A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-2.IV Healing as Release from Fear

abstract background withe sea sunriseNovember 27, 2012

This week we will be talking about healing and what healing really is.  I think healing is one of the most misunderstood concepts in spirituality.  The Course tells us that miracles are the means, the Atonement is the principle, and healing is the result.  It goes on to clarify that healing is not a miracle, healing is a result of miracles.  The Course tells us there is no such thing as a miraculous healing!  We must remember that a miracle is a change in our thoughts to a more correct way of thinking.  Healing is moving, as a result of a change in thought in alignment with the principle of Atonement, into a state of Grace, a state of Oneness with God and all of creation.


We have mistakenly thought that spiritual healing is a physical healing.  We spiritual beings living from the mistaken idea that we are physical human beings want to focus on the physical world, the world of illusion, the temporal world and make it all that reality is.  The physical world has a purpose as a learning device that is used to teach us who we really are.  It is used to teach us what is real and what is made up and to help us choose reality in the place of non-reality.  We discussed last week that the body merely houses the altar of our Divine reality within us.  The body is weak and can be destroyed, but our Divine Presence cannot be hurt in any way.  We are One with God.  Everything God is, we are and are One with, impervious to anyone or anything that would harm or damage us. This is our strength.  This is our reality.  But somehow we have lost touch with it and forgotten it whether to a lesser or greater degree.


The miracle, guided by spirit, is the opening of a little willingness of our mind to think we might be something other than the flesh and blood human being we appear to be.  We can be just a little willing to think that all the ideas we hold so dear about our identity may just be mistaken.  We might somehow be something infinitely greater than our split mind can fathom at the moment.  We plant, within our consciousness, the seeds of the desire of awareness of who we really are.  We allow Spirit to guide our decisions, to guide our sight, and guide our hearing.  The allowance of this shift of perception propels us into the miracle Spirit holds for us, bringing a glimpse of the Oneness that is our natural state of being.


Arriving at the full awareness of who we really are and resting in that infinite peace, love, and joy is the healing Spirit has waiting for our acceptance.  As we arrive in the awareness of that Divine healing, some change may or may not appear in our physical life.  A physical healing might occur.  Or it might not because that physical condition may be a learning device for another one who is on their path to remembering who they really are.  Refrain from letting any appearance of anything get in the way of our spiritual vision, that sight which God gave us at our creation.  Real healing is of the mind and sprit, not anywhere in the physical world.  However, that healing of the mind and spirit will certainly transform the appearance of the world as we see it with our spirit eyes.  Forgive, release all attachment, and let Spirit guide every decision and thought in you life.  The peace, love and joy of God are within you waiting to be released to shine brightly.  Be the light that you already are.

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