A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM W.pI.61 I am the light of the world.

March 2, 2021

Lesson 61 –

I am the light of the world.

This is a simple truth for every one of us. It is a statement of who and what we are. It is the perfect answer to any question we may have. It is the solution to any problem we may have. It opens the door to our inner wisdom and inspiration. It is not a statement of pride, it is not boastful or arrogant. It refers to us as we are created by our Source. It simply states the truth. This is my favorite lesson. It speaks to me of who I am and who you are. It opens the door to freedom. Some may find this challenging at first, but it is a powerful idea that leads us on our journey in this world.

True humility requires that you accept today’s idea because it is our Oneness’ Voice which tells you it is true. This is a beginning step in accepting your real function on earth. It is a giant stride toward taking your rightful place in salvation. It is a positive assertion of your right to be saved, and an acknowledgment of the power that is given you to save others.   W-pI.61.3:1-4

Even if this idea seems too preposterous to believe, sit with it for a short while. Try not to fight or deny it, but rather try to be a little willing to accept that there might be just a grain of truth in it. As you allow this idea to arise, you will awaken with an acknowledgment of the truth about yourself, reinforce it throughout the day, and turn to sleep as you reaffirm your function and your only purpose here. Your egoic thought system will reject this idea quite strongly. That’s OK, for it is expected. This is a powerful idea. Step away from it if it seems to challenging, then come back to it in a while.

Today’s idea goes far beyond the ego’s petty views of what you are and what your purpose is. As a bringer of salvation, this is obviously necessary. This is the first of a number of giant steps we will take in the next few weeks. Try today to begin to build a firm foundation for these advances. You are the light of the world. Oneness has built Its plan for the salvation of the One Child on you.   W-pI.61.7:1-6

Let your mind be open to a new vision. Being the Light of the world is not some onerous task. It is a state of being that brings great joy to our mind and heart. It is imbued with infinite love and peace. It opens us to the recognition of who we are and always have been. The spark of this light is within us. It cannot be extinguished. It is waiting to be released so it can shine brightly to all we encounter on our journey. I find that whenever I feel down or challenged, I remember this idea and my world brightens instantly, even when I seem to be in the midst of chaos. Let the light within you shine and the world around you will change It is a time to rejoice.

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