A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM W.pI.173 God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

June 22, 2021

Lesson 173 –

Review of Lessons 155 and 156

God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

(155) I will step back and let God lead the way.   W-pI.173.1:1

God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

(156) I walk with God in perfect holiness.   W-pI.173.2:1

God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

We are entering another review of recent lessons on our journey. This group of lessons has been encouraging us to open to the holy relationship we have with Source, with Oneness. These lessons have taught us that peace is ours, it’s already within us. It has taught us we are holy. It has taught us about our communication with Source, God. All of this is ours for the allowing. We simply need to be willing to allow the opening of our mind to the One Mind. This is the way to what we want so badly but don’t see how to get there. The journey appears to be difficult, but is much easier when we surrender to what is and allow Spirit to guide our steps.

We now review again. This time we are ready to give more effort and more time to what we undertake. We recognize we are preparing for another phase of understanding. We would take this step completely, that we may go on again more certain, more sincere, with faith upheld more surely. Our footsteps have not been unwavering, and doubts have made us walk uncertainly and slowly on the road this course sets forth. But now we hasten on, for we approach a greater certainty, a firmer purpose and a surer goal.   W-pI.rV.in.1:1-6

This review is framed in the idea that God, Source, is Love and therefore so are we. All we do and experience is imbued with Love. We can never be apart from Love no matter what we do. We can block our awareness of it by denying it, but we can t change it. We can change how we see ourselves by opening our minds to the love within us that we are. We can also change how others see us by being the example of love in this world. When we allow this shift in perception to happen, the world around us is seen and understood differently. Just think what could be possible if we chose to live through the lens of love.

Our mind can be very big distraction to us, wanting to control every little detail we come upon. We  can release our need to control and allow Spirit to lead our way. When we step back and let God lead the way, we open to new horizons and new ways of understanding. Love and peace are woven through all these new perceptions. They bring us comfort. They bring us peace of mind. They show us there is another way of seeing everything. This is what our journey is for, to see a world through the eyes of holiness and recognize the holiness that is all around us.

As we get accustomed to being led by Spirit, we realize we are actually walking side by side with Spirit in perfect holiness. It is suddenly natural and we are at perfect ease with our own holiness, our own completeness and our true being. We are simply laying aside the blocks to our awareness of who we really are. It becomes obvious how silly these blocks were and that they had no real substance at all. Yet we believed them to be real and substantial. As we practice these lessons and review, allow all attachment to limiting thoughts fall away and step into the light of perfect love in which we are created. We find ourselves progressing on our journey home to the awareness of who we really are. We are love just as God is because we are created One with God and cannot be separated from God.

God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

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