A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-2.V The Function of the Miracle Worker

abstract background withe sea sunriseDecember 11, 2012

We continue to look at learning, miracles, and healing.  Since we have adopted the mind set of separation, our error is at the level of our mind, at the level of our thinking.  This is a very important idea to remember.  All learning, correction, and healing we need is at the level of the mind, our thinking, not the physical.  Correction needs to happen at the level it has occurred.  Any attempt to correct at any other level will be at best temporary and ultimately unsuccessful.  Our efforts will be much more productive and successful when directed to the level of the mind where the error occurred in the first place. Anything on the physical level may be used as a learning device, but there can be no error or correction of error at the physical level.


The mind is connected to the spiritual level.  Our right mind is one with Spirit and communicates with Spirit.  Our wrong mind is made up from the idea that we are separate and therefore is not real and cannot communicate with Spirit.  Right-mindedness is always with us.  We cannot change or destroy it.  And it always remains with us waiting for us to recognize that it is there within us.


Only the mind is capable of illumination.  Illumination comes from Spirit which is already illuminated.  All our mind needs to be illuminated with the light of God is the recognition that it is One with Spirit.  This is where correction and healing occur.  Miracles are the change in our thoughts and perception, that shift our thoughts to the awareness of this illumination within us.  Though the body itself cannot be illuminated, it can receive and reflect illumination from the mind and reflect that illumination into the world.  The body is easily brought into alignment with the healed mind when we learn to look beyond it toward the light.  The Course always asks us to look beyond the appearance of everything physical, temporary, and therefore not real to the Light beyond its appearance.  Miracles are the shifts in our perception that allow us to see beyond the appearance of anything we think we see.


The illumination of Spirit is there just beyond waiting for us to recognize it.  Our sight is reborn, born anew.  We once were blind, but now we see!  Release yourself from the captivity of seeing only appearances and let your spiritual vision show you what’s beyond appearance.  You will recognize the Mind of God and your Oneness with it and rejoice in the freedom to be who you really are in every circumstance you encounter in this world.  All error is corrected in the light of Oneness.  Let it be so, and let yourself be free to be.

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