A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM W.pI.215 I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.

August 3, 2021

Lesson 215 –

Review of Lesson 195

I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.

(195) Love is the way I walk in gratitude.

The Holy Spirit is my only Guide. The Holy Spirit walks with me in love. And I give thanks to the Holy Spirit for showing me the way to go.

I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.   W-pI.215.1:1-7

“Love is the way I walk in gratitude,” is the lesson we are reviewing. This lesson exudes a sense of grace and peace for me. The world I see is bound to appear better if I approach it with this attitude. What do we have to be grateful for? We look around at the world we think we see and see so much wrong, so much pain. But are we seeing clearly? Or are we seeing the world incorrectly? What guide are we relying on to show us the way?

Our gratitude will pave the way to the One, and shorten our learning time by more than you could ever dream of. Gratitude goes hand in hand with love, and where one is the other must be found. For gratitude is but an aspect of the Love which is the Source of all creation. The One gives thanks to you, the One Child, for being what you are; the One’s Own completion and the Source of love, along with the One. Your gratitude to the One is one with the One’s to you. For love can walk no road except the way of gratitude, and thus we go who walk the way to the One.   W-pI.195.10:1-6

Who or what do we look to for guidance on our journey home? Many times I find myself fighting whatever I encounter that I don’t like. There are challenges. There are road blocks. Rather than being upset or angry, I could change my mind and be grateful for just a moment. Perhaps there’s a message. Perhaps there’s a signpost I need to see to guide my way. My gratitude allows me to relax just enough to allow peace and love to rise within me and adjust my attitude. My mind sees so much better when I relax into gratitude and the grace that comes with it to guide me.

We never have to travel our path alone. Sometimes it may feel very lonely, but that is due to our closed eyes and mind. Spirit always walks beside us ready to take our hand at any moment we become willing to let go of our denial of who we are and who walks beside us. Yes, Spirit walks beside us always, whether or not we are aware of Its presence. Spirit is never judgmental or cross. Spirit simply walks with us knowing who we are and ready to catch us or pick us up when we fall. When we allow our mind to open just a bit, Spirit reminds us of who we are. In that remembrance is the ancient song of love that is so familiar and reminds us of our home in Oneness. Spirit reminds us of who we really are.

Look ahead. Look beyond the path you think you see to the beauty that lies beyond. This is our destination and it’s already around and within us. Walking in gratitude with love brings the awareness that we are already home to our mind. Let us allow ourselves to see that we are all One. Let us remember our true home in Oneness and be grateful. Let it be so, right now.

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