is the Atonement.  The Atonement is the idea that we are all One and One with God.  “At-One-ment.”  This idea is actually a Truth, but for now it is an idea we can carry with us on this journey.


We can begin to entertain the idea that we are One with God, and that this is our natural state of being.  As we begin to place our faith in and believe this idea, we will feel the Presence of God welling up in us.  We will begin experiencing the peace, love, and joy of God deep within us.  We will begin to realize it has always been there, merely suppressed, hidden, and forgotten.  We have learned to be in denial of who we really are.  But, the Atonement is the only useful use of denial, the denial of separation.  Let the light of Spirit shine from deep within and let it shine away the doubts and fears that have accumulated over the course of our journey to this point.  God has a plan for us to return to the joy and peace of the awareness of who we really are.  This is our destiny.  This is our Divinity.  Let it be so.

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